<br />t
<br />X7!1""'°` ~.~~~~d~
<br />Tp~.~~ ~~~~}
<br />i'FffS'tR4tST 6?EED rhade.th#s, IBth day of DECFER
<br />tai arul between:
<br />(;{~ ~ G7ILLIAht i.. 3I~'ID.AYdD GI.AS$.E 1=,. ~,,1KA C1.t1RA E
<br />,t8 81
<br />EA~fi oTkkttt ~~ EAGP! IN HIS ADiD IiER OWN RIGHT whether erne or more, hePein-
<br />aft+~r called ' ; rustor" whose mai!#ng addr®ss #s + ~ ~ Rr 6880i
<br />(~ TDxid A WL?I~ A'~tx€tNEX AT r a~~ and..
<br />as °'Trustee" whose mail#hg
<br />siddresais_1'a BOX 428, GR.4P,`D ISLAAld2< PtE b8802 and'
<br />~~) ~ ~'ii~sT SAVLhGS corseAl~r
<br />as "Beneflclary'° whose mailing address is
<br />PO ROX 1566, GRAlv73 IS;.AND, ;3E 68802
<br />NPITNES$FTti. Thai Trustor, in cons#derat#on of One flo!!ar ~$t.0(r? and other valuable cons#deratlon receipt
<br />whereof is hereby acknow#edged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, intrust, with power of sate, ttre
<br />fot#oyring descr#bed property, s#tuated in E3ALi. Gaunty, Nebrasks~
<br />Gt3il:tZ'Y, "tF.BRi1SiA
<br />Ttte:#ntsntion being to convey. hereby In absolute tide In fee slmpie, including a!i the rights of homestead and
<br />eforrar togs#her whit afl butidings, flttfures, improvements and appurtenances thereunto beianging; and aEi ofi the
<br />forsQoing, togetherwltlt said property are herein referred Eo as the "Property:"'
<br />~~ ~~ Pt1R1'aI~SE t3F SEC11R#IVG pe~~G~~t~,fS$AND ~ d covenant of Truster herein. contained
<br />artd the#uy~artt of tt~ pr#ncspa#sum of Ste. ~ ***8 1.74:.25********~** ),
<br />ae evidenced by a promisaory note bear#ng even date e a ra e5 4 - nteresf t~tereon whictf may hereafter be {bald
<br />ar advanced unc~r the terms of this Trust Deem; both principa# sum and tntarestthereon being payable aocordfng
<br />to terms set forth to satd promissory note, referenge tc whtct: is beret>y made, at the office of the 8eneflciary or at
<br />3uth other piece ice-the ftt+#der may designate }n writing, the f#na! paymend of principatand interest, #t hot sooner
<br />paid, 8hail bedtre amt payable on the_ J 8th day of, 3J~iE , ~9 87
<br />Truster and Beres#iciary covenant acrd agree as follows:
<br />r-ytywanhMituw...,a:w arwlysuw~_rshr Q!.ui1@tlsYt±Cna ycwerrp+u e.:e
<br />:artui aumu.r H+. ac+a !cnvxq :na tvcoa y;:^a l~rzastry ulawa+iozlaa ..!a::
<br />r!!+f ana aluurTrGaM1:aa a><rept l:es.a cur » •np Te>~atir!k rrErrani arty
<br />i+aMad !Ira i-fY .c inn PrcfpertY 1'rtfJ ?i6 T iM ~~ti: yE i~gl4fil am 33f.yi*!
<br />'Weyer. apasr,m zne _raffno tit a:, Paris+~_ Tr„F)s, a! uasapepsas vent tAel:r=stn nr.1
<br />-pa~w,v ce>. uen v7 n;:b bia: G~ as a nn. ~~.. ~.,e >•=:,%tampenyevhta~s ~. ;r,
<br />entxmxuu+caa abat~y as u; frM das>x rurxK. ,~;:+ ca=~n zero ~tuait7a~e,arfe aa:.n
<br />_ aaw.m,yai: aupfrMa,artl n+r ao:.F:~lxc vra.~«yey aa. aerpigaryp:oi ;r.a
<br />ruv PrspFery .>x~na~uua. a a.~ct puce. rrn .::l lak°..s¢wtitptlle+acexx-~ae
<br />is t.'at' ap+rlton l ~. sCFF ?~ 1 'N Ht) rr~ ~ _ .r..v.nr
<br />.M1a'faCi. 1}rynWSi+#C~/'~Irtcl R _ .x 'ytwBtaw matWrfN
<br />lines is C!Ma ampnH~! Gs w .»e•rwf~ ~ ' ~~• E Ra #f# #ama `>*EY Wt itttin
<br />Z, i'l~lneMM~ai aEi MYMrf."'~k[aa'WI L.rAGiul ]fY py°:taBbgaKtR+~at.
<br />1're urM.wt or. aaMT Q!M'hax~fq tnou .riicviiop SHY tz+sa99 as pYJrnBB~p
<br />'cabs an rha.yataa ern a+ cr» p+~cE a?e r. rti ,-mr+ner'armm?aae iher+im crW ri#
<br />:'WYictkrat,y Pa~"A.tn Fla aOrs.r+an(a. Ci1MHf(m] a9p Papytalprge yP ahlr Cit111haeipl8it+r
<br />gee"u~artw~:n1^o.~nechart.,Fltr t/.ns'.a:aacl,aa.
<br />3 Haerwrtr ar Ye4l.wnsa of . ~--~, ; -„ato.~ +i# .mt cammtt anr:+rssta
<br />i;CiRO Hta frYyQFS"tY evf4 >rv! c i`iSMF . is .Y Y.MF1`.. hlQO9y-Wq'~afitl
<br />a a ~- nrll miW_ r - _ r+'S, +'Y'~MLk1. fMA<FC4rrNntS.
<br />aMit%`Aa afE1 i3i1T.{jYa(rW( h h .ire iW ry~'a+F.. StT. RSayapr weans,
<br />ui'+I~er: ar natarytaF;pG M uwt '+~:+vr. ~m^A:n pmt nm+W
<br />r~t~Fae araetel.:.mr. rw Pttrpa• ~ a ~ a;. uc. 'srzzpyeda
<br />•HdlgiRtlri GChY Miirt!.+:9rTInt 9'liiRrWfti;~#'Y_
<br />DeyA b Mp~e~-fl C~Me >i iF'.'i;n YtFy i , of l1e- t~ l4n SY. CM DCY~'hfiW~+e.
<br />ampb,prpery, '+xacr+ ~ [ vagrsY is G 4 t MrbF eM Atl1f~f
<br />NLt~ Ara) :> . F4 '^S,.Tan ~ f D t Y .tl+t !.lli ifW
<br />++Yw`!k. viNf Z L'rn49 1 of epF....r_+l,x. l ~ f1 nFi.%V a3
<br />raayyFgF rC rtFf~an¢!tWn rf'>nt~l¢m ,. ?tom Cr 'iej ~ftkyv#AKih
<br />Ml+sf CtWfaei nh} e4Mat~e 1:- ....ah
<br />:'.l'cyaE an¢ af~rx{~o~.'h G ~ ~. :m4' 4fn '. tlir~ty I xtv6h
<br />~'+"~'•Os.. ~'><P"~~^IFw!a sa? 9~4noa1~ t e,' ..
<br />G ie 1
<br />re J+-Ual..uQe Yt, rt~FtlVGt!d1 M a>s1 `e .. •Mtl i rSCU rn
<br />?al+sMrne: a. cv4m .., Ina: qcF ,c,v~w, e.Ct.,i~c.m~w G-n n9rw
<br />!+-a~e+enr y ~ mraar s„e.' ,pe,'n*ea .. ~nr w x c rr.:,,_.,,
<br />5. CIYRAM T+raFlef •:~ .x.ceyil.y. t .
<br />`I°aFeKr5e4.i l+.^tJrW56 ~f-AlimCa, -~A ~,v~H_ '--K:d.>.-4~n .+rn ,a+n3. CNMi1r
<br />~s~T+~ w ::N v
<br />..;p ~ __. ._ ~ of
<br />Fens,#t'~~r~ ` ,. Y rt « ....
<br />reapa.C".iYa 1)aRBae: Aft-h58yPfRCe taOiKlrtB-thatytakMd FUfbUayt. M iriPB.TNbf C1eey.
<br />8C11i Hems Truateesost 6BrDeCYC{~' aY lflaerWa;: as CS1NC Yeepeotlga 4nt0rB'Keefay
<br />appear, av! ¢[wede Ci<Ai tfxerE shack fro ero cancE3tafFOn ors re:t#NieafiiY~, witlsquC
<br />f#war ~~+f~CS+or wrimrtmOtRriGasinnto 7rnttgayRy getyf+c,Fery. In the eram[ary
<br />P°NiC+"•aramxisr s:npY repewaC": Wf M.EIGxafillaen yaYaprfor:ly i78 Mfpkalliyp
<br />deSO.. in,.gi,ee pr f3tra+ePlcsry rtMY.MaC9re EllCti.tryyraaCtr anythe coot ihMepf ahalF.
<br />tar.ac~tia ^0 fly iOaA:EaGWEA HY kM1ta Trani r 'ah0 d1a#9.. t588r rhtnraet 9B'iM
<br />pren~ral r^ mierost taEe tprecilley:8rlarap m the hlgMat mtereat rats auipypze8.
<br />bY'+`e savratrF fzisSfzktaof itap[aesa, irvecpryaarl-6eS6ger'ta rlepeSM,taty Ste erpinsf
<br />~IiGMa 6t ytfpHapCE. cliff #EalWa6l ilYerep3: W rniN.hp COptpe-yf apClt poNC'aE. ant
<br />sahealais tltaMa£ Caeuea W rumiap #nF1r<Fnea bq'?r*ralar, orrarrE+gaiE as raV+ryaa
<br />4+Xev+Mei Ehaia, gt3tte--o¢ti<tp fpi' getret(cliry; ~OfIbi4C{5te & klefaUfi_: A41A ffrta ltrMM
<br />..'rerAaixpa erg nerg{y9l H;el4[y¢ 2a TtuLCee ie ddtlitdON:- MC+irftY any a'aafa:enC
<br />C~.!iMEyanpq 9t .t1aPryIIaJlSr 33q illlq 7nratM:anatl Open#Ca ip CppVey ip iLe jtiirOhJW V
<br />iha 7n;b::.x s'rt+ars.t ~art~:~o9{t pp7sLtiea of ~neuraprgpWHt the TruaiPro{+erFy_
<br />1. iiiFJ liAtl-JyaEar.,MAM. Fr~atyr ah0lt {bq sit :a%bf~ Er1d ei19CYat: aaseeslneata
<br />'oviH ~ iS3hs3oct eiia~`15'. C RICO-~ i^! P' ;~~r!. y i)af ~J'E deiirxNaflCyr arty will.
<br />tS '~vPr ;p ~?iWlt'CiBZi ~ u' 1.: -9ntrur~~ M1aY'rN¢ni..Q{. stN:h. i-~ila. acid
<br />at+eG,s~as. .. a. It at- ~:/eei f:..ICta. 0.9rtlea iha%[timra 6+sa31
<br />hs ~»~M _ paYmel+tn= V r .~ fNn ~.e1+'r herapraar aCarJSyunt
<br />F. z.1 C ~ .. ~ CEY ¢bt 9tJ yaYa
<br />iY ?hl t P 4!".SS V C,i..p t Cr1fi Bee agaltrit iha
<br />Fro ri ao i~l« uses,. .[l.'ux.cpur•,. of ,r~dahC Ar
<br />th'. ••.:~ - _ 4 ! ,. n f f~'.emfV.i~.a fanGdveQyptMd t0 b@
<br />F#OV :8.~' - 33[ I ,~payani f £f4gtiv t
<br />lEtdRa~l If '.ata!9, 1fUaipt i t:Ve~ 'p j(: rt
<br />wltl. • . n .Yale a h
<br />niEaR ry 'J ma :: E. K~rrGy ir. l.'w
<br />ay+ -,IS+. ,~ ,nD nV'fsC tFt&t S.'a_
<br />$ A~da!erm LI v
<br />paYn ~ ar ~ } p ttr M:tpa!. at~y
<br />C
<br />~ ME.. ,! tN M I;YJ Cra 43LU. arty
<br />q-tlrty, Fi., 6Q~t •G ~. 3+zy C~ _ .+eO AlniOxCFaW
<br />., t y .v~96rpMn b n ~~ is iFeV arA YC C':c t d~:~ :~ i.9Y 9R1' WMM
<br />i myi~i. outliCiias P ryc~,l+Ap .:~q'yit`.
<br />9 Pn+eFrYMrt or 8.anbtMary'a 3"ecrl!,. ~ -. ... x : Nr+'nMi.
<br />ii+u r ~
<br />a,
<br />