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<br />S'XSIHFt" °"A° - ASSTGAYMENT OF REAI, ESTATE Pt7F~HASE CONT4ACT <br />A. E, Sac_hman and Max R. Bachman dba Bachman <br />Cattle Co. <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter of the <br />karthwest Quaarter (NrT~tNw!~i) of Section one {1) , Township Twelve <br />€g2) North, Range Ten (i0) west of the 6th P.M. in Hall Ca-:inty, <br />Nebraska, more gartcularly described as folk.-•s: <br />3a1^xnnq at *.-~e northwest corr<er of laic: :9ecti.on One (iD , thence <br />easterly along the north lisle o€ said. Section one (1); a distance <br />of Eg3st Hundred Seventy-Five and Sixty-Six Hundredths (875.65) <br />feet.; thence deflecting right 87°ll"50" and running southerly, a <br />distance of Five Hundred Thirteen (513.0) feet; thence deflecting <br />rigkzt 35020' and running westerly, a distance of Four tiiusidred <br />Seventy-One and Seventy-Five Hundredths (471.75D feet; thence de- <br />flecting left 32023'40" and running sout2terl.y, a distance or <br />Seven Heusdred Eight and Eighty-Seven Hundredths 0706.87) feet, to <br />a paint on the south line of said Narth•,aest Quarter of the North- <br />?~?4..4~. cy,uartcr is w'ariav'3i) , - sc.c i,FcSterir ala^. S02Ith 7._ne of <br />the Northwest Quarter of Attie North~st Quarter (Nw5[Nw~t) , a dis- <br />tance aE Faun Hundred Twenty-Nine and Seven 'Penths (423.7j feet <br />to the west line of said Section one (2D; thence northerly along <br />the aaest laic o£ said Section One (i), a distance of Ore Thousand <br />Two Hundred One and Twenty-~Jne Hundredths (1,201.21) feet to the <br />place of :seginring znd 17..124 acres more or 3ess. (A <br />gLat grep.:red by Charles B. Beer tieing attached hereto and made a <br />part of this Agreement as t2tough fully set forth herein.) <br />