<br />~~---ti~~i~~~~
<br />That I/we Delmar L. Garrtlts slid IK~".a A. Gax'z'elt's ©£ R.E',D. 1t3,
<br />Ftuestc:x' Iake, Graff Island Nebraska , I}ECfIOR(S1 , and She E4'°uita,`)Le
<br />8:::ld:inc~ and Loan Assxiation o£ Grand .Island,;: Nebraska, SECUf2r."`l. Y~i-.I'Y, cio ty
<br />- t};FSi? c-.~.°SE'II~.S dQt"_? .^..=~ :f4ll~irs.
<br />_. I73e x'irtclnCit"tq StatstL given by tY`,e Debt~rrs) to tl~ S~:red
<br />AFi,°ty ,.ender date t~F f]~x-anhcsr ?~. 29~i: which or
<br />ttr_' cia`e „" _ rte.- ate, , 13..x, was filet'. in the
<br />of`zce o rte '`:,~~ '_}' C •rk Jf Ha11 Ccx:nty> Neb .~.ska, bEarzrn~ Lsa-
<br />cOrd~.n.? '`IJ. B 13 ,:. $Sld !~1 t~ date of ~~ ~~_r
<br />19~'/ ~~~,,>_s E~c ~r~=e._? i:T the. o£fi~e of the Register cf ~c~.s o~
<br />ilai~ T•~ i^ty, .._nr~s;~a, beaz'it~r I)cz;em~etit Nth. ~~ ~~G ~'-=~~'~ -
<br />.12~F?t7': ,-,•it;-."[?~;? :~17d ~Kt#_'I'1dE'~: ~T.LIE3: Ci>I.S d3~'.
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<br />ra*~-~~ Dec~~r 23~~, 13 76 , 3n the ori~,irai a~vnt of
<br />1 0.00 ~;:i t.te prc'Nr?rty gxveri as secu~~t~,' is a ~ire.llu*.g
<br />1a _dx,g, txFth~r wit:^. ai i wpils, exit-~si.dngs, atctxrit.7lts, and
<br />ZiT,' "_ci 6~71?1~'u'.']t, i<:?:'1*_.Cu.~ fX'1
<br />Lot Seven*_e~en ! 1.? , iraviszcl a lam frtutt fCJOt~ge of
<br />One Huntic~Ki Ten Feet t llfl`} . sitttat~d tm the- i~es't
<br />side of tix: Fast potion cf huestPr Z~ce, srxi being:
<br />on a part' of tYxa E~SW~ i_n Section. 'I?hirteexf {i3) ,
<br />TY~wt151tiR 5:12rett (113 Nc2 u'~t, Range 2~1121e (9?:r Vi6s~ Of
<br />ttlE'- fs t:] P.M. f. Yl i~tll ~::OU.'tty, ~?E:'.1`r15.iCat..
<br />k~T"..Y.? ~.klls _.,-~3Td _ !<i',.' ::f ttY~Z' r. 1-~._~.~.~'
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<br />a :aot~v PCtJxic; ~.~i :hat: „n;I for sa.~~[~ c~+n _~, pL: ;c''ltaiiy e~-e mar f.. _..!
<br />C'~alse~ts drx3 :$ccia A~ Gdr~elt`z --t
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<br />.~' ~.:`i:>4 are Wff::t~i tc> .~~.e forNcc;nc, a:ac *}y~y ac#utc~.lc~c~~ G'~r_• ~~::,_~cirr
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