,: _._.
<br />.iC~'T L'tP' Pt~SGA~ - Corporatiaan
<br />ALL l~+1 BX ~B'l~E PBESFS, 'ghat ~xperior Mortgagr$, 7xsc. s corporation,
<br />the g~aa:ty of t2se first-paC, in coassideration of the sum of Forty nine thousand two
<br />insntir:~cl fift; and< Ndf1Ui~°----°-t3o3.2ars lawfrut money of the United States of America,
<br />io it: in Haasu :paid by SANCA E~R3GALaE G`!AEtY, P. CS. Brix 7Nm, Y7atearloo, Iowa. 50704.
<br />m CQ3:poratiaaF t3se .Party of tixe second psrt, at or before the ensealing and
<br />delierery of t!sese presents, receipt wherecsf is hereby scicnawledgsd, has:: granted,
<br />bargEiined, sold, assigned, transferred,, said set over, and, by these presents, does
<br />grant, bargain,. ars12 assign, transfer, transferred, and set over, unto the said::
<br />party of tzse aeeaaad party its successors and assigns, s certain ZNLSENT[8tE OP'
<br />~lDRTG~, Hearing date 17th. of tRCenber , 19 92 , Recaraed:
<br />~7ocun~ent. ~ 81~fl061~1 , of the Mortgage Records of Hall Oouasty,
<br />Nebraska sand made by Earl J. Hardy and Linda R. Hardy, Husband and wife to
<br />Sdpc~^ior ~lnrtgage, Ina. and alI its rsght, title sad interest to the prea~a.ses
<br />therein descriiaed, as fellows, to-brit:
<br />~e Sautherly (he hundred tweasty ;12 0 P feet of Lat Seventeen f 17 4 ,
<br />Nottingham Estates Subdivision,xn the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Netsrsska
<br />Together wins: the note tiserein described, and the money dsse or to became due
<br />t^.E3'e'.Jld~.L'', iaL~lsa~7'iX#g ia,&ter+~€ttt thes:e~i, 'ate nti~ iet~v ."1S" a0a'a, t~.3 ~3.^SW Fa+~Tr!±e
<br />said gamy of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, subject only
<br />to the provisions gzf said IAL[SENE OF IiiR°PGAGE therein contained.
<br />~Rusd:-the patty of" the first part does hereby snake, canstitsate and ap_aoant
<br />tine said party of the eascoaad part. its true sad lawful attorney, irrevocable.,.
<br />in its nose, ar atiaerwi~e, bat at their own proper costs and charges, to haver.
<br />u:xe, a.nd talae all lairful ways asagl mans for the recovery of tine said mosey
<br />and interest, aaad,, itt cases of paymexst, to disch~ rqe the ssfnlEa ss the gaFty of
<br />the :irat part adgist, or saoasld da?, if these presents mere not made..
<br />ZiF W2fiiIESB 4~EflF, Superior Mortgage, Ync. a carpg>ratian of the 5tste of
<br />Nebraska has caused this Assicyamert of Mortgage to be executed by its Fresislent
<br />and attested by its vine.~esident sari its ebapa~rate Seal.. to be hereuntgs affix
<br />tlYe l$th dsg~ of i~ce~saber in the. year l9 Sl ,
<br />5TJ8E$1C~2 Af:~i'Yt^,Nv'a s YAiC.
<br />Sy:
<br />:''James S Reed; Pre~.ident
<br />n``,y
<br />e:°'
<br />Attest: S ----~ ~+'~
<br />R. S. Gancsster, vice President
<br />State cnf vebraska k
<br />ss,
<br />County of F~ 11 I
<br />On this i stn Say opt Faeceaatber , l9 8l ,before me, a Notary.
<br />2ublic, dsly camissicxssd sad qualifzc3 in sad. far- said Coeuaty sad State,. Persemalky
<br />cast the above naaaed .Tosses Se Reed, Yre5i3ant, and R. S. Lancaster, vice President.,:
<br />arC the :isprsrior llkortgage, Inc. why, acre personally knonras to aear3 to be the.
<br />identi~l Feracane whose narees are affixed to the above assigrsaaent of Mortgage
<br />ae kixa President and pica 2reuid$;nt. of aai.d Ciarparstian, and. they acknowledged
<br />the issata-aseext tga be their voluntary act sad deed:, and<the vpluntary sot and'deed of
<br />the amid IIsrporation_
<br />xZ;~.SS ~y Haazd and official seal, in Gcaa3 Zs3aknd, in sn:id Cousaty, tine
<br />data az`arvasaaid. r""~1
<br />,~I~Ntaw~sr-srn„e+w,ro ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~
<br />.,
<br />~, :~r
<br />~i ~a. Reli~'AT r
<br />Mk ~. We Wb Z» iii ~...:.. ..._ ' ~-,.'.. .~: ` :..~ , f
<br />_. . ~ t:.
<br />Rsblic
<br />)sy ;taawi~ffii~ta szxp.i_tert: A~~*. lr l9$~
<br />fiucc G~z: 'ii~axeric~: ~dn'tg+, Ync,
<br />P E7 Cana 1& $
<br />r, ratiz~ ~s l + ~ffiHOl
<br />