<br />a
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<br />S~ss1~ t)F TG Cozgoration
<br />R~iW ALL it 81°' T~tSSE PRES~rSs Y!'sat 5ligerior g~oxtgage, Soc. a aorparatan,
<br />F i£ty seven tlaausand three
<br />tlhee Farty of the first part. in esynsideration of the suw of
<br />?~ndred .iffy.. and Na/10.0 pollars ~ saaney of the United States of America,
<br />' tsa At izs tsaind p~:i.~ by H71NGd Ifi~RfiGAt~ t2kN7ts P. C. Hox 78bs Waterloo, Iowa,. 5b?04
<br />a Corporataas, the party of the se~~nd part, at or before the exnseaing and.
<br />eLalisrezy of these presents, receipt whereof is herek~y acknawledged. has granted,
<br />_ bartyataned, sold, ass3:g~ed. transferred. and set over, and., by these presents, does:
<br />grant, bnrgaisss sail, assign, transfer, transferred, and set over, unto the. said
<br />panty. of the seccmd gait, its srsecaessors assd assigns, a certain INDFN7.Sd2II OF
<br />!lC~TGFi~B, eeariag date i?th of i)eecemLier , ~,g Bl , Recorded
<br />of the Ausrtgage Records o= Hall floxustys
<br />pocement * 81-Q061$2
<br />~7ebraska and snide by Earl J. Hardy and Iinda R. Hardy, husband and wife to
<br />Superior ~lor°tgages Zinc. and all its right, title and interest to the preurises
<br />therein ascribed, as follows, to-wit:
<br />The ~utherly the hundred. twenty (120} feet of Lat Eighteen (18}: Nottingham;
<br />Estates 5lbdivisian, in the City of Grand Island,. Nall County, Nebraska
<br />Ttagether with the. note therein described, and the money due or to became: due
<br />theYC'd3nder..,. i~^.IYYl3.:Eg in~~r~8t tiscrEa^.• °S!"' u~V~. ?~1"1~ "~? HOZta. thB saA1P!- llIItO. tP2E
<br />said party of the seccnd part, its successaXS and assigns forever, subject only.
<br />to the provisions of said INDENTE~E OF h[7F[TGAGE theren.cantained.
<br />And the gamy of the first part does hereby make: constitute and appoint
<br />the said party of the ses~nd part, its true and lawful attorney, irrevocable..
<br />in its sname, ox cstbeLw+rise, but at their awn proper casts and chars, to have,
<br />use;, and false all lawful. grays and mssans for the recovery of the said Honey
<br />and interest, and., in case o£ payment, to diy~trarge the same as the party of
<br />the first part sight, or could da, i£ these presents c~vere not made,.
<br />~ggS TF, 5uperar Mortgage,. Ina. a cos:poration of the State of
<br />~Tebraslra has caused this Assigcsmessxt of Mortgage to be ewecute+cl 4sy its President
<br />and. attested. by its V#~: PGesdent and its.E'arporate Seal to be hereunto affixed
<br />the. l8th day I~cr in the year: llt sl
<br />"y ~..= SSSPERI.`~t K1R=E~GAt'~ , ZA3C .
<br />rye,. _ ' "
<br />(;!r> Eys C
<br />~ t-*'s ~
<br />~, _ ernes S. Reed, Presi t
<br />r ~~~~ ~ ~ ~tte9t: r~~~V^`
<br />o
<br />R . S,. Lancaster, slice. President
<br />State of Neburasska }
<br />sli:.
<br />County of Hill }
<br />C1st L.ltis 18tta dny ~Eiec~ber , lg 83 ,before me, a Notary
<br />Pnhlic, duly coms3.asioned and cpsalfed in and fns said Cbunty and State, Personally
<br />case the ataoe namsxl James S. Recd, President., mil R. S. Lancaster, Vies President,
<br />n£ the Supesl.ar:l4ssrtgage,Ina: who. are personally known to me to be the
<br />isies~t:.cal l~erss~a whaae names. are affixed to the- above assignment of Mortgage
<br />aza t.T'ie President 8~ VSsae President a£ said. Cbrgorati an, and they ackncarledged
<br />the iznatrument to be t3~ix voluntary act and deed., and. the voluntary act asx3 died of
<br />rs;e said O~rpcraLiaa:.
<br />'WT~S u~y hid and aff~leial seal, in GCatu$ Islannd, fYS said d3csnatsty, the
<br />daY.e a£os-s•ua.ie3. _ <. i~
<br />r "~
<br />~ ~~~ k
<br />s~stary ' lilic
<br />~sy Q3msaig~i~1 ~acPises: A~=~~ lr lgSd
<br />tssssa t~s rlosc l+~cttce, Ixnc,
<br />`s? U licz7t l S $
<br />tm~am3 Ys l.o~edr 'its X5801
<br />