<br />82-'UE1518~.' DEED OF TRUST
<br />THlS-DEED OF ~xuST is made this: 6th day of '.December- - ,
<br />14.@2., amongEhc Trustor,. James A:, Atwood"aad- tNUnna.. J Atwood, Hus2land and-Wife
<br />...............:..._....................Lhcrein •'Biumwec"):.........:. ..`.:.. ..'.::..:..
<br />JotrA,, g,. AX.oKnElls. ;attornep : . . . .. . . .. . : . .. . . . ... . : .. . . . ..therein '"fiustec'"); and the- Bticfieiarv.
<br />.Cotmtiercisi :Savitsgs .C~PPdnY. 4~ .G~F'8i~; Island .....:.. . ...:.:......... ~ a corpocatiorc orfitriizucf and
<br />existing under-the laws of..... -:~tebraska <. _ .. . .......:..:.... . ..:.., whose-address is,
<br />.~k2k.N:. Stt~t}>?:{~1,. Grand:Iglard,,,tte.. &8801... ..
<br />. ~ ....... , : - .... fhercin "Li:izeier" ).
<br />Br1RROWE#, in consideration<of zhe indebtedness hrrcin-recitad and-the trust herein crreted trrcvncahly grints
<br />and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale,-the'. following described property located in .the Cqunty ut
<br />.............~1#~...................... ,.State of Nebraskai
<br />Lot Four (4), irz Block Eighty fiwo {82), in tha Original Trnvn;.now City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />which has thr address oI. x}23 W. ,'2nd St_. , Grand 251and. Ne. 68801
<br />~slreelt .... , ......I{i ..... .... .
<br />hrrrtn "Pmprrty Addre,+"t .
<br />slave a.xt Lp Ccwe!
<br />~tN$iN1N +a ah .Itl the •mprcl.emrnt~ otuu +x iecrcetter etczt.•d uu th:; prupurt}. and .lli caa2tnenle, nghF..
<br />appurtcnancas. rrnza rsubtecz howr~~cr to the r+girzt and authan4es green herein to Lcndor la euNect and apply weh
<br />rtnU t. n.~-aittr>, miner rh aii and gas rlghtn and profits, wattr. water nghts, and water stock, end all hxtwcti now ur
<br />hereahct auarheci to 'ht poepeny, .dl qi whtch_ :ncludtng replacrments and additions thrreto. Khali hr ctcetncd Cu h.= -
<br />nnd rcma;n .~ part <,z thr pr<aprrty covered by zhu Eaerd SIC Tl'ust; and all a-f the foregoing, lugrthce wuh saKl prulxrtt
<br />t'cu thr lo~~ctroid r.+t;uc It thl+, t3ccd ~,t T:ust a em ,r lra~~~holdi arc hcrcm micrrcd to as thr "Proper[}-';
<br />'fu Sete: az ::, 1 ~•:~dcr ! l f :hr rrpalment ++t t!te indehicdness , v:denced ny~ Hurrnwer', note dated .12/6182
<br />heron: ' \utr"r a~ the pnnelpai ,am ai :'orb,.-Two .Thqusagd E'lp€ Hundred .."s no/1D0--
<br />.ta} _ 7Lv~,,',Ol - (k>llars. wrth ereterrtit ehcrctrn. pruv+din~ inr nnnuhle mvtallmti-nh
<br />of pnnapai and :lltaue,, h-tih _he tiaGlec.: z,t the :rcdeMcnilxtia_ ak oat xxmez paid, due and pa~ablr +,,n - . -
<br />~~cesn}~eD'. P.. 1?Jfi - . ~hc pa~orcnt of nll other ,um+: wnh micc.•41 thernm, adv,ulcal
<br />- xn a~~-~tdamx tr_rr?~~Ith e~• yxrl:er€t 3C., ~.<rake a, th„ i',e,•d ,yf frr;1:. ctnd the- ,t;rrrrrm~rr~c ri ibe ~nvctl,tnt. ,uui
<br />agrei Mer,ik at Hy"irf0~lir ?Fet n it,.nFa aed;.Ir.I th? !#IC rcpaeneu#a of .lm iutctr adc~aaae~, w~lh -~u v-rr>t thcriz rr~. ~rtadc
<br />tea )~rrs~u~cr by 1_cnd-a {'nueuant as puraNrtph s'T hcrcot i ixrctrl l~laure -A,icnue.-~~`}
<br />liexrnw e, c r::neate that F3Pn,+wrr ;. I,twi wilt ~=. _.r+.t ,-- -~~ .~.+.ui !~. t t} •<'. l rel ':-. ,.,.., ,,~~ht tta a: r,tut _ia.i
<br />~. ~Y.tFr4 i}S Pr+'t}ti rE !'. Mar 1hC I'Fi,+ Itt y~ illte=lC 11 ail iF'S'izJ ,~t?,{ lhdi f(,R r.-.. {~"~
<br />p" ~+ li +i;irC.i^i a lif , 1tflli ~• .=+'r:ltit :h,'
<br />-FtiC te! the 1're>}tcr!... gamb+.tli .;deume „net dr m: alts- ,.,1•{, r. _ .,~1. , : -t e.~t~*.~u, ,na+..,t, .+, -,ar.l - , ,l .rd =., .,
<br />~.ch.'~eiaic =af esc' p#,=,n^. sr, ; v~°ra{;=° .a ,, i.t,_ ~: t. „.., I9• a~, -.:•,u•.~-tt i :n,i.:l - ., l:t ,t ~ ~ {,. ,-+;,~ -.
<br />- .. - ?.. '-_ €rtau.rNi MC tJMnB#Y IN31#UMCNI
<br />