<br />This form is used in connea=
<br />- - tion with mortgages insured
<br />MORTGAGE nnder the ane- to font-family
<br />provisions of -the National
<br />~~ ` ~ V ~ ~ (~ Rousing AcG
<br />F~I~ -20.n.TGAG£: made atwr ereciried this : th day of IIeCember ,A. D.
<br />19 gg .by andherween George V, Person and Delores R. Person; husband slid-tiife
<br />of the Cnunrv of - Hall , and5faie-of-Ne6taska: party of tha firstpart, hereittat[er called
<br />[he Mbngagor. and Superior Mortgage, Zne .
<br />a corporation nrganiied and existing under the Ixws of Nebraska - - - -- - - - -
<br />party of the second part. hereinafter called-the Mortgagee. ~ ~ - - -- - - - - -. - - - -
<br />K'ITNESSETH: That-the said Mangagor-far and in considerationof the sum of -Forty. three thousand nine
<br />hundred and n0/S(?Qths-------------_------.-.-- pollarsfE 43,90p.00----->~paidby4heMort-
<br />gagee. the- receipt of which is hereby acknowledged.: ~haa: Granted and Sold -aitd by these ptnaents~~does Craaf,, Bat
<br />gain. Sell: Convey and Canfirm unto the Mongagee: -its stiecessois and aasi$ns, ,forever, the follbwingrdescribed-
<br />real estate. sintated-in the bounty of - -gall - --, and SEate
<br />of Nebraska. town: ~ - - - ~ -
<br />Lot Eighteen (18), Block Two (2) in Meves First
<br />Addition, an Addition to the city..af .Grand Zsland,,
<br />Mall County, Nebraska.
<br />;,F the isth frtncipaf Meridian, eontw,ning inatl - noes-according tn-Govern-- - -
<br />nteni .un'rv: - - - -
<br />!~i) W:1ij fi .lNft Tt~t tlt)t.D She prcmisr, :rhave drscribrd, :t ittt all ihz spptutenancas thereanut-belonging and-including
<br />aH hr.etinp_ptumhing and tichung fixture, =n.i ryuip:;rrnt nuw +.r hrrtafter attaehad Rt rtr need in evnneetiiin_witit said teafestate, _ -
<br />untt+!tre ifortga,gr ~md r, nx u x<,ar and .aigne t river Thr aft±rtgaRnr represents a+, and covenant=s iJitti, the Mortga= _
<br />gee, that the ~4ext~~rg~r ha> a rr,rt >=~afit t .-1! ana t,nxri° .:rr.i r remisrst that-they are free from-ettcumt+rance: and that the --
<br />Mortgager a iftwarrant :md drfznd the ",me ag:+rnu [Ize tnwful claims of u}i-persons whomsoever; and the.satd-Mortgegorhere- -
<br />ht r!ingeishr-, alt nsht, ~t homr,tend. ~r:d aft marttaf rSghts_ eithrr is law ur roequity. end utl other coutirtgcnt interests of the -- -
<br />~iorieag;>r m anu to thr at=..ceYie,cnhed prcati>r~. the ~nicniioa hetng u> canvrc htrrht• an atxroiute title, in fee simple. %nraud- -
<br />~r~>; aii rtghte-,+i tt tmeserad_ sun ether n>;hts ar, d intrrest~ a~ aforrrttd. - - -
<br />I'RitFIDEllat_A~'A~'S.:mJthz,rprr.ent,arrrxel:,aerl.+nddc:hvzrednponthefotlrtwrnt;arnditiarts,tuwif: -
<br />Itte it oriaaKnr ::+grrrs !+~ ~ a>- t++ the ~iw tga~rc_ „r ~?alrr, thr principal cunt of Fb rty three thousand- Witte
<br />hundred and no1100ths---------------------------1Hril:rat~43,9QQ.f70------------------f.
<br />stth uttrrcst turn ~ialc „~uh-r rat-r =~t -`tbte3vn- per .znmm f -12- - ~ t per annum nn
<br />the nnpatd hai:uur nntri pard. fhe,atd nnncrpuLma mterr,t ,hall he prrv:a,le at the office of Superior Mortgage, Lnc,
<br />is Grand Zsland, ~ebrasiea irrrrtsuchotherptaceaetheholdernf
<br />tlhnotetx'utv.ir.t,Enatetnunneg.sn;ronthl} ur.tsihurut,.'t 'r'>aur aundred fifty ane and Sb110Ut~is-----
<br />________________________________k,iS,u<~. -t- 5 i,curnutencutgont efirstdaYof
<br />~ebruarv i`t g3 . fiu7 ~,ii~iv~~t day 4,i car~munih tTiereaCter nmil thr principttl and in-
<br />trrr,t .,ire iu}I; n:ud, _•v.:rp+ th,a ihr riaat i~a)mrnt ,~.f >`nnrtp.d aril :nietr,t, d oot .or>ner paid. ,haU br dur and
<br />e;,rni~}r on the nr~t dac+,i tanuar~. ?i313 ..rtlar:cndinetothe trrm> of s certain promts-
<br />aw;~ :o,:ic r~,i c~rn.kate'trv:w nh r nc~utr31,~- :nr ,.rrd \L~rtpukns
<br />br b4=etguevr±n n[~ter sat+rrr ,ati~ to prairc! the ,eCUntF st thi, Ahxtgagr. :,>zrer.:
<br />,ha! i><a r ;~ 3rye `,oar breUnr-,. a~ hrrrmiaa vrr ,nn- -r ~ err. ?'rniker is rr~rt~2d tc, pay' rlx-debt-nrwnoi€~, ca to an
<br />.r;n,,=untr-yn,ti tr. n ~!evtr n+entni. pa, mrrus ..,t [fir ~nn~tp,rt sn:rt .:rz nrs(.tu~ ,nt thr ,t<qr. ,gin ihr-hrst da~^ of an>°manth
<br />tvrtakY fr, .*tgitlr+P T- }tint Ic1cYi, h r',: CC r/ t h,17 LL titti"r1 ,ISrnl'r i~t', :trl rn lrnlWn i' Nst;tt;E±c' +Ut`h pf 1,'iiCtr ~, t;Irrr1 ni (t'a~l Iltlrll-t ill)
<br />...... ~ ,.. ,- r i...xLSit -
<br />- I??at ?+~krthet °n nh. ,rr,d m. ,al.huuc tv, tftr raatnthEt ~ yt~nr m, .~1 prnhtiraf and mtrrr~t ;+ay°uhle Bonder thr trans +,f ttrr
<br />~.+te -, ouard itrrrbk-.:he ~~t i.rt~a},vt v!(t n~.<i- kr otx~ `t irt~a~rc. on thr str=t ~7~-p - ; e„rlt ntoruh unni thr .:rif3 note is tulle p;,id. the
<br />X31 i.,~: ~.~F,-,l .s _..Kt - i~:a~+'31;C fill SIZVc,1G., ir't~,"i!F Ntt# '~!$?~[r ::= }~3\ ~:IS' Iii"1t [, Ii.,14YA}~L i4 ?ll rJ~~-~ ,--_~I-13:tt ;d ttli~
<br />,. _.-.. {t ,., '..-.c= C.t -,i K-+,i,l tt, t;--i ,;. ti51+1.1 .1 =:lf_riF nit -"~I*1 '+l ,`!f°il ~... .i F-F. ~T'1NAE i%r~(tGJYt ~= t~"Y°
<br />a.nt -ta ,- ..- ~. ~'4 ~_ ?.Ir` 11-. tit? ~.4y ,f tk'= +'}~4+M`.5
<br />-. ., ~_ .f - > > _ .. ~u.:, .tc .,, . x o, ,.r+e at-t .i^xs ,na ,.~rrt• ~..-. ,- a t_ - rrn ,.r src, z~tt±.:ru . -.s ..e r=!+•
<br />~ ..i. , + ~,a }t .f It r 3-i'-K x..--: -,rS ,!. i. u~iT _ "9S, -~.. t, _,R..:.]t n.;i.t ,i ,i a i, ~ttt[, ~ , ,+ . --f,lb.y ;Fy4. -
<br />r...a ,.. :#.,. .µ ~ vV S,,, ..nkv . - t,. e - ._f.~e ~ 1'.6-owe s~ i. - --
<br />