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<br />82 -t3 0517 <br />PARTIAL RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE <br />KNOW ALL 'iEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned, Carl <br />McCullough and Ivaloo McCullough, of Hall County, Nebraska, the <br />mortgagees in the mortgage dated December 1, 1977, made and executed. <br />by Richard L. Geist and Harbara D. Geist, husband and wife, and <br />Rudolf F. PLate and Jeannice R. PLate, as Mortgagors, to the under- <br />signed. as Mortgagees and recorded in-the office of the Register of <br />Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, and entered as. Document No. 77-006975,. <br />is, as to so much of the property as is now platted-as Lots Twenty- <br />eight (i9), Twenty-nine {~4), Thirty (30), Thirty-one. (31), Thirty- <br />two {32), Thirty-three (33), Thirty-four (34), Forty-six (A6) and <br />fiorty-seven i47), Westwood Park Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />and being a part of the real estate described in said mortgage., fully <br />paid, satisfied, released and discharged. This release is given on the <br />express terms and condition that it shall ir, no wise affect the <br />lien of the above described mortgage on-the remaining land described <br />in saki mortgage, but shall only be construed as a release from the <br />lien of said mortgage ~f that portion as is herein specifically de- <br />SCr17~eL1. <br />Dated this day ot -~..~~- ?~ <br />^drl McCullough ~~~ ~~~~~~~ `- <br />! / <br />Ivalvo~McCullough ~~' <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />) ss: <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />- On this - day of _ ~_~;~, _. 19x =„` before me, a Notary <br />Public-duly commissioned, personally came Cari McCullough and Ivaloo <br />McCullough, husbana and wife, who executed the above relase and <br />aelen<awledged said execution as their individually voluntary act and <br />deed: <br />WITi~E3S my hand and seal at Grand Island, NE in said. County, the <br />day azad year. last ai~ove written. <br /> <br />