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.... <br />82--1)05170 <br />PARTIAL RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned, marl <br />McCullough and Ivaloo McCullough, of Hall County, Nebraska, the <br />mortgagees in the mortgage dated December 1, 1977, made and executed <br />by Richard L. Geist and Barbara D. Geist, husband and wife, and <br />Rudolf F. Plate and Jeanrice R. Plate, as Mortgagors, to the under- <br />signed as Mortgagees and recorded in the office of the Register of <br />Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, and entered as Document No. 77-006975, <br />is, as to so much of the property as is now platted as Lots One (1), <br />Two (2), Thtee C3), Four (~}, Five (5), Six C6}, Seven (7), Eight (8), <br />Qtt3LcX2XX~C~XX3CS'X-XX$%~) Twenty-ene ( 21 } Twenty-two ( 2 2) , Twenty- <br />three (23}, Twer.ry_four (~»), Twenty-five C'5), Twenty-six (25), <br />Twenty-seven C~7) and 'TMaenty-eicht (28}, Westwood Park Second Sub- <br />division, Hall County, ;Nebraska and being a part of the real estate de- <br />scribed ir, said :aortgage, fully paid, satisfied, released and dis- <br />charged. This release is :_iver_ on the express terms and condition that <br />it shall in no ruse affect the lien of the above described mortgage <br />on *_he remaining lard described in said :aortgage, but shall eniy be <br />construed as ,, release ~ro~n t';e lien of said r:~nrtgage of that por- <br />tior. as is herein specifically descr*_bed. <br />Dated this_y ay of 19 ` <br />R~? <br />7~ _.,,• <br />j,, 1 t,~`'' _._._ <br />i.ar1 McCullough <br />Ivaloo McCullough <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />} gc: <br />COUNTY of HALL ) <br />On this day of ~_.,:..~3s~, 1°_~~, before me, a Notary <br />Public duly comcniss,iored, personally came ~,^a r1 Mc<:uliough and Ivalc:o <br />N1et''131ough, husband and wife; who executed the above: release and <br />ackn~Mlsclged said execution as their voluntary act and <br />a'eedT: <br />WITNESS my hand and sea]. at Grard Island, NE zn said County, <br />-the day and year last abavc writr_en. <br />i1IIM1ealGhrh ,'Notary Pub! ,_, _ .,•_.._~_.-.~_.~ _ <br />AlRil~ <br />.~.~ <br />exPire;s: ~ .` <br />