<br />82-- (1Q516~.
<br />F.~TlIIv7CL rVfi lutZFt.SICXv' ~:' F'_'_:~YiJC:L~K'i STATPiff3<I`P
<br />:CFVCS.~i AL:, ps,Fy 3Y ^_liESF ?i:'t"~E•I`I5:
<br />That IJwe :V. David Connell and Crvs*~i S'. Connell, usba.nd and wife, of
<br />Ruester Lake, R..D. ~3, Hal: Count•;~+ Nebraska D£'3'IC)R(S?, and The Ecrsitable
<br />St.ilding aid iA3r: Assn iatic,~ of Gra^.d Lslas;c, P:ebr<~ska, SEL'tIZ?ED ?11RTY, do 6y
<br />uhese prese.^,ts „'c~e as ollows:
<br />,. T;ze r"ir;a:.ci^.~ :,t?tA~~t 5iven by `ce ~ctor!s) ~^ the Secured
<br />Party :~^der crate oP rQ,-~;,t~r 7, i9_Z? _, which on
<br />tre :ate of ~e~rwer l3i .9 7; w„s hied- in tt:e
<br />..~~..~e a: -`.e cu-:t_r Clerk o` :iail C~u:ty, Nebraska, }.~earing re-
<br />~ordiny :aa. 8039 nC she ...ate of DecemCer '7,
<br />19 82 ,Jas _c~vr ~.. ~n ~e u_°i~e of t=,~. egister of I~csyof~
<br />- ?iai_ .~._.v.`it}`, :d4 v,.r„-; ix'n_°..:?^y I.GC.~.'~.t.;`:G. ~01 -C,~L>J'-%trD[7 /~.d
<br />i5 ;:ere _ ..tw:v ~..... ,._.+.~..,.... `=4i? _.is _.a tom.
<br />2. S=:~h p.^:..._n < 'v~.._~.,,;i*_ seL°uri.s ain~ ; . _.t tte Secured Pa_'t}•
<br />Stec ;F,,.,,,,,~„~_r :9 ... W:e oriyiral arrxxnt cr
<br />a' S8LOOO.OJ _.^d ~..~ vi~a_r_ y:<.-ec; =ss .~'~:;:riLy `s a ~'a.~'ll?ng
<br />_~_iding, :.ye~.er -.~_. ~__ ..~__ _-e u;alc:i ~>, at±zzch~~nts, and
<br />iAts one t i) ; T:,+c i'? arx3 `~~e<: f 3? , Koester Lance,
<br />yiest side ~_ tre ;~st _;:ke, ii: Secti:x; '~i~teen (137
<br />'P:~«n:ship. Sle=re.^. ~;2i- :k:rt;~, '?are;- .<_::e ;9t, ~~st or
<br />the 6th ~,+i., hall r~oW.ty, aebraska, includi.-iq any
<br />a~essicns, ac~~ssc,r ~, r3*-ts arr~ tN:'.zijxmst ew, ar
<br />hereafter ai4ix~~= t'... -tc. ... .~. Ind
<br />~pe/are.not ~origi{ia1. ~
<br />f ~ ` . ~'`
<br />AS OCIAT:C~' ng ~.~.'~i~.ai~, =5?,"i"3:, ~ z -.~ .,~ r.. f .-.
<br />~~~ ~'' __
<br />:~. David Connell
<br />Z?. ~. KirJnan, Yresieent Rf~'1CYtiS)
<br />C'Lyst31 3. Cbruleli
<br />-~ ~
<br />Qri ttlis ~~C7f. -~a, ~ /'` t ~~ rte ..y ;9 ~ ', '~:ore r.~, the u;3cier~;iyned,
<br />H .ID~.z'. `4 7'L?~ t1:=, _._, _cr s~,. ,_, ~t3.2L}~, ;~^ Gi.:s l'y.a~-~k: :~_ ~.~Li~04irv?11
<br />3-' ~; ~r~r='«s 3
<br />:?e:~c:. :,rte .arm,. i~. ~•~ v;s .:~ a:~; .sz~r. ., t~ :z~ thu .~::nticai ;xz°son(s}..~..,
<br />_ ~x~s~ ra.,ti,i~l a~fv~ed tc~ 2x. :: t cir a:rl xuh,.x-
<br />''7 'r3 ,_ Fu:xnuwleelc~ci ttx
<br />21X1. t,{~'u~ [ ~`V `.? - t t'-~tB2Z trv1J Y ~'} At C :U7C c.s t '?
<br />1v2 <ti,,5 :"iJ :xi, ~ ,l...l ,,i;tii~a. :,i-iti _~c `*-3~te .. _i:~t 1~5:V£ lrTl4 ~.7<
<br />~~
<br />MkY,pwq. @eR CMC t2..tid:3 ....-_.`~~'~' ~~. .w,.....:~,.~4...i~_~ ^.:V,7t<_.St"', ~'i.t~2 '.~.
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