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.____, ._ <br /> Hall County, Nebraska <br /> R Cs€~ . ~ ] A1L <br /> Date and Time <br />t _ ~ ~ ~1E`l~3' <br /> <br /> ~ ' <br /> rz~vANCtN~ sTr~T.~ca~1a1' f -• 82- i)~i516Q <br /> ~ " "~~~~ <br /> KNOW ALL MEN 3Y THESE F'RESENT'l: <br /> 'hat W. David Conr:elt and Crvsta? S. Connell, husband and 4rife, of Kuester <br /> Lake, ?. F. D. t3, Ha?1 `'aunty, 'vehraska, '?ebt:?rs, `or the purpose of securing the <br /> payment of 55E,OOc?.00, a^d interest t ~':'' :tr>r ar!num, comnutnd upon the unpaid <br /> nrinCi.ndl bdlallCe, aCC!^rdi*in `C „nr. ~esrr?^ed i?S*"nllc?r,+5: <br /> ~a*PCl the '*r, ,. .. ^pr~nther ia'J r, <br /> `Fie ~rigina ..` , i0 •i nn nrer?st <br /> g` ._- n ..P - .nr, '._ ,n,-;jr }?"nCtBal - <br /> R.B. "~ ....-. 'lOP`.''. i s`i'.` ~ .n'er+,t5 <br /> !1 ~ ~ r f; . i "n E 1 ~ - - i <br />' <br />- ;.itarec` nd tit F- .-'tor,, .. ad u.:.~nr, p' the `7 Y <br />i tiCli3d1, - <br /> 'he suc.. .o,t- -,; ..a r.~^t ,moot oa~rable rAn <br /> the day ~, -~a, a r,^-,. <br /> tvhic'n Mond was ^.iven The .*F.auitable ~uildina end :.pan Assor,iatinn t?f ;rand ,stand, <br /> Flebraska, the dehtcrs :'o ,e,-eb~r rtrant, ~!ortraape rind ~essiyn unto :aid 4erured <br /> karty the =-esideree house, '.ein„ ar, imo~~~veme!at ,;non a leasehold and all aoour- <br /> tenances tneret_a, said resi.^ence ~;nt?se _~ni ng 5 i tooted Gaon Ln*; .?ne (? ~ . Ta,o <br /> (Z} and Three (3? Yuester "ske, nr! ''at?sL =ide .,t the iv`es.t take, ;r? Section <br /> Thirteenfi3) ':ownshi^ ..,avian ;rnr*t,, ~anae '+i=i.~ rc} ;rest rjf the 5th !?.i^., <br /> Nall County, i+lebr35kd, TnCi U~l`?Q aRY jCCCSS?nn5, aCCP_c4or?PS, nart5 and e(}liin- <br /> meet now or hearafter affixed thereto. <br /> The debtors .variant the above described property is free and dear of all <br /> liens and encumbrances; that they wi11 nay =l1 .?ersonal taxes hefore the same <br /> become delinquent; that they wi?1 maintain and lady the premiums for fire and <br /> extended coverage insurance on said prnUerty in an ,amount riot 'ess than the <br /> unQaid balance Pf the ?ndebte.iress. That if they ;`ail tc nay anv such taxes or <br /> pre9ai UmS, that the secured ^art,v ±ay nay the Sane and any such !iayments by the <br /> secured party sha?1 be a ^art _af this indebtedness, o~vment of which shall be <br /> Secured by this findnC?nG 4tatemer?t alid ~~'tP.rPSt thereon >ha11 accrue at the rate <br /> of interest pr?vided "} the ^ond of r~•den rate 'ier~ewiiti, payment of which this <br /> Finan>~ing ,tatement secures. <br /> "ct iy hereby agr~d that if default >±e taade in dine ?aymer?t c±f =,aitt bond <br /> <br />~' ~.r' hrty a,?art ehere<,f wnen .i:Je, -?r !'" pint>tors fair ts7 uay ward ,,axes riefc?re tltra <br /> rnp ~ _t.Fl,~~1t ~°~~~~ <br /> ~ <br /> #1elare n©t <br />original. <br /> <br /> __._.! <br />