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<br />MORTGAGE 82--{)Q51S7 <br />'Ibis Mortgage is eezared into between I~~' L. SCIff{pII)ER and ICATARYN A. SCHROEaEIt, <br />(" ~_ Husband^and Wife--- ----- - '_--_. -------- --- <br />I _. (herein "Mortgagor') and <br />'£HE ID YATTONAL k3lita{ OF GRA'vZ? ISLAM). Grand Island, Vebra_5}ta (herein ••Mortgagee"). <br />Mortgagor is indebted to Mortgagee in the principal sum of $ 7Q, ~• 00 ,evidenced by Mortgagor's note <br />datRd Deet~ttber 1, 1982 {herein °Note") providing for payments of principal and interest, with the balance of the <br />indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on y7a.}' 30, 1983, <br />To secure the paymentof the Note, with interest as provided therein, the payment of alt other sums, with interest, <br />advanced-bp Mortgagee to prokect the security of this Mottgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of <br />the Mortgagor contained herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the foilowiitg described <br />Properly located in Ha7.1 ____~__ County, Nebraska- _ <br />All of L,ot One (I), in I:-K Subdi~=ision. in the <br />Citp• of Grand Island, Hall Ccwnty, tiebzaslta. <br />- Together with art buildings, impmremenu. fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, ngh tc, pri yileges and <br />appurtenances located thereon or in anvittse penatmng thereto. ;and the netts t+suri and profits. reversions and remainders <br />theoeof~ irachrding, but not limited [a, healing and cooling tgwpment and such personal propert}• that is attached to the <br />improvetrrenfs so as to constitute a fixture; all of which, encludtng replacements and additions thereto, is hereby declared <br />to be a part of the real estate secured by the lien of thi> MortgaKr and alt of the foregoing Ming referred to herein as the <br />..~~~,,. <br />Mortgagor further convenants and agrees, wtth Mortgagee. a, fuliows: <br />_ 1. Payment To pay tfie tndebtedness and the mn•re,t themun as prortded i^ thts hlartgage and the Note. <br />2. •titte: Mortgagor a the owner of the Property, has the right and authority to mortgage the Property, and <br />warrants that the lien created hereby es a Cirst and poor lien ..n the Property, exct•pt as may otherwise be set fatth herein. <br />The Roperty is submit to a Mortgage wherein --- -._.._.__-._._. . _______-_- <br />is the Mortgagee, recorded ai Sook --_._-..__ .Page „f tier Mortgage Records lit - _.__,. _..___...._'---County. <br />Nebraska, which Mortgage is a lien pnor to the lint cn•atrd hrrrha <br />i? f)tJter pnor liens or encuntbranct~: _ _ <br />3. Taxes, rlsaeaeaaeata. 1'o pay when due ail texts, spinet asw~ssmrnts and sit other chargtw against the Roperty <br />sad, upon written tietnaod by Mortgagee. to add to tM pay mend required under the Note secured hereby, such amount es <br />~Y he sutficieat to enable the Motgagee !o pay such taxes. assescnaents or other a'harges as they become due. <br />i _ ltuauanee. To keep the- improvenarttts new or htrratter ideated on the real estate described herein insured <br />agttiust damage by Cue and sues other hazards as htortgagrn may require, to amounts and with campanirs arteptable to the <br />~, and with coat payable ita the Mortgagee. in case of loss under such pulictea the Mortgagee is authorized to <br />adjwi, aalkrt .and eompromiae, in its discretion, all cretins thereunder at its uale option, authorized {o either apply the <br />Pdo~a W the rtK;oratian of thu Properly or upon Che indebtedness second hereby, but payments hereunder shall cotr <br />t#ane - ttafil. the effete aecared hemby are paid in flit!. <br />5. _aT Ficron Fee Tastes and Lrautaace. Notwithslandityl anything contained in paragraphs 3 and d hereo[ to the <br />- coantxtary,. Mtaati sitait-pay to the Mortgagee at the lime of paying the monthly installments of princpal and interest, <br />tree-twelfth a[ tbg ytvteiy tsltes. ~saasatentt, haaard ittsutaace premiums, and gtnund rests tit any) yvhiclt may attain a <br />Pd+~tLY carer ~~ Mortgage, a9 as roaaartttbtY estimated from firm to time by the Mortgagee. The araounte su paid shall be <br />hNd:by the ~ withtwt intrraat sad appited to the payrtteht at the itetm in n~apect w whiett such amounts were <br />tedi 11te ara~ paid to Mortgagee hereunder-sear pledged as adttitiatul srcunta for the indvbtadness sa*cured by this <br />~?4 ~ sAali #,~aY is Idottrzage« the aatount of say tiefaciency betwer ~ ~ctuai taxt~, arst>tisenenta, lnaurance <br />Qt9ttruttiaa.and lpauad mafs_atad the depoaltt hereuntl~ wit3tin 1D days-.after den,n:rd +x made upon Mortgagee regruntkitg <br />- payrra~eaL; ~. - - <br />_ _ fi. BapNt• ~ .tar9 ilea. T'a {eraatRdy raper+. restart or rebuild any butldtnths or tmpnarvmety is now or <br />darisatLttr oat-•tlu Prbgpti:Y; tat ~P the Property- in.good etwttitioa and aepair; wilhrntt waste, and free tram mtxbanic's or <br />;utli~t utatszp~swiy xunatatt !o !I~!tea i:€irwt,• sat to ssakasu3tar ~ prrnlltarsy nui8an€r to e~o1, am w diaua- <br />- ~ M ttapatr the wrirae pf the Prppat{y 6y say ae:-Say a~4ttian tea act: and to tvampiY with art trqutntieenta at !aw wtlh <br />rY #!1 s~rapr~tey. <br /> <br />_.~~ <br />