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i-- --~. <br />g~.~Up5Z54 <br />t RELEASE OF ESCROW OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS <br />P~HEREAS , on the ,~~ day of >ti~i~ 1582 , <br />Ronald A. Honz and Stephanie A. Honz, husband and a;ife <br />entered into a Real Estate Option Agreement with Iris <br />Nelson giving her an exclusive option to purchase the <br />following described real estate: <br />'rhP r7ort!~ 22 _. ~f C,o'~ !:> ~u''~ 22 _.e*_ „?' ~,at- <br />t.~, Block ?, Koehler Place, Grand Csland, Hall County, <br />Nebraska; and <br />'~IHEREAS, pursuant `o that Option, a '.darranty <br />Ueed and Abstract :Dare placed ~., Hscro .nth ~!:e Gammercial <br />a7ational Rank ~;• 'Frost Company of '1rard T_siand, Nebraska; <br />and <br />SVHEREAS, :ris iveison has deeded not to exercise <br />t:he .above described Real ~:s±ate JUtian and desires to <br />release those documents morn Escrot~. <br />wITiVESSETFI <br />Iris ;deiscm c_+aes hereby declare that she ;~:aives <br />any ri-r7h+: s she inay have hac3 r~nrier the above referred to <br />f3ea1 Estate ~~ptian for the :above described property ana <br />:iirects Commercial ati~nal ank -.• 'c'rust Company of Grand <br />Is-land; Nebraska to release the ;:)eed and ;lbstract of Title <br />- it now k:olds ra *he above described real arrd to <br />release the same i:a Ronald :'~. f;onz ,jnd Stephanie :i. Honz, <br />husband and wife, cr erther of them, or their duly <br />authorized agent and does i~ereby release said Sank from <br />any further responsi;;i'_.ty ~xth respect to those documents <br />after heir release thereo ~ _j <br />G'f <br />7ated ?:his ~~ day of November, L582. <br />-, - ~~,~ <br />-` Iris Ne son <br /> ~, <br /> <br /> <br />