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_~..._ f <br />RELEASE OF AAORTGAGE 82 ~ () i~ -1 ~- `' <br />Tn consideration of full payment and compliance with the conditions of a mortgage <br />taade by LeRoy R. Beberniss and Josephine I. Beberniss, each in his and her own <br />right and as spouse of each other, <br />to THE EQUITABLE BL'tLD1NC: AND LOAN ASSOCTATION t}F GRAND 1S[,AND, NEBRASKA, on the <br />folbwing described property, to-wit: Fractional Lot 'two (2) in Fractional Block Ztaerty (20) <br />in Rollins Addition and It's Complement, 'Lb-Wit: <br />Fractional Lot Two (2) in Fractional Block One (1) <br />in Arnold & Abbott's Addition, Both Being Additions <br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />which said mrntgage bears date 15th day of February 19 72 ,and <br />u recordat in I3eiok 176 of +nort:;agrs on Face 6G1 - - - - <br />of the records of HaII Cuunh`, Nebraska, said A~suciahon hereby acknow~led{;es full sans#actwn of and releases the ~ - <br />ware. <br />In witness whrrent the said TI{E EQl?I';'ABLE 2li`ILDINC AND LOAM,--' ASSOfaATFON OF - - - <br />CRAND ISLAND, NEAR4SKA, #ias crusrd this ,nstnirnrnt t~~ !*~ ,irznrd try its President and attested by its <br />Secretary this .3rd da}- of i~ec~ember A.D., i9 Si• <br />TI» FquitabM Building sod Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />- _ ~ .. ~~ ~ Fresident R. E, ~{}[llndn- - <br />'` Y ~ °f~~Lf j <br />- _ ~ "~ ~' SecTe[arv James i4. Olson <br />STATE OF NEBAASKAj <br />1 ss. <br />OOEFNTY OF HALL <br />Ott this 3rd day of ?JECember A.D., 19 $2 , before u3e, a Notan• Rtblic <br />dttly ccanmissionod arui qualified Foe and xesidvtg in said county, personally came R. E. Kinman and <br />James W, Olson <br />to trte 1 to be the identical prrsatis whose ruunns are affixed to the alwve release ns President and Secretary <br />~ tsid-As~titta and acknowledged-the said iru~tnunent to ha their co}untary nct and deed and the voluntary <br />act>amd rloed of the said THE EQUITABLE RUILllINC: AID LO.~.N .4SStX:IATIOti OF t;ItAND ISLAND, <br />Witr~st my harm aad notarial seal the day antj.r8sr ,art a avrii-inn. <br />~t ~~ ~~ <br />1At~~Mtr:ErwMa l41t~ <br />,...~~r f i #~ <br />. !3y rsxnmission espuc~a t-' K=~~ ..[' _ •'f <br />J <br />