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<br />r <br />T _.~___._._. _ ~~ _... _. __ <br />,aaz.B._a...~szt~xtia~€.1Qnn,.~x.~~~•_r.~ . 1_ _ - _ ._ . ____ .. __. _ .._ ~ a+ _ ._ ~ ..__ ~ __ »-_. <br />MORTGAGE <br />~~JJ~~' ,y ~~' f'- ..aa October 1982 '~ <br />j KL~JIS ~nbentare, ~Isde sad Executed this.___._....._....____..._.-- Y oF_..__....__.......- ............_._.A. D...... .._......._.... !. <br />~ by and between_..-----._Terry__L_,_.. Campbe 11 _...------.--_......_._..._.. <br />{....._..._....._.. ......._...._ of the first part, <br />ana..__ _ -"--- ..............--'-._.........._Alan.._~.-....Stoler.x.._Attorney_at__Law.--' -'-- -.._..._._........_. ;+ <br />.............._......._..._._..---....._-----.__.__.........___.........._..._...._...._.._.--_...--~--'--..._-'--...._...._...._.........._................_---`--`---._._party of the second part. <br />1CITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration oE_( $.~a. l ~.~.._~ ~,........_........_...._......__.....__..........._ ~ i <br />4n~_..TkIQU;zaz~d .O.ne_.Huxlda;~d.__ans~:._nol1o_0---.--.------- --.DOLLARS, paid by said party of the <br />second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hoe granted, bargained, sold andconveyed, and by these presents, doee granE, bar- <br />gain, sell and convey, unto said party of the second part, the following described real property situate in the Ctiunty of .._.._Hdl1.____._._ ~; <br />andState of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />_,-__.____-_._--7rpt.--6,,,_-. Block.,-,37_,___Wasmer,! s_._Additon._ to.__ the-_. Ci_ty__of-__Grand_-_.__.. ,- _ i` <br />__ Island Hall Count, Nebraska commonly known as 1422 West <br />~~John-Street, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801, '! <br />........_--_ ___._._...... --.........._ __ - . _. ----- ...--._......-- ___.. _..__.........__._..._. _._....__._...__......_.._...... ---- ._.......__ _._._.-. _.__..__._.__. i. <br />together with all *.he tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the acme belonging, and all Lhe estate, title, dower rig_ ht of homrntead. <br />claims and demands whatsoever of the acid party of the first part oi, in or to slid premises or any part, thereof; and said party of the fleet <br />part doee hereby covenant, that said pariy of the first part is rawfvlly eeixed of said premises, that said premises are free from. rnaum'nraaae <br />except_liens._,and__mortgages_ of_record,___,if ._any_, that hold pertP of ills ,Teat part will <br />-- - - <br />warrant and defend the title to esid premises against *.he lawful claims and demands of ntI persona whomeoever,___...... .. .._ ...._...._._._.._._ <br />i; <br />PROVIDEll ALR'AYS, sad these presents ere upon rheas conditions: - <br />~~ RIIEREAS, said party of the first part has executed and delivered to the said party of the second. osru._. h15 <br />promiasorynote of_even date herewith. <br />and whereas. the party or the firer part has agreed to keep the buildings; if any, upon said premises, insured in some company or companies <br />1; approved by said Pariy ei the second pert, for the sum not less than-.___.-____ ..._-_-..._............__.__._. .. .._ .-.. _- ..... ..-IJfJLLARS, <br />and deliver to card party of the second part the policy or policies containing s clause with the Loss psyabte Go said party ~of the second part <br />II or assigns, and has agreed to pay all taxes sad assessments ngniust acid eremises before the esme, by law, become delinquent, sad-has ngree~ <br />;, that if said parts of the first pert. does not pro~zde such v~aursnce, or faits to pap all taxes as aforesaid, then said party of the second fiast, of <br />!! haider hereof, may pay such irsurance and tflsea, or either of them, and ali amounts so paid hp esid part}- ai the second part shall bear in- - <br />j tercet at the-rata of nine per cent per annum from the date of psyTnent, xnd this mortgage shalla-tnnd as security therefor. and said awn may <br />.i be added to the amount of the morfgage debt, and the name recovered ae a part Thereof. \ow, ~ the esid parts of the brat pnrtehall web <br />j and truly pay or cause to be paid the said Bunn of money in said note....... mentmned, e-itb inierest thereon according io the tenor and et7eat <br />of said note,...._.:md shall keep esid buildings insured oe aforesaid, and ehstl keep ali Lazes and saseasmeats paid, and-shalt duly keep, and <br />i, perform all the other covananta and s~reemeats herein contained, then these presents to bo null and void. But if said sum of money or any <br />i; part thereof, or any interest thereon, ua not paid when the same is due. or iC esid buildings shall not be kept insured sa aforesaid, or it the <br />rj taus sad sasessmente against esid premises are not paid at or before the time the same become by law delinqueht, or if said p6arty of the <br />~~ indebtedneaelduetand payable nE anorymtime afie Hoch f ilure or de[autt, end made maintain and ctiontat lawror equity to cover the came, <br />~' and the commencement of such sation shall he the ouiy notioe o[ the exercise o~ said option required. <br />AND -IT IS FURTHER- PROVIDED AND AGREED, That the said b3ortgagor shall and will pay sli tease levied upon ibis mort- <br />gage orthe debt secured thereby -together with any other taxes or assessments which may be levied under the Lawe of Nabraeka, against the <br />Ij acid Mortgagee or the_legsl holder of the said principal note...._., on account of this indebtedness. <br />~n aCe~timonp ~~jereof, ' ~~ <br />'1 _ _ ..___.._.._.. _.._. ....... hereuatb sat .t. ~... 'hstid ._y,~~Jth, {~Cto above written. <br />~~ ~ <br />IN PRESENCE OF • `~~'•~ .~ - ! ~~ ~~/C'~7 <br />_ ~ .rr ............_ _........_ <br />~. <br />{I BTATEOF NEERA/BKA, 2 <br />€ - +~_Cougty ot.~r-c.L`z'°;._{. es. <br />I~ ~~ -C STOl4R-- <br />Ij ~~,~~. <br />- c - SIATt. f;f ^°1RAai~:A <br />- - I Cotrs~.,+onf~pues <br />ijl JAfiU~irRY-28, i536 <br />1Z ;' <br />Oa thfe.._. ........._...-~_~-°..._..:_-°-' oE....._QO.tA~?4'.T_..._......_..........A. D...19$2! <br />,_ s Notary Public in and for the uaid County personally coma thoabove namad_.__ - <br />....... ..._....... _.........._. __ .... .... _ ... _. _._ ..who .... 1.5.. .personally known to me <br />to be the fdestical person.... whose name..___._is . _. _._,._ , .. af6xG,+ +o the above instrument <br />sa grmtor.._,, and __.__........bs__.. .. aaknowledgea said inetrum+-~.: w he . h ~ S..voiantary <br />art sad deed. ~ -. <br />WITNE.'S3 myhsad sad Notartal Bepl'tq~p' Isar of .J j- <br />1, <br />'8-~~-~~ <br />~, <br />l , r , ~, ~ Nota~~ F ut ito. <br />i. MY aratvaiaeio+rexpires on the. .. .!/~` .T_._- ._..._ ...-..,_dey uf..__. _.:.f"-'~' __ s_:' ~. _..........__. __.._-_._-...._.A. U._. y,J~u, _. <br />~~ ~ _~ <br />