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MORTGAGE 82 --!~:t i r ~~ i ~ t <br />This mortgage made and entered into this _ 2nd day of December . <br />19 82 , by and between Kirk G. Arnold <br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and Commercial National Bank and Trust Company <br />(hereinafter referred to as <br />mortgagee), who maihtains an office and place of business at 424 west 3rd street in C,rnd Island, <br />.Hall County, Nebraska. <br />WiTtvesSETa, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the, mortgagor <br />does hereby mortgage, self, grant, assign, and convey ;into. the mortgagee, its successors and assigns, all, of the. fol- <br />lowing-described property situated and being in the County of Hall <br />State of Nebraska. <br />Lots Five (5) and-Six t6), in Block Nine (9), in the Original Town o£ <br />Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska <br />together with all the tenements and appurtenances thereto belonging, all the rents, issues and profits- thereof, and all <br />easemenu, rights, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and including <br />all heating, plumbing, refrigeration, lighting,- equipment and all fixtures of every description belonging [o [he <br />mortgagor now or hereafter attached thereto or used in connection with the premises herein described and in addition <br />thereto the following described properties which are and shalt be deemed to be fixtures and a part of the realty, and <br />are a portion of the security for the ihdebtedness herein stated. (lf-none, state "none") None <br />To have and to hold the same unto the Mortgagee,. as herein provided; <br />The mortgagor is lawfully seized: and possessed of and has the right to sell and convey said property; that the <br />same is free from all encumbrances except as hereinabove recited; and that Mortgagor covenants to warrant and <br />defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against the claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />This instrument is given to secure thepayment of a promissory note.dated December 2, 1982 <br />in the principal sum of $ 42, 000.00 ,signed by Kirk G. Arnold <br />in behalf of himself <br />also, as such note or notes may from time to time be modified, renewed or extended in writing. <br />In the event the title to said-real estate is transferred, or contracted to be transferred, from the undersigned-for any <br />reason or by any meWod whatsoever, the entire principal sum and accrued interest-shall at once become due and <br />payableat the election of the holder hereof. Failure tb exercise this option because of transfer of title as abo~'e stated <br />itCone instance`shall-not constitute a waiver of-the right to exercise the~same in the event of-any subsequent transfer. <br />L The mortgagor covenants and agrees as foAows: <br />a.' To promptly- pay the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note at the times and in the manner <br />therein provided. <br />. b.: To pay all fazes, assessments, water rates, and other governmental or municipal .harges, fines, or <br />impositions; far which provision has not been made hereinbefore, and will promptly deliver the official receipts <br />thereforto the said mortgagee; <br />c To pay such ex eases and fee ~ is <br />p s as ma} a utcurred m the proteuton and maintenance at sold property, <br />induding-the Fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee tot she collection of amp or alt of the indebtedness <br />.hereby.-secured. ur foreclosure by mi~rfgagce's sale, ot`cou~r proccrdings, or in cony other liticauo~T or precceding <br />affecting said property: <br />