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103-A-WARRANTY DEED (Reviatd Y981) rn~• t ri ~:~•~ rr,~s H t rot •,hr. - <br />. .-. -_._ _..- _.. __.... -..._z w _._,.-.,_~.T <br />KNOW ALL iVIEN BY THESE PRESE'VTS: <br />TFLAT l ar We, <br />-'~ JERRY R. GODKIN and LaVONNE S. GODKIN, husband <br />and wife, <br />herein called the grau,tor whether one or more, <br />in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration <br />`: recei.~ed froth grantee, do hereb}- gra[.t, hxrgain, sell, eonve~• and eonfirni unto <br />COMM.RCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, <br />herein called the ,rrantee whether nne or ;Wore, the following dent+ribed real propart5- ir. <br />Ha11 ('on[[LS Nebraska <br />r Lot Fourteen {14) , Freedom Acres Subdivision, c,,t ~;"(AGnEO <br />Hall County, Nebraska ;:,Ae.'~ <br />NE3RASKA DOCUMENTARY.. <br />STAMP TAX- <br />DF C G 1°82 <br />~:~ ~s- <br />,aZ$Y. <br />To kati°e :uid is hold the aboee rieaeriheri grentises togetl[er [cit3::dl ~wnements. Irereditamrnts and xppnr- ~= <br />tenances thereto hela[ging unto the grantee and tc: gr~tcee's heirs and xssiRns 1'orecer. <br />- - _,t[d the grantor doe, i:ereby- ,~ereuan[ wifl[ the erxniee and n-ith grantee's heirs and sssigns tl[at grantor <br />is la[[•full~« seised of said premises: tL•at they are free fru:n eucumbrauc-e, except encumbrances, <br />:easements and restrictions of record; <br />- f that grautur has good right and lau•fu1 authority to eouvez• t-he same; ~ar;d teat ~rmtor ~r~xrrauts and wiII defend <br />- ;the title to said premises against tits lawful clauns of all persons whowsoever. - <br />llated f~<.- ~ .-, ~K ~ ~ 19 82 <br />~{ f <br />.... ..... ~ L .f; 1.,,~C~'',~i;l'1...... ~'r'_ ~. '. ,,_.~..._. ,cat.. f.!..,,ra. ... <br />..f ~ , <br />ST1TE OF. `..~3R~SKA,,,,,,,,,,, County of.......Fl,all............ ' <br />73efore tnc, a notary public qualified far said co[iuty, personally came <br />,! <br />JERRY R. GODFCIN and LaVONNE S. GODKIN, <br />husband and wife, <br />known to me to be the identical person or persons Yeho signed the. foregoing instrwnent runt aekuo[+~ludged the <br />execution thereof to be his, her or their voluntary act .nut deed. <br />' ~`ituessmy-hand and notarial seal on..... ~ ~ ' <br />/~ 7 -- <br />f <br />_ ~ IMIL~INfAM~OUndMtY~eY ....... ''^~`~.. . cam`[ „r~` .. .... Notal'y 1'Libllc ~. <br />fl1&ltARti VAN <br />~~~~~ ice. ~~ . <br />- ~ - ~ 31.1;81 I•~it' eammisicn expires.. ~~,'~^~.~ ...-,? ! .................. ]3 :~~'.~ . :. <br />STaTE or ..............................~ <br />'County ......:......................... ~ss. <br />l ' <br />I , • - -N~tered ou nnuierir:x,l in8es and- filed for revot•d iu the Registe-r of 1')eed • t?.tY~r-, =aid t`ouut~~ the ~ ` <br />'............ ,day of„ ........................ 1:2......, ttt.. , ........:,'rk»~k and.......... n;imr[es ..... .. _ .. \f., . -~'~~ <br />" ;-and rneurded-in tSouk.: ..................of......-. ......,,... atl.agy., ...._,..,..... <br />.. ...... <br />Ring of Dee,3a <br />Ity .. lrr•u[il}~ j <br />