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<br />1VIORTGAGE <br />Thin Pnrm i&~used in eonnee- <br />tion wiY-h nxmtQaRes insured <br />under thy, one- to four-family <br />provisions of the National <br />r~ Rousing Act. <br />THIS A•tORTC,':1GE.. made and executed this 3rd day of December ,A.D. <br />19 gZ . by and between Michael William Steinke, a single person <br />of the C'mmiy nL Ha11 and State o[ Nebraska. party of the firsrparL hereinafter called <br />the Mortgagor, and Superior Mortgage, Inc. _ <br />a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska <br />party of the second part. hereinafter called [he Mortgagee. - - <br />Wi•fNESSETH: That the said Mortgagor. For and in consideration n( the ntm of Thirty Three Thousand. ~-even <br />Hundred and No/100ths------------------- Dollars (S 33 , 700.00 ), paid by the Mort- <br />gaeee: the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. has Granted and Suld ;md by these presents does Grant, Bar- <br />gain, Sell. Convey and C+mfirm unto the Mortgagee. its utccessors and assigns, &xever, the following-descritwd- <br />real estate, situated in the County of Hall - ,and Slate <br />of Nebraska-,to wie - <br />Lot Fourteen (14), in Stock Two (2), in Island Rcres iJttmber Two. <br />(2),- being a replat of Lots One (1); Two {~), Three (3), Five (5), <br />Six (6) and Seven (7), in Island Acres, A Subdivision in the City of <br />Grand Island-, Hall County, Nebraska <br />of fie Sisth Principal vferidian, containing in all acres according to Govern- <br />ment suraev: - - <br />TOHAVE :1ND TO HC)i-D the premise, above described, wish all the apptn[enance> [hereunto helongng and including <br />all heating, plumbing and lighting fixtures and equipment now nr hereafter atuached to of asetl in connection with said rent estate <br />unto the Mortgagee. and [a its successors and assignv, forever- T}ic ]dortgagor repres-eats ta, and covenants with, the ~lortga- <br />gee, that the M-ortgagor has good right to sell and convey said premises: that [hey arc free from encumbrance; and thaP the <br />Mortgagor will warrant and defend the same against the lawful dainty of aft persons whomsoever and the said ivlurtgagor here- <br />by relfnyuishes all rights of homestead, and all martial rights. either in law ur in equity, and :tlt other contingent interests of the <br />Mortgagor in and to the above-described premises, the intention thing to convey hereby un absolute title, in fee simple, includ- <br />ing ap rights of homestead, and other rights and interests as aforesaid. <br />-PROVIDED ALW.4YS_ anJ these presents are aseaued and delivered upon the [ollcwingcondiliun>, to wit; <br />1'he Mortgagur:;grees to pay to the Mongugee, or order, the nrincipxl sum of Thirty Three Thousand Seven <br />Htmdred and No/100ths--------------- Doltarst~ 33,700.00 ', <br />with interest from date at the rate of Twelve and One-Half per centwu ( 12.5 'to) per annum on <br />the unpaid balance until paid. The said principal and interest ,hall he payable at the office oC Superior Mortgage,, Inc. - <br />in - .Grand Island-, NE 68801 - , or to such other place as the holder of <br />the no[emay designate iawriting, in monthly installmems of Three I?tmdred Fifty D?ine and 67/i00ths--- <br />--^------------^ Uollars t5' 3~5 9. 7 1. conunencitrg on dte first day a[ <br />February , !9 83, :md on ~e first day of each month thereafter until the principal and in- <br />trreSt are fully paid, except that the final paymrnt of. principal and interest, if not sooner paid, shall be due and <br />payable on the first dayof ;all according to the terms of a certain promis- <br />Janu r 013 <br />Tory note of even date herewith execu~e~t~y t e seed Mortgagor. <br />Thz Mortgagor in order more fully to protect the security of this Mi+rtgage, agrees: <br />I. That hewill.-pay the indebtedness, as hereinhefore prodded. Privilege-is reserved in pay the debt in whole, or in an <br />amount cyuttl to one or more nionthly payntants en the pdncfpal fluff are next due an the note, on the first day of any month <br />prior [o tnaidrity: fraeide-J: hrtwrvrr,'Phat written melee of an intention to cxerefse such privitege is given at least ihirry t3tp <br />days prior Co prapayntent. <br />2. That, together with, :itid in addition to, the atonihly payments of principal and interest payable ender the leans of-the <br />notN secured hereby. the Mongagur will pay to the Lturtgagee, on the first day of each mouth until the said note is.fully paid, the <br />followirigsums: - - - <br />la? Amoutrt sul'llcicut to pmvidc the huldrr hereof=with lands to pay the-next murigttge insuian..~ pronuum if they <br />inshument grid the nose ucurad hen:,by are utsured, u+ a monthly cltuge f(n iiFru-u,j u nxrug~r insurance pr,= <br />rniarrt% if they are bald by the Seeretaty of", Housing auil Urban Deveiupnicnr, as follows: - <br />(!Y if and ,5u tong as wid unto of eve+t anttir tend this iastrumanf era fnsu t'ed ur rye +ainsu tad under the prc,- <br />visiana o[ tbo Nati,mrd Housao)* Act, an amount saftlcem to accumulate t)+ arc hands u(utu ho~idet vue <br />nrpt4c»s PHip2743M eahtea-n+aY ¢a csea anti;xuppW s nxteau.texi - - :.i!'A'CF,-t1F".;VF;F3HASKr1 <br />- t{Ut}.92i43M iH.191 <br />i <br />S' <br />