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I <br />MORTGAGE 82 --~ ~~ ~ .i 1 " <br />THIS INDENTURE, made this.______lst ________ day o(__ -_~E9ESR}fEL_ . __. 19 ~2__ by end between <br />DANNY M. CARE AND PAMELA J. CARE, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />of jlyjj County, Nebrazka, as mortgagor -a ,and Home Federal5avings and Loan Association of Grand Island, a corporation <br />organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America with its principal office and place of business ar Grand Island. Nebraska, az <br />mortgagee; - <br />W[TNESSETH: That said mortgagor; ,for and in consideration of the sum cf ()Dj$ TAlJUSA2SD FTV)s J~Jl':11t$B <br />,,....: <br />NTNi4T~-~~uF~ ~A~,~~s AfTD ~~llae ---------------- - ~larxta ~;~)y~~~1. <br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by [here presents mortgage and warrant umo said mottgagee,its sucee3sors and assigns, <br />forever, all tht following described real estate, situated in the County of _ HaI I - <br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit: - <br />LOT FIVE (5) AND THE EASTERLY FOUR (4) FEET OF LOT SIX (6), IN BLOCK THREE (3) <br />CUNNINGHAM SUBDIVISION, AN ADDITION TO THE CZTY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA. <br />Together with all heating, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbinK equipment and fixtures, includinK screens. awnings, storm windows and <br />doors, and window shades or blinds. used on or in connection with said propertt•, whether [hr same are now located rn said property or hereafter <br />placed thereon. <br />TO HAVE ANU TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and sinKu iar the tenements, hereditamen[s and appurtenances thereunto be~ <br />longing, or in anywise appertaining, forever, and warrant the title m the same. Said mnrKegarS hereby covenant .with acid <br />mortgagee chat ....._t. he5r__......_ gF..e._. .. , rat the delivery hereof, [he lawful owner S _ ni the premises above convened :md described. <br />and-HL.H_. - .seized of a good and indefeasible estate of inheritance therem, free and clear of air encumbrances. and Chat _ _tht *~__ will <br />warrmt and defend Che title thereto forever against the clxirtrs and demands of ail persons whomsoever. <br />Pftt)V I UEU ALIVAYS, end this instrument is executed and delivered [n secure the payment of the sum of ,ONE THOUSAND <br />_..__ <br />FIYE__NIiNiTRFT).`•lIi~ETY-EIVJ:~D(]TT ARC _AND--J.r1l JQlJ.-- _ _.-,-,."_ Ikllan la. - _}-, 54~.~5- -___._l. <br />with interest thereon. together with such charges and advances as-may be sue no payable to said mortgagee under the tern - x a onditions <br />of the pmmiasory note of even date herewith and secured hereby, executed by sxid :nortgnKar g._. to snid mart gnKee, Iwyaiile as expres.,,~d <br />- in said rote, and to secure the per[ortnmce of ell the terms rand conditions contained therein- The team. of said note an!. hereby inrorpurnleti <br />herein by Chia reference. <br />- ft is tJle intention and agreement of the parties hereto that Lhis mortgage shall also secure any future advances made [n said mortKagur.s_. <br />by said mortgagee, rand any and all indebtedness in addition to the amount strove stated which seed moAgagars, or any of them, may owe to <br />said mortgagee, however evidenced, whether by note. book account ar otherwise. This ranrtgagc. shah remain in full fort and efftvt brtwea•n <br />the patties hereto and their heirs, personal representatives, succesvars and ussrgns, umri air amounts secured hereunder, including tutun• <br />xdvancen, era paid in htL' with interest. <br />The morigegor~.__ hereby assign .._-_- to said mortgagee alI rents and mcome xnsing a[ any rand alI times farm sxid property and <br />- hereby autttorwe raid mortgagee or its agent, at its option, upon default, to take charge of serer property and co-ect all rents grid income <br />therefrom end apply the same to the payment of interest, principal. insurance premwms, taxes. assessments. repxirsor impnrvemenGS <br />rtetessary to keep sskl Paaps+tY in teztantable condition, or [o other charges or payments provided for herein or in the note-hereby secured. 'T'his ', <br />rent easfgnmeni shell continua in force until the unpaid balance of sxid note <q Fully paid, The taking of possession hereunder shall in no manner <br />prevent or retard said mortgagee in the collection o[ snid sutras 6y G>ree:lrxvure or otherw ive. <br />The failure of the mortgagee to assert any of its rights hereunder et any time shall not 6e cons[rved as a waiver at its right to assert the ~ <br />same rat any later time, and to insist upon and enforce strict compliance with all the terms and pnrvisioua of satd note and of this mortgage. <br />If said mortgego6 shall cause w be paid to snid mortgagee [he entire amount due ie hereunder, rand under the tunas and pro isions <br />of snid-note hereby secured, indudiog future-advances, end any eatansions or ronewaL thereof in acccntance with the term- and provisions <br />thereof, sad if said mortgagor _.L-shall comply with ell the pmvisions of said note and of this monKage, then these presents shall he void; <br />otherwk+e to remain in frdi force ar[d effect. seal said mortgagee shall be ent.i4led to the possession of all of said property, and may. at its option, <br />-der3ue the whole of said.[tote and alt fndebtedaeas mpresented thereby W 6e immediately due and pnya6le, and may forrrlrwe this mangage <br />or farce eaY other legal action to protect its.right. Appreisement waived. <br />This-mortgage shat ere 6utttirtg upon and shall enure ur the benefit of the hens, executors, administrnlnrs, successors and assigns of the <br />respective'parties hereto. <br />IN Wt BS, R'HEREOE snid Mortgagor g.. ha ,ye,_ hereueto ~ tl1@~.I_... had S_.. th .J ear flat above <br />written. /~j~ V (, ' <br />DANNY M, ADE __ PAMELf~%.J~ CARE 1 <br />_--~___t-_. _.._ ..__.__._ _ .___ _ _. _ . _____.._._.... ______. --- , ...__..-, -~L-__-_ _ -_._.__.-~.,~_.. <br />