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<br />MORTGAGE 82-.s)G ~ ~.i, <br />'T'HIS INDENTURE, made chit __._ls t.._ _ __. .. day of _._.. DeL`emL1eL _.. - 198.2. tsy and between <br />__~.7AGK_A>v_B,Fii_A?RS_AI3D. KAREN_.J.. BELL.AZRS_. -H[ISBAND._t1ND_.WIEE ..... --- --------.____ __._ <br />of 1]e31 l County, Nebraska, as mortgagor -V_-_~, and Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island, a mrporadon <br />organized and existing under the laws of the united States of America with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as <br />mortgaea; <br />WITNESSETH: That said mortgagor S _, for and in consideration of the sum oI FTr HTFFN THf1TTCCNi1 FTOF- 7TITNTIRFT <br />SIXTY-THREE DOLLARS AND 45/100 -------------------- Dollars (S 18,5.63.45. 1 <br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do_ __b}• these presents mortgage and warrant unto laid mortgagee, i[s~suc~"essors and assigns, <br />forever, all the following described real estate, situated in the County of _____Hdll - - <br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />LOT TWENTY-FOUR {24), ISLAND ACRES NUMBER SEVEN (7), AN ADDITION <br />TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />Together with all heating, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbinK eyuipment and fixtures. including acnrns. awnings. storm windows and <br />doors, and window shades or bhnds, used nn or in connection wick said property. whether the same are Haw located nn said properly nr hereafter <br />placed thereon. <br />TO HAVE ANll TO HOLD THE SAR1 E, together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be- <br />longing, or in anywise appertaining, Forever, and wnrrxnt [he title to [he same. Said morgagor S.--. -hereby covenant--_. _. with said <br />mortgagee Lhac . _. t heY--:. --.- 3T 2_ _. ___ at the delnen' hereof, the lawful owner 5... of the premises ai>m•e conveytri mtd described; <br />and __ ___ae-seized of a good and indeteesible estate n[ inheritance therein. free end clear of ail encumbrances, and thnt_ . they__._w--ill <br />watrent and defend the Utle thereto forever against the ciavns and demands of atl persons whomsoever. <br />PROV 1 UED ALWAYS, and this instrument is executed and delivered to secure [he pnymem of the sum u( EIGHTEEN-HOLD-- <br />_FIVB_HLrND.~CBD_.S-LLCT.X_xk1AEE..I?9LLARS.AIv'D_9511.0.0._------ 1>.,uar~!~---15,56'1.95__________-__-`- <br />with interest thereon, together with such charges and udvnnces as may bo due teed payable to said narngager under the terms and conditions <br />of the promissory note of even date herewith and secural hereby, exacuuad by soot murtgagor.S...- w said mortgagor, payable as rcpres>rJ <br />in said mte, end to secure the performance of all [he terms and conditions contained therein. 'Phe terms of said note are hemby incorporated <br />herein by this reiere¢ce. - <br />It is the intention and egreet¢ent of the parties hereto tiro[ [his mortgage ahnll also secure any future ndvnnces made to said mortgaKor 5_- <br />by said mortgagee, and any and all indebtedness in addition to the amount atwve stated which said mortgagors, or any o[ [hem, may owc to <br />said mortgagce, however eviden[ed, whether by note, Iwok account or otherwise. This mortgage ahnll remnm in full furor and effect betwo<•n <br />the parties hereto and their heirs, personal representatives, successors and assiKns, until ads z¢nounts secured hereunder, inciudmK forum <br />advances, are paid in fu L' with interest. <br />The mortgagor __S_, hereby assign ___.. to said mortgagee atl-rents and income nosing nt any and alt times from said property and <br />hereby authorize said mortgagee or its agent. nt its option. upon default, to take charge n( said property and collect alt rents uml income <br />therefrom and apply the same to the payment of interest, principal, insurance premiums, saxes, assessments, repairs or impnrvrnx•nts <br />necessary to keep said property in tenantable co¢dition, ar to other charges w payments provided for herein or in the note hereby secuerd.'I'his <br />rent assignment shell ronti¢ue in tome u¢til the unpaid balenr:e of said note is fully paid. The caking of possession hereunder shall in no manner <br />prevent or retard said mortgagee in the collection ¢i said sums by foreclosure or otherwise. <br />The failure of the mortgagee [o assert any of its rights hereunder at any Lime shall no[ be construed as a waiver of its right to assert the <br />same nt any later Lime, and [o insist upon end enforce strict. compliance with all the terms and Vmvislons of said note and nC this mortgage. <br />If said morigegarS shall reuse to be paid u> said mortgngen the entire amount duo is hereunder, and under [he teens and provisions <br />of said ante hereby secured, including future advencas, and any extensions ur renewers thereof in accordance with the terms and provisions <br />thereof, and fi said taot-tgaget.~._.- shall comply with all the provisiom~ of said note and of this mortKagr, then these presenu shall lee void; <br />otherwise tv remain in full force artd effect, a¢d said murtgagen shell be entitled to the possession of ale n( said property, and may, ut its option, <br />deeiare the whore of said Hole and all indebtedness represented thereby [o be imtnediately true and paynhlc, and may toteciwa this nnrrtgnge <br />nr take any other legal action to protect its right. Appraisament waived. <br />This mortgage shall be binding upu¢ and shall enure to the benefit of [he heirs, executnrn, administral.ors, successors and assigns of the <br />respe[kive~parties hereto. <br />IN FITNESS LV HEREON, said 2dottgngurS. hn ve herennur sst - their hand-. S tin- : ~ =;.d }=ear flu+t nbowe <br />written. ~' --~ ~ , <br />y <br />_- /9i~/ 1..ti~ti!~y;1 _. _._ --1C~ l.c%,sa.; ~~. ~. _ <br />.. _. _. - <br />JAC A. BELL.ALRS -KAREN J. B~LAIR5 <br />