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SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED <br />The CITY OF GRAND ISLANDy NEBRASKA, a municipal corporation, <br />herein called the "Grantor", in consideration of Eight Hundred- <br />Seventy-two Dollars ($8.72.00) received from Grantees, does hereby <br />grant;" bargain, sell", convey and confirm unto <br />MIKE C. BRODSKY and- JUDY A.-BRODSKY; <br />husband and wife, as joint tenants with. right of survivorship.-and <br />'tenants in Gammon, herein called the Grantees, the following <br />3escribed real-property. in Hall County, .Nebraska: <br />Lot-Three (3?, Bibck One (lk, Lambert's-Addition to the <br />City of Grand-Island,- Ha11 County, Nebraska, <br />hereinafter referred-to as the "Premises!'.. <br />To have and to hold the above described. Premises unto the' <br />Grantees and to Grantees' heirs and assigns forever so long as the <br />Premises is used in conformity with the Urban Renewal Plan and'Ehe <br />Community Development~Plan of the Gity of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />and so long as all the following conditions-are met: <br />1. Grantees shall develop the Premises herein conveyed for <br />residential use in accordance with Grantees'.proposal to purchase <br />said Premises, which proposal is on file with the Community Develop- <br />" meet Agency, together-with-the final plans for said redevelopment <br />approved by the Community Development-Agency and chief"building <br />official of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.. <br />2.-- .Grantees-shall -begin construction of the improvements on <br />the Premises within six (6) months from-the date of, this-deed of <br />conveyance, and said-construction shall be completed within one (1) - <br />year from--the-date of this deed-unless completion time, is waived <br />by the Bisector of the-Community Development Agency-as a result of - <br />-acts or; conditions beyond"the control of the Grantees. The resid- <br />ential project shall be deemed-completed as of the date thaC the <br />Director of Community Development Agency finally examines the <br />Premi es and ,finds- it to; meet the requirements of ;the".plans-and <br />specifications proposed.,,submitted, and approved for the residential - <br />develapment pursuant to"the Urban Renewal Plan and the t,cumnunity <br />:Development -Plan for `the xesidential_ prnjeet. <br />