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1 <br />tn;cmri , ,° (-~Ci!i+e'rfy~-6eW~[ f/~et6lMldtn¢ ttifir~v'#~'.-l~ill:;~!El~#+1 - " <br />~t~T~ _ - <br />'i: 'J y <br />1 <br />~, ~+ Dafe 6-28-82 $2-"t)f~t3.li1~':= <br />J Hall <br />f~ G\ TFIE COL:NT1` COG`R%' OF ._ .__ - ... _. _- ___.- ---.-_.___.._COL%N%'}', :NEBRASKA <br />,; %'his is to certify ifmf there is pending in the County !burl of __.____ i_[a]_ 1 __.______-.-Cuunfy, <br />ri~4 `~ :Nebraska, a proceeding entitled: <br />f~iti^ <br />l~:~ IN THE t1ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RAY C WITJFREY, Deceased <br />~' <br />_ -- -- <br />` 1 <br />{ - <br />5; I <br />~~' <br />~ _tr -- -- _-- - --- - -- ------- <br />+I , <br />Aro. 39=104 _- Doc.--- - %'aye -- <br />j `~ --- ------ <br />- i which is a proceeding inuoluiny___._FOR1?AL PROBATE-________ _ iii <br />,~~i; , <br />~~+~ -: { {proba(e of mill, admin islrntiart of es(ate, de(zrnnination of heirs, defermina(ioa <br />j~ <br />_ _ in which proceeding the following described rep! <br />~'+~' of inhrri(anre firs, puardiartship, or ronserva(or.ahip <br />Ij~~~ <br />"~ estate is involved, to-wif: South 76 Feet of the West Quarter of the South Half of Block g, <br />{~'~ Windolph's Add'n to the Citp of Grand Island, Hall Co., NE, commonly known as 1020 <br />~3fi ~ West Anna, Grand Island, Nebraska; and <br />P'~ A Tract of land comprising a part o£ the S'~SW'~ of Sec, 3, Twp. 11 N, Range 9, West of <br />the 6th P.M. in Hall Co., NE, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a <br />point on the south line of said Section 3, said point being 1,438.29 feet east of the <br />SW corner of said Sec. 3; thence northerly parallel to the west line of said Sec. 3, a <br />distance_of 516.0 feet; thence easterly parallel to the south line of said Sec. 3, a <br />' distance 84.41 feet; thence southerly parallel to the west line of said Sec. 3, a dis- W- <br />- tance of 516.0 feet to the south line of said Sec, 3; thence cesterly along the south <br />ii line of said Sec. 3, a distance of 84,41 feet to the place of beginning and containing <br />1.000 acre, more or less, commonly described as 1024 East Capital, Grand Island, <br />Nebraska; and <br />Plat of a tract of land comprising apart of the SE~SW'z of Sec. 3, Twp. 11 N, Range 9,., <br />West of the 6th P. M. in Hall-County, NE, more particularly described as follows: Begin-, <br />" ning at a point on the south line of said Sec. 3, said point being 1,523.33 feet east <br />of the southwest corner of said Section 3; thence northerly paralleloto the west line <br />of said Sec. 3, a distance of 516.0 feet; thence deflecting right 9i 40` 34" running <br />'~~ easterly, a distance of 156.12 feet to the westerly right-of-way line of Ord Branch of <br />~~ the Onion Pacific Railroad; thence southeasterly along said railroad right-of-way line, <br />a distance of 515.61 feet to the south line of said Section 3; thence westerly along <br />~i 1~ the south line of said Section 3, a distance of 1?2.3 feet to the place of beginning <br />i and containing 1.942 acres more or less, commonly described as 1026 East Capital, <br />~~ Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />i <br />oourvr, ~, <br />j•' ;} +,,(~~ James A. Kelly <br />Si ~~ l:ounfy Judge of said county <br />r4 rr ~ ~ - ~~~%! <br />Y NEB (;lerk of the Cuualy Court S <br />= Section 1l~SG9. "!n anp proce~dinp in the cnuuty r-pur! inrrolviny (1) the (.rot+aie of udlls under the prauisians of (:hapler 317, arhde <br />2, (2) fhe adnurirstratron uF na(ales urn?er the 7 r~sians ((' rp(rr ?0 arR !e f r U r r 'ern to rnor c lre+ra under (he prouisrans of <br />Chdytar 3Q article r +~ii the detamma! cr of i::herilance 'as un 'e t ! r. r iors aJ t hrl a ', arlr Y•. ;:1; yuardtunslupa <br />under the i.'rnurs in+7s or Ghnpler 38, artiae 1_ _, 3, ar 1, or ;t , , srrwrora<rt- ..,..6r ure l+ro+,i3rw+s a, r-= .-.9, nrtiele A, teherz <br />- re+x( estate it any przrl of it+e nsscls a/'llee es(nfr or ,n, rorreriirey, lhet re,;rnCy i udye beia; r +td+wn !hr 7~rorrrti me ~ :+~iing ,chap ia'sae n <br />Geri ificale mhieh sl+al! be iileJ tui!1+ fire rep is(cr rf dads s;t (l+r fLrm!p in wi+irh drv rral esla;c Is !pealed :uuhrr+ ten daps q;+tr the <br />•' lescriptinn nI (hz real rsta(e it Jikd rn Uee jvx,ceedrr+p." ................. _.......__......... <br />