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<br />82--~)U5.10~ <br />A S S I G N M E N T O F T R U S T D E E D <br />{ <br />~- <br />,~ . 1 <br />~eUl ~_.-~~' <br />9Be ,•, ~ , <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, "That 5liperior Mortgage, 7n c. a corporation, the <br />party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of Sixteen thousand two hundred <br />fyf~y and Nfl/1(10----------------- D ollars, to it in hand paid by BANCO MORTGAGE <br />COMPANY, P O Box 780, Waterloo, Iowa 50704 a Corporation, the party of the second <br />part, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, assigned and transferred, <br />and, by these presents does grant, assign and transfer unto its successors and <br />assigns, a certain Trust Deed, wherein the said Superior Mortgage, Inc. is <br />Beneficiary, Michael E. Durant and Betty Jo Durant, Husband and Wife is <br />Trustor, and Chico o Tit a nsurance Company is Trustee, which Trust <br />Deed was dated the 2n day of Noyem er , 14 82 , and recorded <br />the ) o2t h s ay of ® V C' ~ y e ~ 19_g~, docwnent # ~a.- U n ~{$ 2 ~ <br />of the Mortgage Records of Ha1T County, Nebraska, and all its <br />right, title and interest to the property therein described, as follows., to-wit: <br />lot Eight (8), in Block Eighty-five (85), Wheeler .and 6ennett's Fourth <br />Addition to the City of brand Island, Nebraska <br />Together with the promissory note therein described, and the money due or to become <br />due thereunder, including interest thereon, subject only to the provisions <br />of said Trust Deed therein contained. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Sup~,rior Mortgage, Inc, a corporation, has caused this <br />Assignment of Trust Deed to be executed by its President, and attested by its <br />~kice President, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 4th <br />day of November 19 82 <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />SUPERIOR MORTGAGE, INC. <br />By: ~~. <br />J s S. Reed, President <br />i <br />Attest: ~. .-^,: ~i.•r,'~Ca~'\t~ <br />R. S. Lancaster, Vice President <br />Qi this 4th day of November 19 82 , before me a <br />notazy public duly co~md.ssioned and qualif~~din and for said coin ty and state, <br />personally came the above named James S. Reed, President, and R. S. Lancaster, <br />Vice President of Superior Mortgage, Inc. who are personally known to me to be <br />the identical persons whose names are affixed to the above Assignment of Trust <br />Deed as the President and Vice President of said corporation and they acknowledge <br />the instrument to be their voluntary act and deed and the wluntary act and deed <br />of said corporation. <br />WITNESS my hand and official seal, at Grand Island, in said county, the date <br />aforesaid. <br />Ngq~a~ <br />.,. IREN£ B. g1EDFElT ~ ~ C <br />q~ My tAmm. FxD~ ~ i• _~ - N otary Public L <br />My commission. expires:Auaust 1, 1984 <br />Return ta: Superior Mortgage, Inc. <br />P O Box $6 8 <br />Grand Island, NE 68801 <br />