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<br />M©RTGAGE <br />THIS INDENTURE, made this__._~.(+th___. ___.___._ day of_ November __- _ , 1982._._ . by and hetween <br />FRANK E. LOFGREEN AND__PATRICIA ANN LOFGREEN1 _HUSBAND ANi; WIPE <br />of H81.~. County, Nebraska, az mortgagor 9 .and Home Federal Savings and C.oan Associadon of Grand Island, a corporation <br />organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island. Nebraska, az <br />mottgagee; <br />WITNESSETT-1: That said mortgagor S ,for and in consideration of the sum of ELEVEN THOUSAAID ONE HITNDRED <br />FTFTY-RTX DOT.T.ARS AND 56[100 -------------------- Dollars (S I1.1 fi_56 ), <br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by thex prexnrs mortgage and yvarranttrnto safdmor[gagee, its successors and assigns, <br />forever, all the following described real estate, situated in [he County nl _._._.__..,t~u.A. ~__._.___ _ <br />and Stale of Nebrazka, to-wit-. <br />LOT EIGHTEEN (18) IN-BLOCK SIX {6) IN COLLEGE ADDITION TO WEST LAWN, AN <br />ADDITION TO TAE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />t <br />Together with all heating, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing eympmen[ and fixtures. including ,creeps, awnings, storm windows and <br />doors, and window shades or blinds, used nn or in connection with said property. whether the same nee now located on saki property or hereafter <br />placed thereon. t <br />TO HAVE ANU TO HOLD THE SAME, together with nil and-singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be- <br />t <br />longing, or in anywise appertaining, forever, and warrant the tine to the same. Enid morgagor$... herehy covenant with ,aid <br />mortgagee that -_t hey... ... 3IE-- . st the delivery hereof, the lawful owner 5.. oC the omr[nses above conveyed and describ ~, t <br />aad__HL.£._.._seized of a good end indefeasible estate of inheritance Cherein. free end clear of ail encumhrances. and that . _the }C._ ~'+•iit ~~ <br />warrant rend defend the title thereto forever against the cl¢ims and demands of ail persons whomsoever. <br />PROV IUED ALW AYS. nod this instrument is executed and delivered w secure the payment of the sum of ELHSIEN _ TN__ nl1_SA_ND _. . <br />ONE HUNDRED FZFTY-SIX DOLLARS AND Sb/-100 -_ -------_ 3yo;;ani3,,._111156,.56__ _,, <br />__ __ <br />with interest thereon, together with such charges rend advances as may be due and pnynble to seed taortKaKee under the t ens and conditions <br />of theprotttissory note of even date herewith end second Hereby, executed by said mortKagor5_ _ to and mortK¢Kt'e, Fwyable as exprr•s.ed <br />in said note, and tq secure the performance of ail the terms rend conditions contained therein. -1'he ±erma of said note era hereby mcurpuraeeti <br />herein by this reference. <br />It is [he intention and agreement of the prutien hereto that this mortgaKe shall ni-vn secure any Future advances made Io said mort.gagurg-- <br />by said mortgagee, and any rend all indabtedn[_ys in addition w the amount ¢huve staced which said mortgagors, nr :any of them, may owe to <br />said mortgagee, however evidenced, whether by note, book account or othero~ise. `t'his moAKnKe shall remain in full kua4 and effect between <br />the parties hereto and their heirs. personal representatives, sutr:essors and nasigns, until all amuunu secured hereunter, mciuding future <br />advanrxs, are paid in fuL` with interest. <br />The mortgagor__S hereby assign.~_.. to said mortgagee ail rents rend income anaing at any and all times from said property and <br />hereby fluthorize said mortgagee nr its agent, at its option. upon default w take charge of said property and collect all rents rend income <br />therefrom-and apply the same to the pnytttent of interest, prinuipal, insurance premmms. [axes. assessments, repairs n impruvoments <br />necessary Lo keepsaid property in CenatteWecondition, nr to other chacgrs or payments provided fur harem or in the-note hereby src~uretC. This <br />tent assigt[menG shall continue in force unW the unpaid balance ui said note is fully paid. The taking of possession hereunder shat) in no manner <br />prevent or retard said mortgagee in the collection of said sums by (oredasurr ur othanvise. <br />1'he failure nE the mortgagce to assert any of its rights hereunder at any time shall not he construed es a waiver of its-right to assert:- the <br />same nt any later time, and W insist upon and eniorm strict compliance with ail the terms :cod provisions of soul mite and of this mortK¢K[+~ <br />I(said mortgagorg shall cause to tie paid to said murtKaKen the entree tuaount due it hereunder, and under the terms ami previsions <br />of said tmtehereby secured, frcludi»(r, fuWre advances, rend any extensions or renewals thunrof in accordance with the ternv+ and provisions <br />thereof, and $ said mortgagor..3-_ shall comply with all the provisions of said note ¢nd of this mortgage, then these presents shall be vuiJ: <br />othenriae to remaininfttll force std edfaot. [~ said mortgagee shall be v~4itltd to Ghe ptwssesaion of all ref. said prof~y. and.may. at its option, <br />danlare.the whole of said [ale std all indebtedoaas repreaenteti thereby to ere immediately due and payable. and map fona~lose thi rmrtgaga <br />or take aqy ofhar legal actfon~to protect iW right. Appraiaetnent waived. <br />This ttwrtgege ekell be bind"wg upon and shell enure eo the benefit of the hens, executors. administrators, successors nndansit[oe of the <br />ceapective`partiea hereto. <br />!N WI`~HE.HE£?F, said Morigegar~. -hNe_ _. hereunto .~et __thk:.1L. _ hand_,~ t'a .rd oar first dune <br />~t / ~+; <br />t - - '~ to /OLr <br />FRANK E. LO PATRICIA ANN LOFGREEN <br />