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<br />~2- UUt~ti~~'; <br />6. if he fails to pay any sum or keep any covenani provider) for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at <br />its option, may pay a• perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum <br />owing on the above note, shall be secux•ed hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided <br />for in the principal indebtedness. <br />7. Upon request of the Mortgagee, Mm•tgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or cotes <br />for• the sum or stuns arh•auced by Mortgagee 1'or the alteration, modernization, or improvement made at <br />the Mortgagor's request; or for maintenance of said premises, ur For taxes ur assessments against the <br />same, and for any other purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said note or notes shall be secured <br />hereby on a parity with and as fully as if the achance evidenced thereby •.+ere inchuled in the cote first <br />described above. Said supplemental note or notes shall bear interest at the rate providr_d for in the prin- <br />cipal indebtedness and shall tic: payable in approsimateiy equal monthly payments for such period as may <br />be agreed upon by the Mortgagee and Mortgagor. Puffing to agree on the maturity, the tcho]e of the sum <br />or sums so ach-anced shall be one and payable thirty {30) days after demand by the Mortgagee. [n no <br />event shall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note first described above. <br />8. He hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the Mortgagee, to be applied tcitvard the payment of <br />the cote and all sums secured hereby in case of x default in the performance of any of the Perms and condi- <br />tions of this mortgage yr the said note, all the rents, revenues and income w be derived frmn 'the mort- <br />gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebteciuess shall remain unpaid; and the Jortgagee <br />shall have poker to appoint anv agent ixr agents it may desire for the purpose of renting the same amd col- <br />lecting the teats, revenues ,md income. and it =nay pay out of said incomes all nrcessat;~• commissions and <br />expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom: the balance <br />remaining, if nny, to he applied totrard the discharge of said mortgage indc•btednuss. <br />9. He trill cont.inuousiv mauuain hazard insurxurce, of such type ur t~'pes and amounts as ilSortgagee <br />ma}° from time to time req~.rire, vn the improvements now or ltercafter on said premises and axcept when <br />parameut fot• all such pr~~miunts has theretofore been made under (a.) rC paragraph '3 hereof, tali) pay <br />prmnptly when due any premiums therefor. iTpon default thereof, 3fortgagec ntat• pay the same. all <br />insurance shall be iarr'ed in companies approved by the Miutgagee and the policies and renetcals thereof. <br />shall be held by the Mortgagee and have attached thereto Loss payable clauses in Paver of end in form <br />acecptable to 'the Mortgagee. In event (rf lossllortgagor n~i(1 give immediate uutice icy mail to the ~Snrt- <br />gagee, tvho ntav !nuke nruof of loss if not made promptl• by ~iortgagor.::nd :each insurance compan>• con- <br />cerned is hereby autiun•ired and directed to make pa}~meut for such lass direct)} to the Mortgagee instead <br />of to the Jortgagor and the Mortgagee jointly, and the insurance proceeds, or any' part thereof, <br />may be applied by the Mortgagee at its option either to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured <br />m• to the restoration or repair of the property damaged. In evE:nt of forec•losurc r,f this mortgage, or other <br />transter of title to the nun igaged property in extinguishment ut the indebtedness secured hcreb>~, atll <br />right, title and interest of the .lortgagor itt and to any insurance pulfcies tl.en in ii~ree shall pass to the <br />purchaser or grantee. <br />10. ~~s additional and collateral secw•it}• for the pad tneut of the note des:a'ibeci, and all sums to become <br />due under this mortgage, the llortgagorherebv assigns to the 'lortgagoe all lease bonuses, profits, reve- <br />nues, royalties, rights, rued other benefits accruing to ±hc _lortgagor under any ono all oil and gas leases <br />note. or during the Iii'c. of this mortgage, executed on said premises, a-ith the right to t•ecrive anti receipt <br />for the same and app)- Them to said indebtedness as trell before as ait2!• ~letault in the conditions of this <br />mortgage, and the lortgagee may demand, sue for and recvicer an.' such pa~~menis :then Niue mind pay- <br />ablq but shall not be required so to do. This assignment is to terminate end !~eamte null and re,io uprin <br />release of this mortgage. <br />]1. He shall not commit ur permit waste, and shad maintain [he prupert~~ En as good cunciitiou as at <br />present, reasonable wezu• auo text excepted. Upmt any failure to so maintain, Mortgagee, aC its option, <br />mac uattse reasonable maiatcuanee work to be perforated at the cast of \~Iortgagor. ..-1uy ;unounts paid <br />therefor by Murtgxgce shall be:u• interest at 'the rate pevvided Cur itx tite principal ;udebtcduess, shall <br />thereupon becane a part of the indebtedness secut•ed by this instrument, ratably swrl un a parit}- faith al] <br />other indebtedness secured herebyy-, and shall be payable thirh' (3U) clays after demand. <br />12. If the premises, or any part thereof, be cundenuted undert~he potter of emiucni domain, or <br />acquired for a public use, the damages awarded, the nroeeecls for the taking of, or the consideration for <br />such acquisition, to the extent of fire full amount of the remaining unpaid indebtedness secured by this <br />mortgage, or heretic assigned to the Mortgagee, and shall ire paid forthn~ith to said 3tnrtgxgee. to be <br />applied on account oC the last maturing i;!stal(nte-nts oC such indebtedness. <br />13. [f the Mortgagor fails to make any payments whau due, ot• to imil'orm to and comply faith any <br />of the conditions or agreetnerrts contained in this mortgage, ur the notes «~hich it secures, then the <br />entire principal stun cur', accrued interest shall at. once become duo ruin pati<ible. st the elc~etion of the <br />Mvrtgagee; and this murtggage :nay thereupon be i'orecioseil utimeoiatcay for the tt~ituie of the indebted- <br />ness' hereby secured, including the cost of extending the abstract of title Irum the date of this mort- <br />gage to the time of commencing such suit, a reasonable attorney's fee, .oui :ut} sunxa pal=_I by the Veterans <br />Administration on account of the guaranty or insurance of the indebtedness secure,) l;crrarby, all ul' which <br />shall be included in tha decree of foreclosi,u•e. <br />1~3. If the indebtedness secured hereby be g~uaranfcerl ur insured under Title as;, ?'nitro States C'nde, <br />such 'Pule <xnd Iteguiatiuns issued thereunder and In etl'ect uu th~• ,late horeuf shall gucern ~ ~~~ ~~~r,~hts, duties <br />and liabilities of, the parties hereto, and any 1'n•uvisiuns of this nr other in,t.ruments ~>xecu- i ~ uuueckioa <br />with said indebtedness wltieh are inconsistent a°ith said Title ~,m hcgulutions :rte heren;~ ann:nded io <br />conform thereto. <br />The covenants herein contained shall bind, end tl't+~ benefits and advautatgvs shai3 inure to, <br />