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<br />82-~1a50~~ <br />STATE OF.l1~b.F19.1Sa ............... On this..._.14th......_day of----•.-September...._._...•,......._...., ty14..---, before <br />ss. <br />-...-•.•-~-..~~~~ ......................County me, the undersigned a :Vokrrp Puhlir, dul}~ ranunis.cioncd msd qualified Jor <br />in said cuunt~•, personally carer..-W~,.~,ARC.-R'---],Q);S$~I..ANA..LAIIREL..I,...-.....-- <br />• LARSEN <br />to see knnztm to br the identical person ur prrson.r w/lose sense is ar names are <br />mixed to the forego%ng insiruznrsst and ocksrozrledged the esen<tian thereof to be <br />his, her or their voluntar}=act and deed. <br />WIWtM6ui1¢-at^z•^tr^bub 6{~itness sssy hand and Notarial Seal the das• and =ear last above written. <br />DEYRAJ.YYFNiE ~~^/I~ D~_~ -~ ~~yyjj BD <br />.. MY lance. tip ~,lia~Rt _...G~~-f/"~.. ....`K.2~2kc 6~..t.Natary Public -- <br />My Cosmnission expires the...:~.e~....da.t• af.~ .., ry8~. -- <br />STATE OF _............_.... -- -....... On this_ __ - ----- d°v ° --- - - __..-....... . <br />- ~ f - -- - ty.._.._-., before <br />ss. <br />__ ..............._......__.._..._...._County me, the undersiyned a :Votary Pnbtic, dude conurzissionrd and qualified for <br />in said count}', personally came--------- ...............__....-- .-....--.-......-- _--..___...._. <br />to snr knozan to be the identical person or persons zohose name is or names arc <br />- a(frxed to the farcgning instrument and acknozc•lcrlgrd the e;reaztioss thrreoJ to be <br />his, her or tlzcir vohsntar~~ act and deed. <br />lhibsess m~~ hand assd Notarial Seal the rlar ~,nd yrar last aboz=r written. <br />_.-..... _ ._ ..................... -- -Votary Public <br />11}• Cosnznissian expirrs tlze_.__.._..._da_r °E_ ...............__.____...--......., :y....-- <br />f <br />~ <br />~ ~ <br />~ <br /> <br />~ ~ ~ ~ ' <br />t~ ° - .i <br />i ~ e ' r, <br />~ -) <br />`~ ~ ` <br /> ~ ~ ~l <br />s <br />o <br /> ~ <br />' <br />- ~ <br /> <br />- - - ~ i <br />I ~ a a ij i <br />~j <br />~ <br />1 `, st v <br />f ~ ( ~ ~t a a ~ - <br /> <br /> ~ <br />i ~, <br />~I ~ ~ <br />s. j+f :, i <br />~~ <br />I <br />.~ 4 ~~ <br /> .~ J <br />° <br />~ U 1 <br /> ` <br />l 1 <br />i ti <br />" ~' <br />~ if ~ 1; 1 <br />I <br />~ ~ v ~' <br />V <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />~ I~ <br />f <br />t <br />w <br /> <br /> <br />1 W <br /> <br />~ 1 <br />l <br />I <br />~ <br />i G 3 <br />~ <br />:I ~- i, .. ~ w, ., <br />