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I <br />,.. <br />~. ~ Z03r/s-RELEASE OF MORTGAGE-Corporation 82 .,..,, ~ ~ t',J (j ES %` <br />IN CONS/DERATlO~V of the payment of the debt named therein, the <br />Trust Co., Grand Island, Nebraska <br />Nuflman and Felton 8Wolf,-Wagon, Ne. 68461 - <br />Commercial National Bank & <br />hereby releases tke mortgage made to' <br />' :Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. by Charles E. Haggerty - <br />Grand Island, Nebraska <br />an the following descsibed real estnte, to-wit: Lot Twenty Nine (29) in Amick Acres, Being a part of <br />i the West Half of the Southwest Quarter (WtiSW'~) of Section Two (2), Township Nine (9) <br />North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />' ~ of Section2 in Tnxund~ip 9 Range 10 W of tke 6th P. M., Hall . <br />County, State of Nebraska xuhich is recorded in Baok of Peal Estate Mortgages, page <br />of the records of said Cnunty. Document (r82-001261 - <br />IN TES~'IA1,f~NY WHEREOF, the said Commercial National Bank & Trust co. has caused <br />these ¢reQgt'tb~&'6~ecrted by its gre,rident n>ul its Carf+oraM .Sen! to be affxed hereto this 30th <br />day o~' ..~ .e,Whes,.-.' Iq 82. <br />Wit~tess CGr,,~xcial National-. Bank & Trust Co _ <br />... By,.,~ Vice.... , P sident <br />.- Attest ...~:. . / .... _ . ,Cashier, Secretary <br />.. <br />°-- <br />STE+tT'~' CF' N'~braSka .u .... ss. 30th y N_ovemb_e_r -.----- 19-82 <br />--- - - On this .. .. -da of <br />--- -- -. a.... ,~~, <br />Hall ..-_County before me, the undersigned, a Nota Pnblic in and for <br />' ~ 'N •: ~ `~'~.~' David R. Boehle ry <br />paid Courrty; paIl'y came . vice president of the <br />;Commercial National Bank & Trust Co., Grand Island, Nebraska a Corporation <br />to me personally known to be the President and identical person whose name is affixed to the above release and <br />acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and dead as such officer, and the voluntary act and <br />deed of said Corporation, and that its corporate seal was thereto affixed by i~ authority. <br />Witness my hand d tanrrnra~a _ land - ~ ;'in said County the day and year <br />test above written. BETfYq~ - = <br />~ - ~ ~ <br />My commission expires..-.._...... -- -.~, ~~~~ .c.d~~,lc--.- <br />..-... cLuf - --- - -- - -- ------- Notary Public <br /> <br /> <br />