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This STATEMENT is pre senrod +o a f,rnq effaces fe, flUnq purwenr ,e rh u roan ~ erc;ni c d ._ ~ 's. M - y de+e 1 f y-~: <br />S. Debso•{sl {Lost Neme F:. s+) and n{es) r.. ,1, Secured Parry{ias) and aedras s(e s) ; Fo• Fit;ng pifi ter (Oore, ~~ma and Filing <br />D(li ce} <br />Gifford-Hill 6 Company, Inc. County of Hall, Nebraska <br />P. 0. Box 790 121 South Pine r~ ma~yy// rr1} <br />Grand Island, NE Grand Island, NE 82"Tll~~llf? <br />q, This statement •ale.s ro original Financing Statement beori~g Ffle Ne. 6-555 ' <br />an o. - <br />Filed with~P01 R~_YPT t~1P nPP[IA Dare F~led_ Mrrh 7R~,19~_ <br />5. Q Cgnrinuosian. The original fin ing s o ant between the 'ongoing Debtor and Secured Po•ry, 6ear;ng file mber show above, still elfeerive. <br />6..® Terminofion, Secured pony no'Ionge• claims a sec r „taro sr under the flnon cing s oremenr beoring file number shown ohove. <br />7. tVV""II Af~+menf. The s red po•.y's right under the f;noncing srotemenr booting file number shown above ro +he property deze+ibed in Isom 10 have - <br />~!~, been assigned ro the assignee whose name and address appears in Item 10. <br />8: f,T{! /Ynq dment. Financing Sratem•n+ beo•~ng f;le number shown above ~s o ended a or forth in Isem 10. ;u <br />9:'~-Rel~aep. Secumd Po•+y releases the colton.ol dozer; bed .n Item 10 from the fins cing srotemenr bearing file number shown above. <br />10 _. -. - - - ~ . <br /> <br />- kECDRDERS tAE(dJ. ~'c ; i ,a2 >G'G~ ~--- ;c <br /> ~ <br />~' '- of Deeds <br /> <br /> <br /> No. of add;ri onol Sheers presented: u z <br /> f Hall j~ ckk~ <br />Gc~rmty <br />o <br /> ~ <br />^ <br /> ~)y <br />;J <br />l <br />Si gnomre (s) of Debror(s)ineces so.y only .F .rem &a eppL cobl ej. Signorure{s) of Secured orry w <br />{t} Fling ^,., :cr CopY - -.TScbetical <br /> <br /> <br />