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<br />C9RPdRA^t Ali nr.};~ 82,..,.,f)~~f)(: <br />C2FFORCM-NII.I; i COXPI!!'T, T}CC:, herein called the Gfi:,s:rR, :.n <br />consideration of :en and Xa/200 Dollaxs {510.00) and athc:r ,~cc:: <br />and valuable consideration reeeivad from GAAyTEE, Di:.;:0:.~ <br />P1,ASTICS CORPOAlc:It}F,, conveps to :.RANTEF., the following-described <br />real cetera !as defined iw ::eb, Rev, Stet. 76-?.01) situared zn <br />the Cow~ty of Hall, State of"}tebraska, to-wit: <br />A tract of lard eoaprisinq part of Lot Ten tl0) , <br />Farrell 5ubdiviaion, and part of the Korth Half of the <br />Southwest Quarter (XySW;t) Of Section iti+enty-Four, t?~), <br />.awnahip Elevon (11} Korth, Rar.go Ten {lo} ;•;est of *_re <br />6th P.:l, in Y.aii County, \ebraska, more psrticultirly <br />described as follows: <br />IIeginnirg at a point on the Southeasterly rightrof-way <br />line of U.S, Y.ighway Ko. 37, said paint beinct Gee <br />Thousand Two Hundred ^hirty-Six and Tame= e-t'a <br />(1,236.3) feat saLth and Ki:.eteen and Five-~iuadrectas <br />(19.05) feet east o: the :orthuest earner of said <br />Southwest Quarter (SW~t), thence easterly, parpandiculzr <br />to the west line of said So;achast Quarter (S'rs}, a <br />.distance of Four Hundred Thirty-Sight and \iaety-F:ve- <br />Hundredths (538.95} feat, to the southwest come: o: <br />Routings T:iird Subdivision; thence nart`er"1v a'io;:a t::e <br />west line o¢ said Routings 4hird Subdivision, a distance <br />of One Hundred Sixty-?ive (165.0) feet; thtrnce easterly <br />along the north line of said Rentings Third 5ubdivisio, <br />a distance of Eight Hundred Sixty-Sever. and eighty-c'ive- <br />Huadredths {8b7,85) °eet; t:sence deflecting le.°t <br />?0° 5l'• and running ncrtaerly, a distance of :ka <br />Hundred Forty-Sever. and 2:ire-Tenths 1267.9) feet; <br />thence deflecting right 9Q° GO'. and running oasterl.•, a <br />distance of :brae Hcnozed Seventy-r^ive 1335.0} fee±; <br />thence deflecting right Oi• 00' a-.d run^iaq easterly, a <br />distance o: Cne Hundred Sixty-?:;rte (1b3.0) feet to tie <br />west line pf Sohnstown Woad; thence ^ertherly alone tie <br />west line of said .:o hnstown Road, a diataace o; ^:,'n <br />Hundred Fifty-:1ao and•Fifteen-Hundredths (252.15} :cat; <br />thanes aort'rwasterly along the west line of said <br />Johnstown Road, a distance o: Sever, Hundred iS+enty and <br />Ninety-Six~Hurdredths (72L.9fi} feet to the southeaster;v <br />right-of-way line of U,S, ;ighway ao. 30; <br />southwestorly along said right-of-way live, a distarcc <br />Of Fiva 73urd:ed :Wenty-Four and Kinety-Feu:-liund:edt}:s <br />!524.94) fast to a paint o` cL-rvature; thence saut;•:- <br />aesterly along sand right of way Iine and on the arc o: <br />a curve khase radius is 2,789.79 feat (the long oi:o~•d <br />of Which forms a deflection angle l5. 12' 37" lair frog <br />the pxecedin5 tourist, and has a length of 1,455.04 <br />feet), nn arc distance of One ^Thousand Four Hundred <br />Seventy-:wo and .^chirty-Thres-}iw,dredths (1,72.33) <br />fast, to the point of beginning and containing 2b.z63 <br />acres more or less. <br />~,~ <br />!___ <br /> <br /> <br />