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<br />82-N f}n`i(~Ei`~ <br />RELEASE OF RF,AL ESTATE MORTGAGES <br />IN COPISSDERATION of the payment of the debt named therein the <br />First National Bank of Omaha, Omaha., Nebraska, hereby releases the <br />mortgages made to the First National Bank of Omaha as Trustee by the <br />County of Hall, Nebraska, a Political Subdivision of the State of <br />Nebraska, on the following described real estate in Hall County, <br />Nebraska: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter <br />(SW~4) of Section Twenty-four (24), Township Eleven (11) North, <br />Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M. as more folly described <br />in that certain real estate mortgage dated January 1, 1973, <br />recorded on February 23, 1973 in Book 160 of Real Estate Mort- <br />gages, page 247 of the records of Hall County, excepting there- <br />from that portion thereof previously released by a Partial Re- <br />lease recorded on January 18, 1974 which Partial Release was <br />recorded in Book 63 of Releases, page 66 of the records of Hall <br />County; and that portion thereof previously released by a Par- <br />tial Release recorded on January 27, 1977 as Document No. 77- <br />000449 of the records of Hall County. <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter of <br />the Southwest Quarter (NE4SW4} of Section Twenty-four (24), <br />Township Eleven {11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M. <br />containing 1.217 acres, more or less, and a tract of land com- <br />prising a part of Lot Ten (10}, Farrall Subdivision, Hall County, <br />Nebraska, containing 0.089 acres, more or less as more fully <br />described in that certain real estate mortgage dated January <br />25, 1977 recorded as Document No. 77-00450 of the records of <br />Hall County, on January 27, 1977. <br />IN TESTIMONY S9HEREOF the said First National Sank of Omaha, <br />Omaha, Nebraska has caused these presents to be executed by its <br />Vice President this '~I%~1 day of November, 1982. <br />FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OCRAHA, <br />OMAHA, NEBRASKA <br />At ~,~t• 6~' ~ ~ ~, `~' <br />~~~~ /, _ <br />,_ cashi.. ~ ,~ <br />/i <br />STATE bF 13EBRASKA ) <br />) ss: <br />- . <br />Vi e President <br />COUNTY OF DOUGLAS <br />Before me personally came Wm. J. Feser, Vice President of First <br />National Bank of Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska, a national banking corpo- <br />ration, who executed the foregoing Release and acknowledged the <br />execution thereof to be his voluntarv act and deed as such officer <br />and the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. <br />Dated November r[~~`-A 1982 ---~ <br />_S J>' <br />'Notary Public\._ ` <br />6EMEMU NOTANT -Stu y ~ <br />-______ MARL M D~EMi <br />MY Comm Cxo. 4uy. 1~, 291! <br />