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<br />82-t~':7~i,~:' <br />RELEASE OF F2EAL ESTATE NDRI'GAC~ <br />IQVOW ALL MPN BY THESE PRE.SErPPS, that SMALL, BUSIfdESS ADMIIIISTRATICi1, <br />for valuable consideration, in hand paid, does hereby release anc! discharge the <br />Real Estate Mortgage dated December 15, 1980 made at:d executed by <br />~+~dvest_ B.~;-Products, Inc. _to State Bank of <br />grog and reoor~e3 in the Office of the Rte;;GtPr e pis <br />of Ball County, Nebraska, as Docimient No. 80-007275; and, assigned to <br />Shall Business Administration ry Bank on C^tober 27, 1981, said assignment heirg recorded <br />in Register, of Deeds of I;all County, Nebraska as Document r'o. 81-005452 on Octorer 28, 1981. <br />A tract of land in the r?orthwest (,quarter. of the iTOrtheast Qiiai-ter (r;w-1/4 rIE-1/4) <br />of Section Sixteen (16), Township Ten {10) North, Range Ten (10), West of the 6th <br />P.M., Fall County, r'ebraska, more particularly described as follows: with reference <br />to the Northeast ~rner of said Section 16; thence running westerly on the North <br />line of said Section 16 on an assumed rearing of I: 9D Degrees OD' 00" W a distance <br />of 1318.69 feet to the northeast corner of said T_J<4-1/4 of the LIE-lj4 as previously <br />describer-~' said Point tein5 the actual Ioint of beg~nninq; thence continuing westerly <br />on aforesaid north line a distance of 329.70 feet; thence running southerly rearing <br />S 1 Degree 11'42" W a distance of 926.40 feet; thence running easterly hearing <br />N 89 Degrees 58'10" E a distance of 330.30 feet; thence running northerly rearing <br />N 1 Degree 09'30" E a distance of 926.21 feet to the actual point of reainning, said <br />tract containing 7.02 acres more or less, the northerly 33.00 feet reing county road <br />right-of-way. <br />The recording official is hereby authorized and directed to discharge <br />said Real Estate Mortgage of rerord, and alter re~rding this release, to enter <br />upon the margin of the record of said nnrtgage the book and page where this release <br />is recorded, in accordance vrith the provisions of the statutes in such case made <br />and provided. <br />Dated at Omaha, Nebraska this 1~ ~ day of ~'~n~.% 19 ;~/ <br />SMALL BUSIlVE,~S}S ADM~IISTRAT'tC'N <br />ROBERT J. S; ~ Chief <br />Portfolio NJanagement Division <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA) <br />SS <br />COUDPI'Y OF DOUQ,AS) <br />Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and <br />State, personally came Robert J. Ingan ,who being bt me duly sworn, <br />did say that he is Chief, Portfolio Management Division of the <br />Omaha District Office of Small Business Administration, an Agency of the United States <br />of Atrerica, and is authorized by S&'1's Rules and Regulations, Part 101, Revision 2, <br />published in the Federal Register January 15, 1982, 47 FR 2345, and that the above <br />ar~3 foregoing instnunent was signed by iiim on behalf Uf said Small Business <br />Adtttinistration and said Robert J. Logan acknowledged said instrutrnnt <br />~ be the free act and deed of said Small Business Administration. <br />Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me ttus L T~ day of <br />GEMFftAt NUTUtr • Srore a rkatuA~ ~ <br />..~_ <br />`~ ) 8lWBApA ~5TER -.- <br />Mr Owa £Kp qK, Iq ti/S "lotacy Fr ~ci.~ - -- - <br />Connussion L:, i.res ~" ''~ ' ~ _ <br />