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i <br />. ~ <br />EXHIBIT A <br />• A strip of land 25.0 feet wide situate in the SW1/4 <br />of Section 31, Township 9 North, Range 12 West of the Sixth <br />~' Principal Meridian in Hall County, Nebraska, lying between <br />Lines parallel with and 50.0 and 75.0 feet distant north- <br />easterly, measured at right angles from the hereinafter <br />described centerline and said centerline prolonged of main <br />track of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, •as now con- <br />structed and cperated, and extending southeasterly from the <br />west line to the south line of said SW1/4. <br />Containing an area of 1.41 acres, more or less. <br />Said centerline of main track, hereinabove referred <br />to, is described as follows: <br />Beginning at the point of ,intersection of said <br />centerline of main track with the west line of Section 31, <br />which point is 666 feet, more or less, distant north, measured <br />along said west line from the southwest corner thereof; <br />thence southeasterly along a straight line forming <br />an angle of 72°45' from south to southeast with said west <br />line of Section 31, a distance of 2249 feet, more or less, <br />to the south line of said section that is 2144 feet east, <br />measured along said south line, from the southwest corner <br />thereof. <br />v <br />c~ -~` <br />"a -- <br />9 ~~ <br />.,! X41 COMP ~ ~ ; ' <br />;'1NTOR G~4NTFF - <br />-- - .~ - x <br />~- ~ :, <br />w <br />i ~. <br />."~ <br />~. <br />~R <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />t__. <br /> <br />