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<br />82--0~`JOSt <br />C.D. No. 45914-3 <br />WARRANTY DEED <br />RNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />That, CHARLES GLENN WESTING and SADIE LEONA WESTING, <br />husband and wife, of Kenesaw, Nebraska, Grantors, in con- <br />sideration of the sum of two thousand eight hundred thirty <br />dollars ($2,830.00) to them paid, the receipt of which is <br />hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey <br />and confirm unto UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, a corporation <br />of the State of Utah, Grantee, the real estate situate in <br />Hall County, Nebraska, described in Exhibit A, hereto attached <br />and hereby made a part hereof. <br />This deed is made SUBJECT to the following: <br />(a) All taxes and all assessments levied upon or <br />assessed against the premises described in Exhibit A <br />for any period or time prior to and including the date <br />of this deed shall be payable by the Grantors; all taxes <br />and all assessments levied upon or assessed against the <br />premises described in Exhibit A for any period or time <br />after the date of this deed shall be payable by the <br />Grantee; and the Grantee assumes and agrees to pay, or <br />to reimburse the Grantors for, if paid by them, all <br />such taxes and assessments for the period or time after <br />the date of this deed; <br />(b) The one-half interest in oil, gas and mineral <br />rights, together with the mining rights, privileges and <br />immunities thereto belonging conveyed by deed recorded <br />in Book 89, Page 476 of the Deed Records of Hall County, <br />Nebraska, which interest is presently owned by Union <br />Central Life Insurance Company; <br />(c) That certain Easement f_or electric lines <br />granted to Consumers Public Power District and now owned <br />by Dawson Public Power District for easement of a right- <br />of-way to construct, operate, maintain and remove equip- <br />ment from Part of the SWl/4 of Section 31, T-9-N, R12-W <br />of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska: Beginning at <br />the point on the west line of said SW1/4 and approxi- <br />mately 1200' South of the North line of the same SW1/4 <br />and running north-easterly to a point on the East line <br />of said SW1/4 and approximately 500' South of the North <br />line of said SW1/4. <br />NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY <br />STAMP T <br />~,,_3' BY_~..__,.,_ <br />u <br /> <br /> <br />