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<br />82- Oa~U4~ <br />___ . _ ~ <br />m <br />~ _ <br />,nent ., omt,.. h+ <br />by :`.he rxcrr l: n <br />-. .r ei?, ~ Auld <br />awE¢',lg herrCy .gt! *.G *.n@ y ,t& <br />• <br />ry 'J_ ~-g+f '3 eb:r ~r>. - 'e. apr! ~ nirt <br />,~. <br />~ <br />Lherefbt <br />artd to ',. „h1. .. .: , .~ ~' rnr :.: ... ... .. .:. .. ~" ..:. .'.r - '~, , -..nrl:>.~ge <br />(^) ~.^.aL in the. event ~ ? t ~ I-. - a...><a! =zid 'r - m, :- ~ Snstr r °no[, nr <br />ot'agv interest r:.e.. eon, ~ha t, :. '*zn ~he . .-haall ue hlc, - t : e.:, al , -rant ~ an:.,r „e.*?- <br />r <br /> <br />~t .. <br />ot, then, at t112 optlcn „ee~ - _by h-, ~Uht orrJ--I. -+r- and ;,ayablr <br />,rd.t..°nrts --_~ <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ <br />shall bear interest at :he dz Zatiit -t_ .. . lard in sx1,'. n-rte, n- <br />_~e Hort . <br />~ <br />nr'1~ _I /nE.:iiaz'v *n^ec lase th±s <br />mortgage or pursue any oth=•r availa ,le lee;al r amery. <br />(S) That 1n She v. •1^cl FI ._o - .• to ~,a.' ..i. c .,,tit e-S. to <br />posses: ion o: ~;,.^ ~ ak.d ,. _. ~...,, 'c.. ~L, , : r "'}' ai%,'~.L_ .. - .... , ....~.,s ic.. a* 1 _ ..... ..,, 1-th <br />-. ` n . _,. . <br />- the uso~1 powe-.; o _•fer. + 1 ~ - <br />i`~) T}lat aillre - __ay Cf :1= IP P t'- <br />:' <br />~ r <br />.. -}_\ t- 1 P_~ a 1 r.Ct be erns trued :#;; 3 <br />', walVer tllFre .f '.: ~ '_-,Y, - ::... :.l;a G,G t <br />ny ~ .t. C _i -" .:" I. .:-` ;;•.3C~+.. _. .tall i;:1 [. bP, t <br />roratr- - 's <br />vraiver or 2.n y':=Giro defauit_. I::*a_ r:, „3,y~1 nttnr `nata.llrz.:c,~ ^ .r:.e.e.,t, <br />-ar in case of pay;vent by [+^ tq -.•~ ^ !er ,I r.in_, „~lx, .:. ,v_ _ns, - nr seats, ,rea_s~er charges, <br />said i"ort¢age~ Jali have e p^! es,.. a,.. <br />l~ :; - _ v , :J-'bt -r- ;..}. b' -=o foreclose un <br />- <br />.saeciflc ^zf a,... h <br />account ~. a,•h t-.:_ '.nd ,:in; , ;ceed:res may be hed~ <br />and <br />; <br />the and descr abed he ~.} o. .,. <br />s ~i. sod th+.s „^t:::z :hall <br />h. . -. !-..=:b.r..: ,e_ hF1~G> :~ur. <br />.. ~. r .._ .:.J sn:v?. <br />conU nnE: as ion !'or <br />(;.C) :~ha r, the ~7crtragze vrrn~,: - .I:. nd -.r - nr, .3 ab :. dneGS- e e se <br />!TMnm 111b~ r an f. r , -_~ Ste '. - ' _r ~ r - or ..^`.y covered Hereby <br />v+i thane _.nS ~-ht .:r_n . ?_.-^c, - _.~._,.; ~,a,_ _ - - for the :ayment et salt <br />indebtednzss, 'll ..u_h -s ezvz`nns, .._. ..... -.--.~-:_. „1 -:.-......mac .. _ .. T~ _,.. .°<d harEby, - <br />['~, Tran,ter ^,f Szcnri ~~. - - •i ~ r~-[c .11 1. n• - ~1ru1.~ <br />Yhat '.he Lltevrl tv ~ e netP _~cured <br />_: - <br />hzre9s, and '^.at - ..i - ..3 t~. - -.11 -_ -.,v - ,,_G :erein, She <br />~ <br />t^ortgave= may at -t .r~i.,.: -.:.. i~.e -..- ., ..._.~ ..~, .,,. :.:-_ -~5: <br />.. - .,a-__~., ... :,hz en- <br />- <br />iOrCetle[l . 5" i;,,i..... a_ _;:.., )r!: - - ,: <br />-...~ ,. .:., ., <br />aS~ ~ lment 'f i.P~ io _ _ .•T.1 "\' MC ~,T 7_e ?y l <br />ruts, r 1~ 5 ~s s ~ I y -c i i 1 ga <br />Cr r~thcr ,::F.'. :_ }..:.: J - . b •ihuz.. .3.,.'. <br />~ ~ <br />~ <br />Or ary t:I_ -t, _. el_ :., U. '~-gin ._ _ -,_r :,. <br />..!_.'' _ i <br />..1r2,i ~PPCby"; ar <br />Bald ;le__. aagre °:e} --~ u,_; ..~, ..,. :: -. -::,: .,,,.. ...,. ..:.. _.. .~. ,_ q-,... zst -ny ar at:. <br />- <br />C=~ >~Ch 1,. .- 1 ':.^. 1 ~-....'~:: '.2 ,L ,?•,. .... ~. •.:; ... ,.~: ••.': .. ...^ <br />: -:"IS, e.i L'd`ro <br />.. ~ <br />. <br />. <br />... <br />royalcl za, tor.....<s, .._ ,~..;: , .,~:.,_~.~ ___ ~• .z~a- h ~ or±- <br />: ; ::. _ .. .-~ <br />, <br />~ <br />• <br /> dab ~,- :h,7 c*. ~ _ 4 - . :- <br />- s [ ; <br />estate-. t,.rt yme,.,, .n ~ .1 - ... _.. ._ _. .,,: i. -_?;_. ..oc`eya:._., sY.~~.l <br />.r <br />b=_c;n2 S= ~~ -. aci're end o' -._ ..,......_ .,rre _... ef. _... <br />+'o-cs inn -. -' sce_ - -- - .. . _ _ _.~, _ .._~ n C::r~.' <br /> <br />1, `< Binfield Corporation, a <br /> poratio <br />or <br />n <br />_ _,_ Nebraska <br />C <br />r~l <br />py/~ <br />!• <br />~ <br />- <br />~ <br />'t~' ~l£E6t ~~:e ~. /~[~_..--~` sEZrrr7.4~`~': BY ~_~`/""~~~~~~~ s ;~, <br /> <br />e$ R. Binfield, Secretary Kent A. Binfield, President <br />t%" _ <br />n <br />„ <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br />~ <br />~- <br />OF!~ 2 Or,.r <br />STATE FORM 2781 (Rev. 12-72) <br />ss. <br />p/ <br />COUNTY OF 1~"A ~' <br />,f <br />On this day of ^ a~/f.[ti~~ <br />A.-., 19 ~, i:zfere me, a No Cary Public in and Ior said Catmty and <br />State, personally appeared Kent A. Binfi eld to me personally known to be the Stlentlcal person <br />who executed the foregoing instrument, who belaK by ma dui; sworn did say thst he Ss __~ee-iEtea-f= <br />of Bald corporation; that said instrument wfls signed and sealeC 1r. behalf o.* said corporation, and acknowledged <br />Bald instrument to be the tree and voluntary act and deed of said cerpdratlon by St volun tarl ly executed. <br />KY commission expire < /..air <br />s w- N: <br />ALMOfARY-stxewireorw~ tType r print`namellnde~ nature! <br />CURTIS W, MICKEY- Notary Public Sn and for said County and State <br />- My Comm. Exp. fe6. 6, 1964 <br /> <br />i - - r- i ~ <br /> <br />~ ~~ <br /> <br />i~ ! ~ _ ! <br />1 ~~ ~ <br />E j <br />~~ <br /> <br /> <br />f. ~ c <br /> <br />rn - j <br />I <br />I ~ ::i <br />i ~A~ <br />~ ~ 1 ~ ~ , I • 3 <br />i <br />! <br />~) 0 - ~F' 151 t` - 1 ~' G. b y 1~ 1 ~ ~ <br />" 1 - ~' <br /> L ~ A I <br />W <br />i <br /> i <br />~J .: <br />~ -.1 <br />~ ~..pp ~, <br />I <br />~~ Y t *y- ~ O ~ ~ I <br />j <br />~ <br />j <br /> <br />I-. <br />~y <br />ri <br /> _ 1 ~ <br />E~ ~_ <br />.- <br />jji- r i' ) 1.I w u E I - +Ri t` <br /> <br /> ;~ [ y <br />:.. e e <br />