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<br />and. without tlemend, atoll M Immedielely Nua and peyaDla by Tru_etnr ens shall <br />DNr InlMefl at the maximum apo'waDia legal rate; prOrldetl, however that al me <br />option of tNnefldary orTmstee sucH Hama may M added w Ina nnnmPa~ Hennes <br />of any IrMebiedlwaa eecurad Mreby an0 snail bear the sa Interest an sucn <br />InOeDiMMeSaM snail M payable ratably n+er tan remaining tern: inereol <br />10. Aaelgrlment of Ranla. Bane:lciary shall have the rigni. Power antl autnndty <br />durlrp fM COnttrNanae lot this Trust Dead fn couect the rants_is anC «et![s n! <br />the Properly arW o1 any personal properly 'ocalfld Ineroor, with ors witnout taking <br />poasesslon of ins property eltectad Hereby, antl TrVStor Hereby absolutely antl <br />UneondlflOMliy anai9rta all such rents, i68uB9 and prOilts to 8enetl0lAry <br />SeMllciary, However, Hereby consents to fns Trusto%s cauecnon and retention Of <br />auen rents, 18aUee one prolils al LMy accrue and become peyaDla s0 long as <br />Trusiw la not, et such times, rn deleult wim respect to payment of any <br />Indebtetlrnna aeeureo hereby or in Ina pertOrmanae of any agreement Hereunder. <br />Upon any sucn deleult, Beneflclery may at any Ilme, eltne: in Gerson. Uy agen'., pr by <br />a roaeMr t0 M eppOlnled by a court, without notice anC without regard t0 Ins <br />aderruacy of any security lOr tea Indebtedness Mreby secured. lal emir upon and <br />lake DoaeBlelon of tM Property or arty part therao+. and in Its n ss far cr <br />othBrwlea calleei such rents, Issues end profits. including those. paslsoue and <br />unpaid. antl apply tea same, less costs and expenses of OOP.rallon and coilecnon, <br />Ineludlnp reasonebie attorney fees. upon any indabteaness secured hereby, and in <br />such order as Beneflclery may dawrmine' tbl perform surh acts' of repair O <br />prgtectl0n as may De necessary err proper Io conserve the value df the Properly: rci <br />lance the soma or any pen inereot for sucn rental, wrrtl, and upon such cond:tinns <br />as Ica fudyoment may tlictate. Unless Trustor antl Beneficiary agree otnerw,se in <br />writing, any epDlicatlon of rents. issues or Crolita to env mdebtednsss senured <br />Meby Shall not extend Or poalDOne the due data OI Ina Instaumenl payments as <br />pmvid~ In sold promissory note Or change the amount O! sucn Installments- Tnn <br />anlwlny upon ant taking Passeaslon OI Ina Property. Ina collection of sucn rents. <br />iaeueS ant profile, and me appkcetion lnereoi es eforesam. snail nOt'wa:ve Or cure <br />any eefault or notice or default nereunaer o vallCate any act done pursuant la <br />such notice. Trustor also assigns ro Benef ic:ary, as further s urity !o <br />penq.manga a iM oeugarpna aecpred Mwbr. au prepaid ran;a a~a all mop as <br />waists may nova Dean or may heraeftar be depesltetl wuH said Trustor Dy any lessen <br />of Ina Properly, to s e the payment of a ant, and upon default ~^ <br />performance of any of the provisions Hereof. TmslOr agrees to tleiivar s <br />and a<paaas ro the aenenclary. Delivery of wrruen apnea pl ma Ben~a~ ~ ar.~s <br />stelae of the rights granted Herein, to any to ving said premises snau <br />M aUfllClanl to require saitl tenant 10 par 9ald tool to the Beneficiary unl:l lurtner <br />nonce. <br />it. Leased Pram4N. Within 10 days after demanq Trustor shall IurnlsH to Tn+slee <br />xnedule certified t0 M YtUb, setting lortn ail testes of apace in the That <br />Property then In enact. Includlrp, in each case, then OI me tenants antl <br />oCCUpsnia, a dexrlpUOn of the spate eccgpled by such ~Bm112nt and occupant. Ina <br />rental payable for sucn space and auto other Information and documents w~ln <br />respect to aucH leases end tenencles as tRe Truawe may request. <br />Wlitrout 1M pNOr wnttan ant of Trustee, Trustor shall n cl:acr!y c <br />IndlreCtly, wlm respect Iq any lases of apace In the oeacrlMtl pwmlaes. 'wheiner <br />saga lease Is now or nareafter in axwtence; (al accept or permit any prepayment, <br />dbaount Or advents rent peya0le (hereunder: (DI cancel or terminaw ilia same, o <br />nGCept any ceneelntlon, twminetlon Or surrandw IMreof, or permit any event to <br />oCaur wMCn would antl\w [he leases IMreuntler to terminate or cancel the same: (cl <br />amend or mpalry the same so ere w reduce IM tens tRweol, the rental payable <br />tMreunaw, or to change any ronawal provlalona mereln comamea; tdl w am <br />default mereurwar or Oreecn thereof Tel give any cc ant, w r approval <br />InerBUMar or take arty other action In cOnnecfign thernwitn, o ew:(h a <br />ItbreuMer, wnicn would have tM effect of ImpalNnq the vaNB of lessor 9 interest <br />tMrourWef on its Pmparty auOlecl Iheroto. or of impairing the pOSition or innraat <br />o/ 1M Truntae or Bananciery; or (11 sell, assign, piadge. mortgage or omerwisa <br />dlapofe ol, «encumMr, its interest In any such lease or any rents. issues or proilts <br />leaumy or arising tMrognaar. <br />12. CaWamnaUwc ll title tc any pan of tM P: operty shall M taken in candemnalion <br />proCeedlnye, by Nyhi of eminent domain « similar action, dr shall be sold under <br />threat of eonOemMtlon, all awartle, dama9ea eM proceeds pro Hereby assigned <br />antl shell M paitl to Benefclery who shell apply sucn awards, damages antl <br />prxeade to lM auma secured by Me Trust Daed, wlin IM excess, if any, pain to the <br />Trvaiw. Trvel« will promptly. end with due tlillgance, repair, alter antl restore the <br />emelnlnp part of the Tmel Property Io tls tormar candilion subatantialiy to the <br />extent CMt the sems may De feasible end so Bs to constitute a complete and usable <br />unit. <br />t3. FYM1ae Adyatten. Upon request of Trvatw, Banellciary, at Banefiaary'a ovtlon, <br />prior to raconvayance Oi its Property to the Trustor, may make future atlvances to <br />tM Trvatw. SUCK lutun advances, with Interest Ineraon, shall OB seC«90 DY Ihia <br />Trust Dead when emdencea by promimory norea atabng that said vows a <br />secured Mreby; provided that Bt no limn anvil Ina s cured phnclpal, future <br />aWences, Hat Incluging sir a advanced Io prolad .ne se ur!ty, a eed one <br />huMred pBrCBnt I1o0Yvi of tan original pr:nclpal amounts secureo nerebyYu <br />ter. RemWlu Cumu4eM. All remedies prowaetl in this Tmsi Deatl era distinct an0 <br />cumulalM 10 any OtMr Nyni ql lemeay under ihra T(Uat DBBO or allwdetl by law pr <br />equity, end may M exercleed concurrently. Independently or auccassiveiy. <br />75. AowNretbr5 Rertladles; Soh. Upon default by i ruat« In tM payment Ot any <br />IMlebt}dnNa assured nwaby or In tM pertormance of any ayreemeni Mreuntler, <br />BeneUClary may dnclafa all auma setutetl Mreby immedlawly due and payebia by <br />dNivery to TrualeD OI written deciaratlon of default. Tna Trvatae shall Mve its <br />power ai sale. of tM Property and ii Beneficiary daslree tM Property l0 M sold, it <br />atoll depoali wlln TNSIae rata Trust DeaU antl all promisaory nolrrs ant documents <br />widsnclny expenOllur9e secured Hereby, ono atoll dearer to Trva16e, a wrilnn <br />Hocks of default and alectlon to cause IM Properly t0 M sold, end the Trustee in <br />tam etWl Orepera a similar Nollce In tM form requlrBtl by law, wRlCn atoll M 6u1y <br />Ryd iw record byTrvalea <br />(aJ AIM !M lapse al such time ere may M required by law tolkwiny ma record. <br />atkn Of Nid notice of default, antl rrotlce OI denU:i and nollcB Of isle toying <br />Darin given as requlretl Cy law, Trvet9a, wtnout tlemantl an Trustor, anal! nail <br />its Property on its dale arW at its time and pieta d¢nlyMted In said notice OI <br />nab. et puDik auction to the hlyh6et Dkder, fM purcMSe pNCe payable !n <br />lawful massy of tM United Stales at Ise Hme of pale. TM person combucllnp <br />Ina Wla may, lw any cause M deems expedient, poetpona tM sale from time <br />to Ume until ItaMll be tompnted and, In merry auto csae, notice at pOSipone <br />mMi stall W gWen by public dBClnralkn iHeraol DY 3uch parson al the lima <br />atM piaG test appointed for ilia aerie; provided, If ilia sale {a postponed for <br />lonyar lion (1) day beyond the day aaelynated in 1M notice Ot sale, notice <br />tMreot atoll M given In :M arsine =Tanner ea tM «ly1M! notice of Hale, <br />Truciea snail exacule and Oalyre> to tM purC.iaaar h.s Dead conveying tM <br />Property sdd, Dut witnout any wvenant or warranty, express, or Imp11W. Tna <br />rrxliali In its-Deed Of any matiwa or tactn antis Dn cOncluaive proof of FM <br />Numtulnaa3 iherool. Aar Pervdn, Irt1 •dir:y 9anetlciary, msY Puchase si sM <br />saN. <br />!D) When Trvate9 aelb puryu& t to lM powers nareln, SM Trustee anti! apply tM <br />praCeada of its aaK W pa'>mart of tM Na7a arts aspenaea of axercialnp the <br />povNr of sale end of IM Bale, Inc~irxq tide payment Of SM Truatea'a Fags <br />aetuallY Ineumed, not la exCMd _. .l).[~ '/e cf fhb aa:a pro^a, and IMa t0 <br />tM llama In aueparagrepR jc71n IHe udm [Mrs atataq. <br />IW AnM pylrpirr ilemsapaUhed In auDpinq:ape {b)n:na sale lB by Trumee, Or <br />LM pppucau(t arts aiHnr costa pf Y«eClaauYe arw sate N ma sale In pursuant <br />' tPjtMklal tweciosu a, tM Procaeda et sale ancn oa spPlyd fn tM Onia, alai W <br />to tM paymsnt M: r <br />tq goat as any avMenu at tiger prgcBrsD In apnnecron wan sucn Bala and of <br />arty rWanW itempA <br />IlU 0.11 fUmD 1Hen aecUrad huaby. <br />till) '.Mremn;rsder, ll en%.G meaeraan ix yaTy ar<uUrrd t^aratu <br />to Dudaa one obllp.upne w m,a.e. re n audee area onusauone of T uetee <br />snail M delemm~M sornlY "v't lHC nrpresa GrovislOna of !M trust DBad and Trustee <br />Mall ncl M ImHle except !or Ina porlorrnance of sucn Duties antl obllgallOns as era <br />apeciflaally sat roan Herein. a::D ,p :mopes cprenenra or abligatlona snail bu <br />ImpOSed upon Trustee: 101 Yo ii ri=.ICn c! this Trust Deed shell require Trustee to <br />nxpen4 or risk His own lands =.r otnarwlae incur any flnanrlel obllyailon in the <br />peNOrmance ct any of ri.v' outlea Hereunder, err In Inn exarcisB al any of Ira right w <br />powaw. If It Snell have grcuntls tar Mliavin9 That the repeymant of SUM IuMa or <br />aeequaw intlemnity against sucH ask or IfaDlllly Is not reaeonaDly assured to it; (c) <br />Trualea may r:'~nsul( wlih counsel of nls Own Choosing and ins advice of sucn <br />Heel snail De lull and compinle aulhorizatlon and pmlecNOn In IM reapxt of <br />any action taken or sutfareD Oy it ne:euntler In good lalin and reliance thereon; (d) <br />Trustee shah not M liable for any action taken Dy aim in gootl fsitn and <br />b011eved Dy him to be autMruad o wilnin the discretion or riphis of powero <br />coMerretl upon it Dy this Trust D9ed <br />17. Addlllanel Saeunty Insieumantf. Trustor, et its expanse, will exeeuta and tlallver <br />Io the Trusted, p amptly upon Demand, sucn aecurliy Instruments es may be <br />required by Trustee, in form and subsmnce aatiswctory to Trustee, covering any of <br />!Ire Property convayetl Dy 2His Tnrst DsM, which securiry Insirvment9 6heli M <br />additional security for Truslo/s' ta:mlui performance of all ai tM tames, covenenta <br />antl epnditlons ai this Trust Deed, tea pranlaaory notes secured neroby, antl any <br />other seCUrify Instruments exacuteC !n cOnnecllon with rata traneaCllOn. Such <br />natruments avail ea yes«dsa pr Hied. and re-recomed and yarned. at TrvetoYa <br />expense. <br />18. Miscegerreoua. <br />las In Ina event say one or more of lee provlalons connlned In this Tluel DOad Or <br />Ina promlea0ry note or any otMr 9ecuNty Instrument given In connection wim <br />tHis I coon chair f« any r n M neltl to M Invalid, Illegsl o <br />enloarceaDle {n any respect. sucn InveUdlry, Illegality, or unentorpeaClllry <br />shell, at [he option pl Bendticlary, not effect any olMr prmlalon OI tRla Trust <br />toed. Dirt tats Trust Deed eheu be construed as It such Invalid, Iiwgel, or <br />anlorceabie provision Had never Ceert contalnetl hersln or tneroln. <br />(n) T !s Trust Deetl shall De construed accOrCiny to Ina laws of tM StatO of <br />Nebraska. <br />(c1 This T usi Deatl shalt it and hind the nabs, Ieyat9es, darlaen, <br />admlmstratow, executors, sir ccessOra and assigns of the panlea Hereto. <br />tdl ' ustar snail pay all taxes levied upon Ihfs Trust Dead or the daDt secured <br />eraby, iogetMr with any other taxes or as96asmenw whlcn may M levied <br />against .ha Trustee or Senef leiary oe the legal Mitler of said promissory note <br />op a ppum o! me maaewanesa eyltlencea mawnv. <br />,e) \yHenever ;:eau n aingUl mbar snau IncIUOB 1M plural, iM <br />vmquler se of say genCer snail M apphca0le is all gerWera, antl the term <br />'Ba.^.af1<lary 4sr+aa Inciutle any payee of the lntleotetlnpaa Mreby secured or <br />y ansfer Inereor. wnelner by operation of law Dr OthBrwlse. <br />•g Trvaeaa. aaner,;;,ary may from nine to nine sueaunw n aucceanor or <br />ra to am Ta:awe namdd Herein or acanq ndreunew to axxlae rata rygal <br />CBetl. Upon sucn appn:ntmenl and without cOnvayanCa l0 tea auCMaeor Tmatee. <br />the latter snail ba veswtl wan ail Ntle, powers, one duties conlanee upon env <br />ustee nareln r metl or t!ng n antler. Eecn sucn appointment and <br />suDSntuhOn snarl aDa m by writtaneinslrumenl Dy Beneliclery, contnlnlnq <br />ralarence to rata T; ust Deed enC Its plate of record, wnlcn when recartleC In Ina <br />Ofllce of Ina NByiatar O! Deeds o+ tea county w counties in which said property la <br />situated shat! M ccnc:ua,ve oroo(cf proper appointment o} Ilia eueeenew Trustee. <br />Tree iwtpoing power of substitution and the OroceduB tMrafore snail rwt M <br />e of tM power and prbcadure provieed tot by law to( me subatltutlOn Ot a <br />Trustee Dr T:UStees :r, me pseca of ins Trusiea. <br />20. Forbasnnw DY eeenfie!ary or TnutM NM a Waher. Any foraDearenee Dy <br />BenetKiery nr Trusee In a a~n0 ant' right or ra Huy Hereunder, or otherwlae <br />aflOrded by applicaDia law. snelii not M e waiver at w preclutle the ezerclae of any <br />r19ht ar remedy heeurmer. w er DY Beneficiary or Trustee of any <br />daleui! e[ Trustor under inis Trust peal snail not be deame0 to M a welvar of any <br />plMr of similar pelBU4ts auDSeOUan Ny occurring. <br />21. Trvatw Not Mlaaee4 Extension at ?ne time for Payment o modlticntlon w <br />mortl>atlon of me sumo secured by In:s TrUat Deed 9rantBd Dy Beneticlary t0 any <br />interest Of Truatar snail not operate to release, m any manner, IM <br />1 ablNllsof trna wlglnai Trustor o; Frustor's surasaor In iniereat. Benetlciary snail <br />n9l M required t0 commanca proc9edinCS against euCn successor Or rafuae t0 <br />extend time !« paYmam err olnarwwa moeity amanlzabon pt me sums secured ey. <br />inis Trust beau Dy re a. any oeman0 mean Oy the oriClnal Trustor and Trustor's <br />s ccbsa0ra in inttlra9t5an <br />22. Default N mere snau Da a tleiault under tats Dead of Trust or antler any prim <br />Orgagn, the 6enafl«ary may c::re sucn deleult, and 1M emounu aavencetl Dy, <br />end piney Caste en expenses of tM Deneilclery In curvy euCn tlafduli, with <br />interest n[ the deiau t rain cpntelnetl in tan NOta 9acured Mreby }rOm inn lime Ot <br />Ise edvanues Or peymsms snail De added to IM Indebletlneas secured by This Trust <br />Deed and mar De couacted Mreunder et am time attar SM time of sucn adrnncea <br />Or pnymenis end atoll De deemed ro Da Secured Mreby. <br />23, Opibn io Fw+w1oN. Upgn wa ocaurancn of any tlalaull Hereunder, Beneflclery <br />sneh Have Ina option to t«eClOae this Trust DBBd in the manner provided by law IOr <br />me torecioauw of mortpngea on reel property. <br />Za. Trvatorf Rlghta, ADaam Wtault. until any default in the Payment of <br />in0ebie0ness haroby secured or until the breech o1 any covenant hersln pontalnBd, <br />ne Trust«, its successors and assigns, snau possess end enjoy inn property, and <br />ace{va the yenta and profits iMretrOm. Upon payment of a119ums 9acuretl Dy tMa <br />T(USt Deed, Beneficiary sneh rBquesi Trustee to reconvey the properly and snail <br />urrMOar This f rust DMa and all notes evidencing intlaotednaas secured Dy inis <br />Trust ITaetl Ip irusfee. Trustee snarl reconvey the propany wI1hON warranty and <br />witnout chsrga to the persons legally entlilad merelo. The Grantee in any <br />raconveyenca me}' Dd Oescrl,"!ad as "the person or persona entitled thereto;' and <br />Ne reOllals ihnrein O any In - or lacta shell Ds concluslva preoi of tea <br />Ir«hiulneae thnregl, Suen parsnn'ar peroona Snail pay all b0at9 Of recording. tl any. <br />25. AmNra4on In tM Event of Trsnatar, In IM event Tna title to saitl reel asla[e is <br />transferrap, or wntracwd to ne Lensfnrtev, hom the untlerel9ned for any reason or <br />Dy any instant whatsOavar, Ina entire principal sum and accrus0 Inwr05t shall at <br />ce becwna due env payable ei the aiecibn of ins Beneflclery. Feliurn to axerclae <br />tlTS option Oec'ausa ai transfer of title as above etawtl In one Instance shell not <br />nslituta a weever of the rigs! tc exorcise Ins same In IM avant of any aubaequBnt <br />Hanle, <br />m. Tale dead pf lr.:af ie i.:mw w,-.r,n dead _N~~ ___---, <br />axaCUted by Truaf« to ,_. ...-. ... _..._ ... _ -__..- Trvatee, <br />securing a pnxipos nose lw . _.- _. <br />Oallara any His: for rata wVm tM Aag:a+n -..a and ipenllliad en IallOwa: <br />