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I <br /> <br /> <br />r-. <br />~~ ~ ~ ~ <br />I <br />6 <br />I <br />`~ <br />@@Q+ <br />C ~ ~, ~ D _~ <br />y ~ <br />`~ r n ' <br /> <br /> <br />'~C. im- <br />t <br />~ ~ <br />c <br />a <br />-.. _ <br />_\: <br />f? ~ ~ <br />w, tie A,+ -~1 C ~ ty <br />r~ m ~ y <br />f <br />_ O t <br />,ll[~Yiiiwww <br /> C7 <br />N { <br />- ~ n <br />; N <br />...~ <br />~ <br />I^ <br />tiM ~ -..~_ - r <br />~ '--' `~ <br /> rG <br />H- <br />( <br />d <br />.i, 4 <br />S Y <br /> i . <br />~ y <br />s l .~ <br />:i a <br />Excerpts From IMeroaf Revenue Code <br />Sec. 6321. L[en For Taxes. <br />It arty perartn Ibhle to payam/ taz neglec6 ar refuses ro pzy <br />the same afbr tletttartd. Ute arrwunt (inUUdlrlg any inb2st, <br />addixorW amwnt, atldiuat ro tax, a assessable penalty. <br />t~tha wim any costs that may accrue in atldifwn Iperero) <br />shall be a den in favocot the Urtitetl Stales upon as pmpeedy- <br />aM rights ro propnrrys whether real a personal, Iw.-bngflrg to <br />such person. .. - -- <br />Sec. 6322: Period `Of Lien. - <br />Uniessanother date b specificaay tixetl by law, the lien im- <br />paled Dy secgon 6321 shall arise at the time the assessment <br />is m~e and shall congnue ungi the liahpity fa the amount so <br />assessed (a a iudgncerd agairst Ne taxpayer arising out of <br />strh IbbBlry) ta sagsfted or becomes unenforceable by reason <br />of ~ of time. <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority <br />Against Certain Persons. <br />(a} Purelu:are, HWders Of Security Inter- <br />ests, IKeKkafNc's Lienars, And Judgment <br />lMn Creditors. -TM lien imposed by section 6321 shall <br />tint be vaib as against arq purchzser, holder ai a secudy in- <br />imest, mechank's germr, a judgment lien credits ungi <br />mtlce thereof which meets Cre requlremer.6 of subsection (IY <br />has bean fibtl q' the Secretary. <br />(b) Pre6eetloe Far Certain Interests Evan <br />Theogff Notkt Flied.-Even uwuph notice of a lien im- <br />posed hY secUdn 6321 has Wean (sled, such lien shatl nor oe <br />vatid- <br />t0 Pgfx For FlOog Notice: Form.- <br />(1) Place For Fping.-The noUCe referreo to In sun- <br />secsdn (a) shau!De'fi)pd- <br />(A) Under State laws.- - <br />(11 Waal Property.-In the rase of real Property, in <br />one oltba wuhin me State (a dte camq, a older <br />goverrutrmrbl suhdlvisian), as desiynaled oy Ota laws cf <br />such State, in which Itta property subject m Ina ben is <br />sauabd: and <br />(G) Personal Property.-m trio case of pens'ony <br />property, whether tangible a intanyibb, in one mice <br />wtitdn the State (a the county, err other governmental <br />wb0ivision), as designated by Ne bws of such State, to <br />which rite properly subject to the lien is situated: <br />a <br />- (B) With Cbrk-Of0lsbic! Court.-In Ute ogice of the <br />clerk of the Unil~ Stabs district caurl fa iha judicial <br />dishiCt in witch Ute property subject to lien is situated, <br />whartever flea State has rim by law desigrwted one office <br />whidt meets Ue, requirements at spbparagraph (A):'a <br />^; :Kith Re[erder Of needs Of The Oisinct of Colum- <br />bia.-In the odice c! [he Recorder cl ;?eed5 st the <br />Cisrrict of Columbia, if the property suojecr m the iien ~_ <br />situated in IDe OisUicl of CoWmbia. <br />(2) Situs Cf Property Subject To Lien.-For pureases <br />pt paragraphs i.ij and (d}. property shah be ceemetl :c he <br />situated- <br />- (A} Real Property.-In the caseof real property, at its <br />Physical iocatlon: cr <br />(B) Personae Property.-In the czse of personal <br />- property, wheu:e; enyihie or inrangiob.atthe reslCence <br />of the taxpayer at the time me notice a lien ~< tiled <br />Fa purposes of pargrapn i2)(Bj, Ne rxsidence cf a torpore- <br />tion or partnership shall be deemee m ae the pace at-winch <br />the principal ezecufive ogice at the ausmess is iocateo, and <br />the residence of a bxPayer wtlose resitlence ~s without Ina <br />United States shall be deemed to ue in the District of Cmum~ <br />bid. <br />;31 fain.-The form anp content at the nonce reier- <br />retl to in subsection (aj shall he prescrihetl by trio Secretary. <br />Such notice shall be valid nmwitnstantling any other Prov~smn <br />at !aw regarding the farm or ccntent o z novice at lion <br />13j Required Refiring Period.-m the case or <br />any notice c! I~en, the Term "requiretl tabling period" <br />means- <br />(AI the one-year pertW ending 30 tlays afbr me ez- <br />pnabon pl fi years after the da@ of the assessment pt <br />'he lax, dnd <br />?3) the one-Year pert00 eMing wdh the ezpiradan of <br />~~ years attee Ne close or the preceding required refiring <br />enod mr such nonce of lien. <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien 0[ Dis- <br />charge Of Property. <br />~ai Release 0f lien.- Suhject to such regulanons <br />as ~:~x Sscretary may prescribe, the Secretary may issue a <br />cem!:cat a :etease of any iien imposed with respect b <br />:..v :cternar revenue !ax d- <br />;t} liabuny Satisfied er Uneniorceabb.-The Sec- <br />reary lirttl5 ;hat ;tw lianniry is the amount a55eseed, <br />iegemer with ail interest in respect thereof. has been iugy <br />savsireo a has oecorne bgatty uneritorceabb: a <br />.21 Band Acceptetl.-There is iumishetl is the <br />>xcretary and accepted Cy him z bond that is cendigored. <br />mon ms aaymem of ine amount assessrxi, together with <br />ai ~inerest ~n respect mereol. within Ina time Prescribed ny <br />_x rim-IVany any axlenston a such Ume), antl Thal is in <br />acurearce with su[h 2quuements rebting to fattens, con- <br />ditions. aria fain of the Dario and sureties maroon, as <br />may a^ suecdied Cy such reguianorts. <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and dis- <br />closure of returns and <br />return information. <br />(k) DiSctosure of Certain Returns and <br />Return Iniorma0on 'For Tax Adminisira0on <br />(gl Refiling Of Notice.-tar purpose o: rtes secuon- <br />it) General RUIe.-Umess nonce a I;en ~s tabled <br />in the manna prescribed in parayrapn {21 during the requred <br />refiliny potion, such notice ei lien snail be Treated zs oleo on <br />the date on which ii is bled (in accomam:e with suhseclian Itjl <br />alter the expiration pf such refiring period. <br />;2) P18ee Fer Flijng.-A nprice at ban rattled <br />during the requiretl rattling patine shall Ce ettectWe cnly- <br />iAi Ii such notice ci lied is rattled u: ttw office ~n <br />which the prior notice of lien was riled; antl <br />(B) m any case +n woich,90 days or mine prig ;e ine <br />dale a a relitiny of notice of iien under subparagraph IA), <br />the Secretary :ecaved wnnen mlormaoon jin the manrrer <br />prescribed m regulations issued by the Secretary) coin <br />[ernirg a ehanga b me ratepayer's residence,. it a notice <br />et such hen is also tiled in accordance with sunsecuon p; <br />in me State m wNCh such reslden[a is located. <br /> <br />Purposes-- <br />j2) 9isclosure pi amount cl dutstandmg hen--ii <br />a Douce o! lien has Wean tiled pursuant m secgon 6323p), <br />the amount a the eu(sbnding obligation secured by such <br />lien may be discbsed to any person who furnishes satis- <br />ractory wnnen evidence that he has a right in the property <br />5unjecl to such lien or mientl5 ip obtain a rignl in such <br />property. <br />J <br />1.,..._ <br />