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<br />?. < <br />` tOS-WARILANTY i)EEt3-Corpamtion 8,2r ~ ~ 4 ~ ~' ~% 't'its Huam~n c<ncrat snppty house, Gm~uiu, tvetir. <br />f _... .___._. __ .._ ... ._ <br />;' ~ THlS INDENTURE, blade this 22nd day of November A. D., tg. 82 between <br />r <br />;,~ Commmercial National Bank & Trust Company of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />;f <br />( a corporation oryaaiaed [utd existing under mad by ztirtue of the laws of the Stale of Nebraska <br />s party of the first part, and <br />Donald H. Kruse <br />c <br />of the County of atul State of Nebraska ,party of tl:e second part, <br />LYITNESSLTH. That the said party of the first part for mad its consideration of the sum of <br />One thousand seven hundred and NO/100------- ($l , 700.00) ---------------------COLLARS <br />!; i in hand paid, receipt zuhercof is hereby acknowledged; has sold and by these presents does grant, convey attd eonfisnt <br />i ~ unto the said -party of the second part, the following described premises, situated in <br />j Hall County, and Stata of Nebraska to-wit: <br />,_I All of Lot Five (5) in Block Eleven (11) College Addition to {4est Lawn, Grand <br />.~ Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />67AT-EMENI ATTACHED <br />NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY, <br />STAMP TAX <br />~NOU 2 Z 1982 <br />~--~- z-BY <br />k <br />f <br />t <br />. f <br />i' <br />TO HAYS dND TO HOLD the premises above described, tvycther wiUa all the 7•crumcnts, Ptereditamcnts and <br />Appurtenances thereuatto belongiay unto the. said I I <br />Commercial National Bank & Trust Company of Grand Island, Pebraska <br />a,e.a -. <br />And the said Cc~uaercial National Bank & Trust Company of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />fur itself yr its sztceess_o'FS~~D!!S.,AeieXay-covenant and agrea to msd with the snxd part y of the second part mad <br />i <br />heirs and assigns, that at tha tune of the rrcattiata and delivery of these prz°sertts it is lawf-tally seised of said prcva- <br />iges; that it ltas good rigizt and lawfu! aul/zority to convey tlae smite; that they are free from enctuubrnnce <br />does hereby eovenmzt to warratzt and defer:d the said promises uguutst the lawful claims of n?! persutzs ;t~/t:ltu,rocvrr. <br />!N tYll'NESS lY'HER1iOF, the said Commercial National Bank & Trust Company of Grand <br />[stand, Nebraska <br />hzts hareunto caused its cocporata Baal to he mixed artd these presents t:? be saynad by its vice President - <br />alts day and year firs! above written. <br />Signed, ssaied and detrncred in presartcc of <br />......._ t?I',IS;Ie^rL1di NatlOnal %i' !ii ti "PIU t `.~Crmf~al:V <br />,... <br />- _ .~ r <br />re na, t.,~ ? zsa rkar r, ~i .~ r<, ~ad~zr,t <br />