E ,_ ~ ;
<br />,,
<br />~t~Dhi ~U ~[en i1p ~Gtje~e ~reguTt~, That, Whereas, /n an action in [he Dftfrfcl Cowl of ue } : ~?
<br />Bleventh . .Judkial DiaGict of the Stale of Ntbrarlm. u+ilhin or+d for Uu County of_.__.._._._._ Hall whenus II~~
<br />. Avco Financial Services__=_ Inc._.___.._._ (~''''~~Il~
<br />_._.--_........__..__.._-_ _.---_._._.~.~....__....._....__..._......_ ...........-- ........................_-_.._...ptainti¢.... and ip; - I•(I
<br />Gilbert C _____._seid Josephine_D.- Garci _-,_et._al,_,___-,__-,___ II
<br />'.. Garcia ~ .. ...defendants :.- f( -
<br />i
<br />~~_JanuarY_First_._. Term,A.D.l9$Z.,ofmidmart,__Ayco_,Financial Services ,_Inc,,.. _.
<br />... _
<br />filbert f Garcia and. Jose >ne D. Garcia .,et. al.,a. ~,•, I~'
<br />did alAain a decree fording that /here-fs due fan.__'__.._ ...._ ._ .: ~..... ... .. ....P.~?_ . .. ............. ._..,. ~~ _
<br />b___.--_---- - -..._._F~2~iuan_ciaLB.ersices.,-.Inc...--.-_..._.. ..... _. _..,... _----. n~esam I (I
<br />~ 'Two Thousand _, Fi_v_e H.~dresl -.S.i~-tx_.Fl.v~...and_251.1.4fl_C$.2,5bS..25) ---......._....... _.......__..doltara ~ i ~!
<br />t ~'G
<br />i : ~~~
<br />I, t
<br />r. I..
<br />1(. and coda of tai[ tared af__..___....._...........___._'...._.__..-_... ......... ......... .._.._...._....__.._...dallars, and, viherma,- it was flan and them
<br />F~`-_i
<br />Jarttirr ordered ire (hs said adion [hat in default of the payment of [he sum so found due by the said.__ G}],j~.~rt__Gx.. GaTCia._a~ld_.....
<br />~(~~i ,'i . J4.S.~P.IAi?le.: A., --Gdtcia. ---.-_ .................. .. _ [hat....... - ----_.Cliarles__F.._.Faixhanks _ .._ . ..__._
<br />(i ~ Hall
<br />~ -I STierijj of mid County of .°_ _-_.... -- _.._... _ .. _ ..... .... ....._.... should cause the lands and [aiemerda hercinaJ[er described to be
<br />'.k j'. ; ~ adautised and sold according fa law Lo pay the same, and, wlureat, deJauff having boon made thexin, the aaid...__.....,--_--
<br />I, .
<br />;i -- ' - ---Charles--F'--Fairbank.'-- - --- "'---°--'__..-- -- - -
<br />i~u 'il; ._...____._. _. _.._ .. _ ._ __ . S __.....___... Sheriff of said murety, under and by pirtue of the tail decree and
<br />IIIµ y~,
<br />i7 ''~,• the order of saklo him-duly direckd, did on fhe.._...__.._-.-_28th -------`--------`----'~.°f`---OCtObeT-'---'- :............_....A. D. f9. 82.
<br />,~i at the.._lOWEr_--lObby-_..~¢~of [he Coursty Court house in the....__..........~.lty_..._-_°-_°J-___tar_aIIf),_..1.S1.aIIfl_-..-.-.--___
<br />~u= i _
<br />~ to mid Co o ______._....._._..__.._._ Hall ..............._._ ....-_._.-... _.. hoe' vs[ Caen due and
<br />- ~~ ..~~ only f _.._...._. _ .. u+gf g' kyal notice of fht time and place of mid sale
<br />~.
<br />for more than thirty days prior thereto in theta rated Island Daily- Inde-pendent,-__,_.__,,,-, a nnuspaper printed and in ytnera!
<br />jr _~I
<br />I{ _ I circulation in raid County of.. .._-- Hall --'-.-- -- _._.., aeR mid premiaGe at public aaelion (a__--. ---_'--._.-
<br />.- - -----
<br />il
<br />Ii ; ..flxand..is.lanst._F.inance._Cnmgany ....................._.......--..- --°Jor the sum oJ_'~L€tt1<Y_ F:txe _Thousand ..'l~fo........°-
<br />~~i 1i _ Jan. 1st
<br />1,. i ~ ~1Rl.blSIIS~.FJ.$}1.tYY_.Fj.YE.._(.~2.1.,.285...IIQ)-.. _ ..do(lara. which sale uws aJteruwrd at the ..---Term of said court,
<br />i
<br />~ " '!'' fumed Charles F Fairbanks ~
<br />A. D., 19._$.2, examuud and con and the aaid---'_----_----------_."-~`_---'-"----`--.-`-.-.....___...___............_....aa ouch Sheri ~ ordered
<br />"' Grand island-_Finance_ Cot~any_-,---__------:
<br />to eoneey the mid premises in fee sunpk to the said_._.......___.._....... ------`-.'--"---`---__..---._.,._.
<br />~~ Charles. F, Fairbanks
<br />~Oht ~CljeretOre, I, the :aid-------"-.-'_----- -- ---- -- -- - -- -- -- -------------___..--------------------'.--._, Sheriff of the County of
<br />e
<br />Hall
<br />~~i' `. `I - ____.. -_____as aforemid, in consideration of the premise and by avtue of the pouxrs arskd in me 6y law and the
<br />~) `~~ ~ Grand Island Finance Co an _
<br />_ II - ~ i decrce of said tour!. do hereby Gioe, Gran! arul Conley to the aaid-----..-.`-` .............'.`--.`-.__------'-.-.__---_°~..._}' .....--.-.-----"-----...--'----
<br />,.
<br />`~', -_--.-----_---..__.-.'---.`---_-----------------_-------__-.-._heus and araigns, tlu premises m as aJoremid told. to wiL•
<br />(;9h ~' -
<br />"1 ~' ---..-------._._...._.._.:._.-...---.'.-'_--'-_The._West._1'<aenty--Fiye-_Feet-_-~W25') of Lot
<br />~i i ___ Twelve (12), and All..of Lot Eleven (11)r _
<br />Block Two (2), Dill & Huston Addition to
<br />}ilf~ , ~ i
<br />'I 1~~
<br />~~`'~ ~E
<br />Il~ij ~I
<br />I,~
<br />{11 ~!
<br />i:~
<br />~~~tl';~f ~o babe anb to ~olD the ~aatlte wdo[hesaid.__Grand Island Finance Company
<br />~f~. ~ .- ..._~....._._....__.._.__ ...... s ... ...__ __.._.... ..._._.__..heus and assigns, and fo them and their use and 6ehooJforcuer,
<br />.'• ~ ~n ~Gestimonp ~ljereuf I base, as aaeh Sh«iB, hercunto alt my hand lhit......_._._......_ZZnd ~.,~
<br />~J
<br />(. +i _...--November...._....._....._-..-._ .............A. D., f9 82. -.
<br />(1 _I
<br />i
<br />- _'
<br />11- Eretuted and deliaered in tl+e prtsence of - Hall ,
<br />' `~ Sher+$ qj-'- -'-°' - -""----........_..._ .Coun[y. Nebroska. -
<br />i
<br />1~' ~T.-_R L ,Williams _
<br />... ..._
<br />- _-
<br />ST_4T.E QF IVEI3RASK.<!,
<br />l 2nd November
<br />i ~~ , i - Hall I On thit_....-_--'--"-..........day of__ ...: .. ....... ..........._.
<br />~~
<br />,:~~ .~~A-el~lMgr0lq~dMlr~W, 19~~-., beJors me, the andersigned._..Rod-t;eT _L,_~Wi~,liams_, ... ......
<br />~S L in and for mid county. prsmaally appeared tlu caul ............._ ............_.
<br />i i ~Mt~naw. ~ CharlES F Fairbanks _.. ......_..
<br />CouNy,
<br />/''\ to me permnally-known fo he the idtntica! person wlw siprud the Joregaing u~.lri+menl as grantor, and
<br />I - - { - \ he-acknowlydged /ha ascot to bt hu mluntury act and deed, as such. aheri~ - - ,e urea and purpotra
<br />I ~\\Rse.'.L~/j fhrrein aetfarN.
<br />.i
<br />~ - ~Zt1TC~ my harut and oJjie" the da wu1 y, a . wrilft~
<br />a ~ ..
<br />d J!
<br />r
<br />S~ - - - - ~ ~ - - _ -
<br />~.;
<br />