<br />~~ ---- () 0 ~ 9 5'
<br />~iY0111 ~Xr ~en itp ~~je~e ~regent~, That, Wherca, /rs an action in tlu District Cm,rl oJlhe
<br />E leventh --_-_-Judietat District of Uu Stale of Nebraska, within and for Uu Co,u,(v o(_ - ...[{all -- _.--_---_-.__-. wherein '.
<br />_,.. ....
<br />--- -
<br />_ ~ The Equitable Building and.Loan Association, o£-.Grand Is land.,:7e.b.r< R.C9.rp..._..ptaintilJ_.. arsd
<br />;, Dean R. Ericks on .and-Naomi J. .Erickson, et-al,..>._____ ___-_._......deJendants-
<br />•; ~~ .January First Tern,, A. D. 1982_, ofaaidcourt,.The Equitable building & Loan Association
<br />'~ didd/ainadermfuedingthalthereisduefrrom -Dean R. Erickson and Naomi J. Erickson-,_et al
<br />_ . _ --
<br />b The _Equi table Building .and„Loan. Association-.of G~~d is land-.Neb r. ,A.,.Co rp _._. the aam
<br />.Forty Six Thousand Pour Hundred. Three .and -50/100___($45,403,50).. ,. __,__._ _ -, ._ .......dollars,
<br />°f---- -- .... _ . _....... - - - - -
<br />and Bata of roil lased af...-....._... _....._.. _..__.___._ ._...- -..... _ .............. ........................... .. .. _..rlol7ars, and. whereas, i[ u•a Then and there
<br />further ordered in the said action that in dejauU of the paymenf of the sum m found <!ue by Il,e saui-__DP an-__ P . Eri CkSOn atld
<br />Naomi J. Erickson , eta 1 ________ __...._.-...--.__._.Uwt_--------_----_--.-.-..Charles.. I .. Fairbanks......... _ _ . --
<br />Sheriff of said County oJ_._..._...llal.l.._-..-_._ .............__.-.-..._.._......_......_.... s!wuld cause Uu lomis and lenemenu hrreir,aJ(er described W be
<br />adartued and sold according fo !uw to pay the. same, and, whereas, default /wring been made therein, fhe arid..,.-.__.___._.--.._...._..-..______
<br />_........._._._--_...--_CharleS-_.F..__FaiTb-1.{1j(S__....__...._......._._..._._...... tiheri7 of snid scanty, under and by virfue of the said decree and
<br />Uu orderofsate fo him duly dimted, did on Uu._.___.__.___$.t~?.._.....__...- -_....__.day oj.... __NO~ember - ...... __A. D. 19.82_
<br />a<Ihe-_lot~e-r_--lobttY_._.. feast door j the County Cnurt lloa~e in U+a__._.-CitY---__......_<f.._..Grand._I5-land....-'__.._..__
<br />in mid County oj.--.-.__.._.___._.._.______Hall_._._________.___.._. haeinyfirst yiaen due and lryu[ru>tirx Jibe time ar,dplace of said sale
<br />for more lhon thvty days prior thereto in the. (.;-rr-1_iid_ I s land-,:Dail}~-_Indepe{iC~e_t}_t.._..--.----, a newsp ~r printed and in genera!
<br />cuoula[ion in said ConnW of ..._. Hall -, set( mid premises at public auction ta--.The..E.q Ultab.le
<br />Building and--Lo an_~Associaton__of--.Grand.. I-~1andJorthea,ono[..rQxty._Si:c._Thnus-and._Enur--.H.uadred '
<br />~._.....
<br />and 50/ 100 ($46 , 40 3. SO )_._ _, _---------------dollars, u:hi h sole wa a ierward at Uu.._. S.at? • is t-__,
<br />- - -- - ------- - J Term of said court,
<br />Charles F. Fairbanks - _ as such Sherij/, ordered
<br />A. D., 19_$2-. rxan,ir,ed and canfvmed scut fhe said..... -.-...._ ._. _..__ __ . ....._
<br />to ew,uey the said premises in fee simple w uw said_?71e,. E.g,yi, tal1.]__z.. f3.~(.lla~,ng.._and---Lu an..Assnciatinn._o.£_.~=and. Is land
<br />~otU ~fjerrfore, t,Gwsaid.__ __._ . .Charles: F. Fairbanks.....-_. _. _., sheriffrJGmcountyoj
<br />- _- -Hall -..,--.a aforesaid, in coruideralian of liu premises seal by virfue of Gu pauxra tested in nu: by law and the
<br />decree of said caurl, do lureby Gift, Qrant oral Convey to Gu .mul.__Th2 F.pult able _ fiulldng_-and-_LOan, _AS50,(:13t10R--
<br />of Crand IS1and,Neb casks, A Corporation - _-rand assigns, the premises so as aforesaid sold, to wit:
<br />Lot Seven.. 47)-..n..,$lock_'Lt,v-..(~~ .-in_, Dj~sicey-,Thk~51_-,-
<br />Subdivision, being a part of the East Half of the
<br />.Soothes§t OuarteF_(E'-iSF~.)_o*_$ecG-i,ot!...C?n.~-.(1).,..
<br />Township eleven (11} North, range Ten_(10~,_Wes[-_ __
<br />of the 6th P.Ft. in Hall. Co}uity, Nebraska NEBRA DOSKA CUMENTARY.
<br />- _ _. _. ,0 STANIPTAX - _
<br />.... r~~ ~.. _ _ lVaV-~qrl~--... ._.
<br />~1~+
<br />~u ~a~e ana to ~oib tfje ~3ame anloU,es ut The--Equitable Building and_Loan
<br />Association of Crand Island,Neb r. ,A Corp. „d assiyru,urulfaG+em and their rue and behoofJorrner.
<br />~n ~e~timonp ~~jereof, 1 hme, as such Sheriff, hereunto se[ my lrarul this......... . _ ._19.15,-,--_..._.....__.. day of
<br />-- November _ ___a. D., i9_.82 °,~
<br />~~
<br />~~P ~.. . _ ~...._ s:. -.. .. - -~---
<br />E'seudrd unit ,(el ieued in Uu presence f G - ~ -
<br />SheriQ oJ_..........._.._...Hall._.._....._..__ ...County. Nebraska.
<br />R.L. Williams
<br />~T,AT~~ dt•',l'`h:E3RriSIk_1, ~,~.
<br />'fall nnGria__._. -1915_..., day<J....~ ~emb~r__
<br />~Cas+tb' of _. _....~.._,...._. .
<br />__ -
<br />~~ Rndoer L. Williams
<br />}9..EL._, before nu•. the ur.deniynsd._........_..._s .................._..._....--.... .......--. _. ......_...... ....-..._..
<br />~ Yar°~Irm°° -
<br />Y~j, n and f K saui raanfv 1 mnatly appeared t.,e s rut.....
<br />~~~~Ja,19K ,.harks Faa rhanics ,,~~ ,((;,,,u,ey,
<br />to u i . sw a v kru cr 1- !r Gu d niua( perwr. utw rigruxt Jrr -vn v: Wet( ru graraar, and
<br />he u:ru r s:*l liar. s rn 7wx ha oafuntarv ac! and d<ri s uch rr- J . ;,ses and y+vlmet
<br />~Xal. U,arein l t rlh
<br />$i~11EH8 .s t a..a waf tam, m~,t ti:r to 1 +m r - ~7. . -
<br />r
<br />r .
<br />J ~
<br />