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<br />82---~~~4;~~ <br />r <br />rroxrcA~->= <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 24 t 068-. <br />IQJOw ALL MEN BY TIiFSF.1sRESENTS: That Gerald I), FZederik.Sen and 1,, Jae Frederiksen, each 117 hi.s <br />and her own right and as spouse of each other, Mortgagor, whether Otte or mote, in consideration of tIw sttm of <br />Tti,~lve Ttlnusalxi_Six FltmlrPri sort n~~lIIIl-,-----.----------_----------------------DO[.[.ARS <br />)parsed to said mortgagor by Tht Equitable BuBdirg and loan Asxsciation of (:rand fslartd, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 126 shares of stodt of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certifreate Nn, L 29 r 06$ , Jo hereby grant, wnvey amt mortgage unto-the said ASSOCIATION the following <br />tiesenbed real estate, situated in Ha6 County, Nebraska- <br />The Westerly Thirty Six (36) Feet of Lot Three (3) <br />sere! the Easterly Eleven {11) Feet of Lot Four (4) in <br />Fractional Block One Hundred Thirty Eight (1.38) in <br />Union Pacific Railway Company`s Second Addition to <br />the City of Grand !eland, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />[agethu with a6 the tenements, herednaments and appunerranexs thercuntu belonging, including attached floor coverings, all wiadtsar screen, <br />window shades, binds, storm wtndtrws_ awnings. heating, air oanJitionirig, arul plumbing and water eyuipment and actxssories tbereto,pumpa, stoves, <br />rcfrgerators, and other fixtures anJ eyurpment now or hereafter attached to or used m connection with said real estate. <br />And whereu the sad mortgagor hxs agreed and does hereby agree that the rnurtgaga >feall anJ will pay all taxes and assessments levied or <br />assessed upon said prcmisea and upon this nwrtppKr and ttte t+ond xcured thereby before the same scull bewrne defistyrxnt; to furnish approved <br />insurance upon the buildings on nerd prenriscs situated m flee sum nC S12 r 600.00 payable w said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />ASS0('tAT1ON the pr>treies for sail inswantx; and nut to commit or permit ary waste on ur atwut said premises; <br />In case of ciefaWi m tht perfortrureoe of any ul the zeroes anJ andrtwns of this nto.tgage ur the iwnd setarred bercby, [he Ittortg>tgee drill, <br />txe demand, be entitled to immkdiatc pussesston of the nwrtgaged premises anJ the nwrtgagur hereby assigns, transfers acid sets oxr to the <br />mtxt~agx aU the rents, revenues nd inane to tx Jenved from [tie nwrtgageJ premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall retwist <br />unpwd: and the mautgagee shall haver the power to apprirst any agent ur agents it may Desire fur the purpose of repairing said prentisea and renting <br />the same ana WFkeiing the rents. revenues sera! maitre, and it rosy pay our of said income ail expenses oC repairing said premises and naxssary <br />commission and expuises uecwrrJ m rrntrng and nunaguig tt+s ums areJ of cutkcting rrntats therefrom- the batanoe rcrnaining, ii any, to be <br />applied toward the discharge of .raid nwrigage mdebte.irres3, these nghts of the nwrtgagee rosy are exere.~sed at eny time during the existence of such <br />default, irrespective of any temporary waiver of the ranee. <br />'these f'ressnts, however, ere upon the t'oruinrun, "that if the said Mortgagor shat! repay said loan on or before the maturity of said shoes by <br />payment: pay monthly to sad ASStlC'IA I#ON vC tree sum spscil red w the Brand seeurcif hereby as interest and ptutcipal on said loan, on or before <br />the Twentieth Jay of each and curry nwnth, anal card roan rs [oily yard; pay all razes end assessments levied against raid pretttises and on [his Mortgsgt <br />and the Floral secweJ thereby, belie rkhnqusn<y . Iluntsh app+uvcd msururce upon the buildings thereon in the sum of S 12, 600.00 payable <br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to soul ASlOt'IATiON upon demand sit marry by it paid fur such vexes, assessments and insmanrx with intertxl at <br />Ilia tnaximuni kgpl rate ttxreun from dots of paynernt ail of which Mortgagor teercby agrees to pay; pertrtis no warts on said premises; keep and atrsply <br />with ail the agrcetnents and asnduwns of the Bntrd hu S 12~ 600.00 4ris Sty given by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />with all the requirements of the l'orrurrutnnt Ind By-taws of said ASSOCIATION; then these presents xhafl beconu null and void, otherwise they <br />shall remain in full forrX and nay be loraclusel at tier up[wn ul the card ASS(X'1.4T[ON alter !adore (or three months to make any of said <br />paytttents ur be three orunths in a+rrars ur nuking card nwmhly pay nreuts, or w keep and viniply with the agreements and conditions of said Bunt; <br />and Mortgagor agrees to haul a receiver eppuintcJ fathwnh ut su.:h forr::iuswc praKerdings. <br />I( there n any rlrangr m ownership ut tlx real rsutc nrrrtgagcd harem, by sale ur utherwux, then the entire rentairting indebtedness hereby <br />secured stall, at the option a( The liyuitabk Boding and I.tsarr Asstxutnui ul Grant! Is1md,Nebrasira, beanie imniediatety due and payable without <br />furtMr rrotice, std the anarmt rentainmg due witke said bwd, and any other baud Cot any additional advanaxs made thesetmder, sliaB, Iron the <br />dale of exorcist of raid option, heal intrust at tlic nuzimum legit nu, and Uric nwrtgags airy then be foreclosed to satisfy the attlount due on said <br />bond, and any otltu bond (ot addi[iorta! atlvatras, together with alt even pair{ by said 1'he lgeutabk Budding sad I.tsan Asaucialion of Grand (stand, <br />Nebraska for irtswana, taxes and assessments, and aburas:ting sxtensiun clurges, with interssi Utereon, from date of payment at the maximum <br />legal talc. <br />As provnted in the Bard sccwsJ hereby, while th+s mortgage rrnuurs in c(fsa the uwrtgagee riuy hereafter advsnt~ additional sutras W the <br />makers of said Bond, thcv assigns nr srnas,sors in interest, which suers shall !x within the secaity of this mortgage the satce as the fools originally <br />scarred tttercby, [he total attwunt of principal. debt nut to exceed at anv ttnrr the urigirud amount of this nwrtgage. <br />[plea tau 18th day rat Nove3TtF~er A. f?., t t g2 <br />t <br />I ~. <br />_s~e rl}r;~ <br />u, Jt,lne Frt~ieriksen <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA. ~ ~ fyn thcs 18th day of N4VC~nber lY 82 . isefrue me, <br />C'OUhTI'Y OF FLlt.l_ <br />the urdersrgeud, a Notary' 4'tiblic in and toe rani Ctnmty, personally s7ttie <br />Gerald U. Fcederlk5eri alai L, .Jtule ~°rc~deriks(n, :each in his clad h~rw~•+t, right~ltnd~k~i~e <br />(7f e3cll G`..he:, Lilti:~ <br />me to bt tlse_iskettxai prrxxig w#usst nanre;, ~iS""~ atixsd is, the atxrve msrrunrsut ss niorlg~uG; and ?~ht:y sswtatty <br />adtniswisdgrvl the said instruessSnt In bs ;:.12C:;1r s~utuntary a z end dee6. -~.~_~? <br />wpi"NIaiS arty turd auc1. Ntuarral Sss! the elate afore,atd. ~J ~ . <br />My C'axnmuwtm capisvsrj"`~ r' f ',' <br />r ~ ~~~~~ f' a~ <br />r' <br />SRya Et ![a{aat !prase Srsr.K4tPeW! <br />t1II I9iaa4ccq ~: it,. FA4t i <br />