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r <br />82-- t)Q4~3;353 <br />and, wlittaui tlamaM, anlll De ~mmwletely due and payable by irvainr and 3na11 <br />b/pr intNeat /1 till htpximu®NI~>1Pa 'agar rpte; Moulded, nrWaver teat el the <br />opNM of BsMIlCiary orfNAaeatkeh3umn may be wdw M me princlpei balance <br />or any Ineebtwrrosa satarw Hereby one aMU Mar me some rotates! as aucn <br />Inrbblwrtsen and shall bra peYebM ratably over Ina remalmnq term tnereof <br />10. A4Iprlrrnm a Rpr1N. Benefklary snail nave ine right. power and authOnty <br />diPltlgtM rbntinuenCe lot fora Tiunl Deed to a0lfect tM rants, ranuea and profits of <br />tM wopenr one or enr peraOnal propenr Ixatetl tMreon won « wunwt taking <br />poasespion of 1M progeny enacted Werner, amt Truawr hereby aesmmary and <br />unCOrWttlonauy aselpna au auto tame, meuea and prONia ro Benetkiary. <br />BpMficlary, hpwevpr, n«ebr co aama Io Ire irustor'a coliEC;ion arM retent!on at <br />such 'tots, iaeWa arM prolha as they attrue and become payable so long as <br />TNator Ia not, of suen times, in tlefeun who respect tv paymertF of <br />IndpDtednean eeturetl Hereby « In ine /ormanta Ot a any <br />per try agreement hereuMer. <br />Upon any eucfi tleteult. ltsnendary may ar any time. 6ltnar in person, by agent, Or Dy <br />a reCOWer f0 M appointed by a court, without notice arM wnh0ut regard to tea <br />edequaey of any seeunty trn lM IntlemwMns Hereby aerated. (ai enter upon and <br />take pwaeasbn Of tM Property «erry pan !here0!, and in na OWn name sue for Or <br />othenYlaa cWleci aucn 'ante, laaue9 entl praiits, i cWdmg those pant due and <br />unpaltl, end apply the same, teen coats and expenses of oporetion and collection, <br />Indludln9 reaaonebb attorney lees. upon any htdebtedneas sac«ed Hereby, and In <br />aucn ortler as 8arroticlary may datermine; Ibt perform suen acts OI repair or <br />prolectlon as may M netesaery or proper io conserve the value OI the Properly; (c) <br />lease ill name rn any part IMrwl for aucn renml, term. an0 upon such candiiions <br />as Its fudpsment may dictate. Unbsa Trustor and Beneliciary agree otMrwise in <br />writing, any eDPllcetlon of rents. is O. prams ro any mdebieaneas secured <br />Mreby snail not extend « poatporrealM due Gate bl ihs installment payments as <br />provided In said Promissory note or cMnge the amoum of suen installments. The <br />entennp upon entl taking posaeesinn or the Properly, ins caliaction Ot suen rents, <br />Insupn entl profits, and the appucehon IMreol as aloteaartl enau not wawa Or Cora <br />any tlafault « nO11ce Ot tlefault hereuntle+, or inval:tlatn any act done pursuant t0 <br />such'. MtICB. TNStor also assigns to BeneHCiary, as la'the' security lOr tea <br />peAOrmance of the obngBtlons secured Rereby, ail Cranai0 rent3 ana all monies <br />wmCn mpy have been or may nerealtar De deppsilea wnfn said Trustor by any lessee <br />of IM Property, to secure me Deymenr o any re and v n datauu gin. the <br />periarmance of any of the prowsrons hereof' irustorrtagra o deliver aucn re <br />entl tleposlis to tM Beneficiary. Deurery at written n lot the BeneYrciary'5 <br />excise of Me npRts granted Herein, tv any tenant occuayrng said «emises span <br />ba suffltlen[ to require saltl tenant la pay said rem to me 0eneliciary unto runner <br />notice. <br />ii. lMped PnmMw. Wlmin 10 days after oemand, TNamr shall furnish to Truatea <br />e adMtlUle certlfled to M INe. setting loan ell lessen at apace in fns T uet <br />Property [ton in effect, Including, in earn case, tM name vl the tenants arW <br />oeeuppnta a deeenption of ere apace oeeuplw by aucn tenant and oeeupam, fM <br />rental payable tot aucn apace ere auto other mf0;melion and dxumeme wim <br />rppact to such leaeea end tenancies a9 tM TNStee may request. <br />Without tM Orior written c ant of TNatee, Trustor shall oat, dlrachy ri <br />IMIraOlty, wtih rpepeCl t0 any lanes of space In ine deacrl6w premise9. wneiher <br />wen tepee ii-'tow Or hereafter In exl3tOnfA. (a) accept pr permit any Prepayment. <br />diaeount rn stlvenee rent pegaole mereunder, (D) cancel or terminate IM same, or <br />pctePt pray unCellehon, termineNOn or surrender tnereof, or permit any event to <br />occur wniCh would entitle tM leases tMraunder fo terminate « cancel fns same; Icl <br />amend or motli(y the same so es to reduce ine form tnereof, the ranter payable <br />iMrourWer, or to cMnge any renewal provtaiana inereln contained; {dl waive any <br />de/ault [nereuntler ar bre9Cn tMreot; !9) plus any edn9eni, waiver or spprOVal <br />tMreurwar w take any other actnn In connecllOn therewith, o with a losses <br />lnxeurtder, wmCh Would have the affect of Impemng the value of teaser's intaraat <br />tMrwntlerr on lM Property subject thereto, or of Impalrlnq the poslUan or Inrereef <br />of ill Trustee or BeMNclary, or (g sell, assign, pledge, mortgage or otherwlae <br />dlaltoee of, or encumtlar, ire Imereat In arty suen !ease or any rents. issues or profits <br />Issuing or arlelnp tMreuntler, <br />12 CatlemMtbn.lf title t0 any pert of the Property snail M taken in condemnation <br />{lrocewinga, oy fight of eminent domain « sillier ecibn, dr atoll M sold under <br />Mreat Of contlemnauon, ail ewaroa, damages and proceeds ate Mreby assignw <br />and atoll M paid to BeMtfClery who snail apply such awards, damages and <br />prrN:awa to tea 6uma sec«w by the TN9t Dead, with fns extesa, it any, peitl t0 ill <br />TNnt«. TNelor will prompty, entl with due dHlpence, 'opal', attar and restore the <br />emalning pan of tM TNat Property to its to'me' condition auoatanJeliy t0 the <br />frxteni tMl IM aama mpy M teulble find so as to conatltute a complete and usable <br />unit. <br />13. Ftrture AdYanep. Upon request of TNetor, Beneficiary, at Beneficiary's optlan, <br />prbr to reconveyance of tM Properly io the Truaror, may make future advances to <br />ill TNat«. Such miure advances, wits Interest InareOn, snail M second by leis <br />That Dew when awdencw by promissory notes staling mat said rotas a <br />secured hereby; Orovldw mat et nu time 9MI1 IM s urea Principal, suture <br />advances, trot including s s wvencw to protect Me security, exceed vne <br />MrMratl percent (100X) of fns «Iglnel principal arrwunta se ,urw hereby. <br />ta. RpoN0lN CUmutptM. AN remedies Rrovlow In IHra TNSI Devx1 are dleUntt ana <br />GumUlpliYe IO Ny OtMrllght Or lemwy untle! tots Ireel Daw Or tit«dw Dy IoW Or <br />equity, end may M azerCjaw concurrently, IMependanily «sucteastrpiy. <br />15; Abpplpntb[K RpmWipK Sala Upon tlateull by Truat« fn tM FaYmeni of any <br />IndWtedMae eecureq Hereby or In tM pert«mnltcp of any agreement Hereunder, <br />BpMflelary mty tlapfp[6 all Hume aecurw hereby ImrMtllatety due and payable Dy <br />dpllwry to TNpjN of written tleclaralion of tletauiL ill Truelee atoll Mva !M <br />power qi Nle of IM Property and 11 Benatlc{ary deetree tM PrrpenY to M aoltl. it <br />OMh tlppgell with TNeteb Nia Trust Dead end all promissory notes pM Oxumbnle <br />prl0egc1rlg expenelturea sewrw nerebY. ell SMII CNlver to 7Natee, a written <br />rrOiMe pl rMfpuft all efwu«, to cause !M PropMy to M 3oltl, arttl pis Troet6e In <br />lam grist! Prepare a Mmllpr Notice In SM Irnm required by la W, wn7en shelf M duly <br />flNd frnrscortl by iNptea- <br />(y Afhr tM tppw of such time as may M repWrw by taw totiowinp tM reC«d~ <br />atlon of old notice of default, and notice of default and notice or sale Mring <br />bean plwn as +squkw br law, Trustee, wltnwt oemand or, Trustrn, snail sell <br />- ill Property an [M date all N IM time entl Plaea daaigMtw m acid rwuee of <br />eak, pl pubOc suction to tM Mellor Ditltlx, :M purchase price payable In <br />4wtui molly of tM United Stator pi ill time of sa16. TM person conducting <br />tM Yla may, !« am sauna M drremn azpwlent, Ro9ipone tM sale from time <br />to lima unW II atoll M comPieteo end, in eve? seen cans, 'write of Poalpono- <br />meet shall G gfYM by Pumlc dKfaratlon tnereof by_au<h Berson at IM time <br />end p(pca Wt pPPDlniw I« till Nitl; provlond, If tM sale fa pontPOnw for <br />fo'rge' tnpn ft) day beyoM tM day tlesipnatw in tM 'write of sofa, notice <br />thNpd sMN M given n~ tM carne manner as :M orpfnal nonce cf sale. <br />7+wtae aAelt eaepihe and delver to. Ua pliiChaaN me Daad conveYmp tM <br />PrypwQt aoltl. but witlwut enY COVananl « Warranty, apnea ur implied. TM <br />racital0 in ill Mal} of arty mattNa a lath atoll M ConCluatre Mo01 Of IM <br />tninfulMS6 itMreof. Arty person, 1rz:lwllrrg Berreliclary, n'aY purchase at the <br />Gala <br />CW WMn TNitN neNS pbnuanl So tM Powers henin, tM TNateB nneli apply ill <br />proCeadp d ill sate tD payment of ill coat end apensss of aerciNrtp tM <br />OoWet Yi a!I! all of tM able, 3nplUtlelattAa paYmwt of IM Trustees Faea <br />potuaN Incurtad, Hill to lsCpid., _ 70077 ,X W kM sale MICA, and iMn t0 <br />tM Rama In eubparapiaah(CM in tM ortlar tMra ata_ed. <br />-!c~ AI1ar paylnA tM hems sppcitf/d M auDpatepnpn tbl It ana seta .s Dr tNatea « <br />tM MPPp! tkrlft anq ouwr r~rrata of t«wioiun sort aaro if b» aaie Ia purawnt <br />nptefdtp( tOreCloaU•0. <M prodaads at aat• snap Dn a(+p+!atl !n :M order slated <br />TO ill ppywtpnt o1: <br />l8 Gobi of any MnpntA tlt u11p prof«raY M connection wVm aµh aaie and Or <br />- Mry teYpnu• stamps; <br />(g3 AN aama tMa $0.urw tauaby <br />TM »mair'Idar. if any, W tea D•rs*df tagaui azOaka] tMrrtO. <br />18 Du1Na uW Ablip/hon• or Tru/rN (a. ins ']urine and vbllpatlona of TNelee <br />atoll M tleterrmned soiefy b; !nn xr waas p~OViNOn4 of the Teuat Dsed end Trustee <br />atoll not M llabin evtxPr fpr thx pxrr<;rmancn o1 auto duties and DbllgatiOne ea era <br />apecllicalfy sal torah obtain, xntl nc IrrmplleC covenenta Or oDngetipnn nna11 M <br />imposed upon TJUalee; (Df Na 9romalOn OI IniO TNSI Deed Hoar! require Trustee to <br />expend ar risk tits own nrnda, Or olharw~an incur any hnpnciar obllgetlon In ill <br />pertormence o! any or its tluhaa neraunder, or In the ezerelee of any of Ira IfpM or <br />power, At It shit nova grounds mr Mlleving tnet the repayment OI 6uth funds of <br />adequate iMnmNty against noon trek or IleDlllly la not roaaonebly aeaurw to It; (Cf <br />Trustee may c mull with counsel of hIS own cito0sing end the eW7ca of such <br />counsel enali ba full and ccmptete euthodzatbn and protecllan In the re9paCt OI <br />any eetian taken or autrerw by it MrnuM« in good Iaiih and reitence tnerwn; (d) <br />Trustee anal) not De sable for any action taken by him in pond Jahn and <br />Mllevetl RY Him :a M authorized or within Ing tlisMetion or rights of power <br />Conferred upon if by Ihln TNaI hew. <br />t y. AetlNioMl tiecudiy IMtNmanL. Trustor, at Its ezpMne, wll! execute entl deliver <br />to tM TNateB, prpmptiy upon demanQ aucn ewUrity IMINmen16 0o may M <br />required Ay Traatea. In form and substance aatia}eC10ry to TNSteB, covering any of <br />Ina Property Conveyed Dy tors Trust Deed, which eecunty IMtNmenta aMti bra <br />a001tI0rta1 security for Trustor's faun/ul partOrmance of all of the terms, Covenant8 <br />and conditla a a+ fora Trust Deed. irre proml9aory notes secured Mreby, all any <br />OtMr security Instruments a ecui0d In connection with tole IrenMClbn. Suer <br />Inatrumenta snail M :ecordw Or tllatl, ana ro-recorde0 arM rotlletl, et irueitsfp <br />ezpenae. <br />]B. MIapl4tlavara <br />ia) In tM event any one or more Ot ill prov161ona eonlalrtw In this TNat Deed or <br />IM prominsory hOte or any other security Instrument given In conrteCtlon with <br />fora tranaec0on snail tOr any reason M Held to M Invallq plepai o <br />unenldreeabla Irt any respect. such Invalitllty, Illepellly, Or unenforceablllty <br />span, Et tM Opuon-ot Beneflclary, not affect any other pravtebn of this Trust <br />bead,,-but the Twat Deed shall be epnalNw ea If such invalid, illegal, Or <br />_ enforceable Provision Wed never Men contalnw herein or therein. <br />!o) Tnis That Dew shell L`a comtruetl according to me laws of tM SNte of <br />Nebfe9ke. <br />ICI Fina Trust bead snail Inure io and mn0 tea oaks, IBpeteee. dnYleeee, <br />atlminlatretOn, executors. successors erM aeS10n9 of the parties Mreto. <br />Idl Trustor atoll pay a:i taxes Vavlw upon rma That DOetl or ine tlebt aecuratl <br />Mreby, IopetMr with any olner teze3 or eaaeasments Which may M levied <br />against tea Trustee or Benaticlery or the legal Holder o1 said promissory Mte <br />n count a1 tM indaDiwneas Bridenced thereby, <br />,ei WMnever uaw herein, the arnpular nJmber anon Intlutle Inn RWnt, tM <br />mrgurar, me use at arty gender shelf M epplleabie to all 98ntlere, entl ine term <br />"Banellclary" snail mClupe any payee al the IntlebtwMn9 Mreby aeCUreO Or <br />any hanater tnereof. wnatner Oy Operation or law or omerelae. <br />19. Suga•p1gl TNa1N. Beneliclnry may from lime to lima SuDalitute a nucteae« or <br />cceasara tc any Trustee named Mrein or acting Mreunder to execute Imo TNSI <br />Dead. Upon 9Utn gppOmtmnnt entl without pOnveynnce (0 ill aUCCeawr TNalee. <br />tM latter anvil bb vasiw with ail title, powers, and dutlee confenad upon any <br />Trustee Mre{n n natl a acting hereunder. Each such appointment and <br />Substitution snail M made by written Inetnmenl by BBMliciary, Contslninp <br />!aference to mis Trust Daed entl Its piece of recrnd, wnlCh when recorded in tea <br />O/lice of IM Replsrer of Dews of IM county or Counties In whloh aeltl property Is <br />altuelw shell M COHCiu8lve OrOOf Of propel BppOinirtwnt p11M DUCCeaaOr 7Natee. <br />The forapomp power of subatltutlon sod IM procedure theret«@ ehelt not M <br />exClWfro of the Rower and procedure pror{dw rot DY law for the eubelitutlon Of a <br />TNatee «TN91ees In lea place o: the TNal9e. <br />Z0. FoNeanrtu by BeMlNlary « TNatpe Hot a Wah'M. Any toreDeanncs Dy <br />Benellclery or TNetee In nxerc{ainq any right Or remedy Mreuntler,.pr oNerwlee <br />attordw by eppllcabi0 law, sMfl not M a waiter of o+ preclude tM ezarclee Of arty <br />Wpm ar remedy hereunder Likewise, fns waiver by BeMliClery or TNatw of any <br />default o! nuat« ender mi9 Truitt Deaa 9nau not M deemed to M a warner of enr <br />alto' fl<simliat dereulta aubaequently occurring. <br />21, Trtaat« NIN R•I/aaad Extenelon ai [M Uma for payment « mwiiicallon or <br />am«Uxation of the sums aecuretl by iris Trust D@ed premed by Banafi<lery to any <br />sucd9a9or !n Lnimeal ai Trustor snarl not Operate to release, in any manner, tM <br />tleblllty of the orlpinel Trustor o: Trustor a succesaOr In interest. Beneflclary shall <br />not M rrtquirw to commence procawing9 against suen aucceaeor or raluee to <br />extend time for pal mart pt ou+arwise modify amonlzetion of the 8um5 secured Dy <br />iota Trust Dead by reason u! any demand made by the orlpinai Trustor and Truetor'e <br />9uCCtlae0f9 in interest. <br />22. Wtpult It there shalt M a dalault under (ms Deed of That or under enY Prior <br />mortgage, the BarlntfCldry may cu ucn tlateull, arM tea amOUnte advanced Dy, <br />entl alter costa raw expenses of ine beneficiary in curing 9UCn detfluit, with <br />!nterast at Ma default rata contained in the Nota 9eCUrw hereby from the time of <br />[rte wvances «payments shell Metldw t0 the IMebiwne96 aeCUretl by this TNSt <br />Uew and may M Coiieciw nernunder ai any time alter ill time of aucn etlvancea <br />rn paymems and atoll M tluemed to Da aec«w MrnDY~ <br />23. Optlon to Fava<bN. Upon the oCCUrance of any default hereunder, i3eneficlary <br />sneN have tM aptlort to torecloae this Trust Dead in fns manner provitletl by Yew for <br />me Iwaclosure at rtwrlgepes an Hai property. <br />2a, Trtratgl• Rlphb, Abawt DefauH. Until any default in the payment al <br />Inaebtwneee hereby secured or unfit the breach of any covenant Mrein comalnw, <br />tM Trustor, Its succ666an stet es9lpna, shall possess arM enjoy Ire prppeny, and <br />tetra IM rents and profits iherefr0111. Upon payment of ell aama secured Dy this <br />TNnt Deed, $enellclary Snell request TNStee to reconvey Me property ono shall <br />Surrender Tnis Trual Dsed and all notes aridenclnp IntlebtwMna secures by-this <br />Trual Deed Io TNate6. TNatw anal) rwonvey Ute Dropany without Warranty and <br />wimaut charGn fu the Parsana legally anu[letl tMreto. TM Grentea In any <br />nveyanca may' Ce descriMU as "ihs parson or per5one antltieb thereto," entl <br />tM recitals iMre:n Ct a mattbr9 or recta shalt M C nclualvn ergot Of me <br />frulhtulMS9IM<e0f. Sutra person yr Varsons atoll pay all Co9te of recording, It any. <br />25. ACCalarabm fn tM Event of 7nMfpr, In ins event ine rite ie seitl reel estate Is <br />hanalmrw, or c«+tncted to M irensienw, from the underalgnw for any reason or <br />DY any melhu:! wnetaoavar tea enure prlnNpal Yum entl accrued Interaat atoll at <br />rx become due and psfaO:a at tea election dl ill Banelleiary. Failure to exercise <br />-, v„i'.On t~aUae a! Irsnn!a: t! :,sis as eb0 s 31ata., crre 1n81anCa 3ha11 not <br />tonahtnta s waiver pt Ina r;ph! to anercrsa tM same In ltW avant Pi any aUbBtlQUant <br />tnnenr. <br />xe. isle dew unroa*alurnorman•aatw . NA <br />awulw Cy iruatq .o. _._.. - - .._ ___...___. _._._____.._ Truslre, <br />NCUnngapnncrpa, 'talc la _.. <br />1hr:uraand nrw Nrta.;Mdwith ire fiapr•le :,". -.'. Werrlh'iw la 26114Wa. <br />