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<br />and w InWt )A - ". <br />ntareet t tr:e - ~ r •_ -~ <br />apbon of 9e - , ' <br />nr env mnep e~ - + ~ + r + .< <br />mdebtaOnBR. n e an tar at ~ r.lar / .,, <.. ~n,r n.r, <br />tU ANlgnment of RenU. 0 ~ '~ <br />tlurin9 ine coot ~.:ant¢ lo! • u s, Or x.11 l e, ~. ~,•. n r <br />top PrOpsrtY anA ~t a [.: '-r - e.1 <br />xeaESBlon nt ine pm Per elf _, a a,.y nand it ,tx'~v B.nn <br />Ondlhonally !]signs tall aur'h ~ end ' Js9en.r,ciary <br />Benefic'ery howe+er Yerxnti ,.o ,s n the ust-+r-. .., i . <br />uen rents : ann prnbts as IM1ev .. _ d Dc[ame ,- :a Dlep'S n:q a. <br />Trustor r r:Dlu al sucn t ~ netaulf~wllh eegpecf I~aaayma <br />mdebtednass a9tured naraoy `9.rnl;ne perinrmance o ep: eem¢ro n ~nmrr• <br />Upon any sucn 7xlau119enghtldry maY al env nme.'_n hCr^^p~!r~2m by agPn! ^. <br />xeiver t0 be aoooinlpd by a Court, w,tnnur nphce ann w. redard !c ~ _ <br />a0equacy ut any security for the indeb!eCnesS harsh'. s¢curwlf ^a ' <br />take possession ct tM PrODerty Or arty par! :nereol. and In its n-wn ~s rt:r sire !nn Ur <br />otherwise cOliDCi such rents, is antl pratita. ,ncluding ,hors past d a.nn <br />unpaid, and apwy the same, lessacns:s and evppnses nt op¢ral,en and tallectian, <br />Inciudmp rp naole anprnaY !ee.s. •.lpon am mtlebtednoss sxrureC h¢•¢by, and in <br />ucn or0er ag Bennlic:ary' may tletarmine' rb! pert Orm s~^n acts c repair r,~ <br />protection as may Da n¢epssary Uf globe! Io tonse+vn !ne value at Ina Property: l[. <br />lease me same or any Dart meteor for sucn rental, r and upon suer, cnnmuons <br />s its judgement may dictate. Unless Try9.or ant 8 neficiary agree 4ine[wise rn <br />wNing, any apDiicativn OI rents, .s rnll:s to ;ny l.ndebte0ress s ured <br />Hereby snail nOi extend or p09ipone Ih2 sure date of ine lnsialllnenl payments as <br />providetl in Said promissory note ar !mange Inx arz!UUni of such in5lailm¢nis. TPC <br />Entering upon end Taking COSS9asron of the P•Op¢fty. IM1¢ toll¢CilUn of auto rents. <br />issues and proms. and the application mereot as aroresad, snarl oat wave or cure <br />any tletauli ar notl;.¢ of default Hereunder. u nrah0atp env act done purSUant In <br />auto notice. Trustor also assigns la Berle+I[+ary, 25 lurthar s unty for the <br />performance of the nDligations secured nare0y. ail prxpaitl rents and all monies <br />white may have seen or may nereait¢r be tlepasited wnh said Trustor Dy any lessee <br />01 the Property. tU sprure the Deymenl of a ant. and upon tle+ault ~n the <br />par}wmance or env of the arovismns nereol. '. r agrees to neuee• such roots <br />and deposits t0 the Bnneticrary. DElrverv Ui written n of IHe Benefrc,ary's <br />miss or the sigma grained nerem.:o any tenant on[upy~~s said w¢mises snail <br />be sufficient to require said tenant t0 Gay card rant fo the Benetitlafy until lurtn¢r <br />notico- <br />li. LNeb PromiNa. Witnirt tq days after demerb. Trustor snail furnish to TruslN <br />a aCnetlule tertllle0 io be trYB, setting forth all lessee of space in the Thar <br />Property men in ertecl lncwmng. m Non case, the name of the tenann ana <br />xCUpante, a tleacripllon of the space xcu0letl by such tenant end xcupant, ine <br />enter payable for sucn space flrM auto other irformatlon End Oocu Arita wlln <br />respect to sucn leases end lenanwen as the TNaree may request. <br />Without the prior written c ant of Trustee. TNamr shall not, directly or <br />IndlreGtly, wlm reaDeot t0 any 189e of 9pece In the de9cnbed premises, whether <br />auto IeeN IS now or hereafter In eklaience; (a) accept or permit any prepayment, <br />dlewunt or advance rant Deyable thereunder, (D) rental or ierminatp the same. w <br />ceps any cancellation, lenninatlon or surrender thereof, or permit any event to <br />xcur wAlch Would enUtla IhB lespee thereunder to Ierminaie w cancel the same; (C) <br />mend cr malty the same so as to reduce ine Sarni !nereol. Ina rental Dayabie <br />tnNeuntlBr, w to change any renewal provl8lons Therein containod: (d) waive any <br />dslaUlt mereunder or breath tnereot; (e) give arty consent. waiver or apDrOVai <br />ItrNeurbef or take any other action 7n connection thBrewlM, ay wlm a leeaee <br />IhareU/Mer, wnfcn would have the ehacl of Impalring ma value of tensor's interest <br />therountler, on the Property suDfect tnerNp, or of Impaldnp the position or intNest <br />of ine TNatN w 8eneticlery; or fn soli, assign, plo0ge, modpage or otherwise <br />dispose oi, or encumber, Its Interest in any such (ease cr any ran W, Issues or profits <br />Inauinq or erbinp thereunder. <br />t2.OwWNnMporu it title to any pars at the Property snail bB taken In tondemnatlvt <br />proceedinga. Dy right of eminent damatn or similar aclbn, dr snail De aoltl antler <br />Threat of eondemneuon. alt awards, damages and prxeeds are heroby aaalpned <br />and !Mil be paid to Benelicinry woo snail eRPly sucn awards, damages ana <br />prx9eda to the puma secured by Ire Truai Deed, with the excess, if any, pats to Ire <br />TNSIw. Trustor will promptly, antl wNh due tlilipen[e, repair. alter and restore Ire <br />remslOlnp Dad 01 the Trust Property to its brmer cunOitlOn su0atenueily t0 the <br />ektenl met the same rosy be teealDle antl so as to conatllute a campleie antl usable <br />unit. <br />t7. FYturo Adyancaa. Upon request of Trustor, Beneflclary, at 8aneflciary's option, <br />odor to reconveyence of me Property to the Trustor, may make future advances iv <br />[he TNelw. Such lulure advances, wlm Intaresi inerepn, ana!1 t» secured DY this <br />That Dead when evberrce0 by promissory notes st8ung teat Bald notes ere <br />eeCUred hereby: Drorbed !net at na time shell Ines uretl pdncipal, fyNre <br />advaneea, not Includlnq sumo advencetl to protect tea s cavity, a teed one <br />hUMred percent (1g0%) of the arlpinel Drlnvipel amounts secured he+e0y <br />t>. RanNdtN Cumubtiw. All renlediea provided In rota Trust Deed are dlshnct antl <br />mutative t0 any Other rlpm or remedy under INS Trust Deetl or altwde0 by law ar <br />equity, end may be ekerclsed concurremfy, independently or aucceaalvely. <br />t5. AepNnfbn; RemWMa: Sala. Upon defaul! by Trustor In IM peYment of any <br />Irbaplednesa Decayed Hereby ar In the pertormanca of any agrearneni hereuMar, <br />Benellclary may declare au same secured Hereby immBtl{etaly due and payable Oy <br />delivery to TrualN at wrNlen deciaretion of tlelauiL The TNe1N shall Nva the <br />powN of sale of Ire Property snd i/ 8eneticlery desires the Property to bs sob. It <br />anau depoaN who TNatN role Truai Deea and au momlaapry notN ana exumente <br />evidanctnp expenditures secured neraoY, antl snag delNer to TfuatN, a wdtten <br />nOllpe of default antl 6lectlOn to cause the PropenY t0 Da aoitl, and the TNatN In <br />turn nMl(Dropue a similar NoUCe In me Iwm required hY law, which Snell ba duly <br />Nled for rscoro by TIUatN. <br />(a) ANN the tepee qt 6Uan time 89 may N required Dy law IOllowing the retord- <br />ahon of aeb r10ilca of default, ono n0t1<e Of Oelault antl nohce or sale having <br />OsBn Onren as rNiuired py law, T+ueIN. wuhOUt tlemand art Trustor. shat; sail <br />Iha Property On Ire date and el the IImB and plate des'ipnated In Seid ngilte d! <br />tale, at public auctbn to ine nlphe9l bidder. the aurcnaan prate payaole :n <br />lawiul money Of top United States ai :rid '.Ime of sate. T ondUGtinq <br />IM aab may, !O enY Cause he dooms espedlenf, DOntpOngrtM Sere Isom !:m0 <br />to lima until It snail Da camplaied and. in every sucn Cage, notice at poalWr»~ <br />nrent arwli De Glren by Dubuc daclaretion merenl by eucn person at iM time <br />antl place last eppwnted fro Ma sate: Dmvkyed. l( [ne ails is poaipCnad tar <br />bnpN than ill tlay beyantl iRe dry CaSigneteC In !ne natlca vl as natlca <br />thNeOt shalt W given in the a>me manner 89 the Urigmel nU.%ta ar 9a1e <br />TruaiN anau E and dative: tU ana pafcneNr n a DerN c veyinq .^ <br />propane solo. bu~.nneor am [mane,:: or wsnamv. eipreaa. onmpged. rna <br />echela m Sire Gad pi anY "!9[tera o° °etie a!M!! b8 C^_M:iuarre greet U! the <br />Ninfurnesp ene~eal Any pe a„n .n,,luq,ny` Bpr:x^:c•ary, n , _naae a, te.n <br />sale. <br />m; wn.n na _ ,e vowan nerelr i oe snae env+y tyre <br />proCNdn o! me aa'e?c Vey-nwnirot inn [aa!3 enq exi: Inaba of axertssinp !ha <br />Dower Ut -f t, ~ !nJ4dY1C~ V>Ynvei. h NI' <br />atiuarw a_ppu .VGIi sx n a. en t. <br />I p..ema .., vunp>rvjrapr ::.;: .nn „rUPr i!Wrp atala.:ra <br />.tr Af.N Wry •6 rrq ttl v s,ra.::1 nJ un( ra4rv,.'. v <br />pYd•ora .Ore,, yawn' ar,,r sae„ I.+a ,-.6-+sinrn-. <br />„ire. and .>c~lpano.,a . n ._ garors n usten <br />:o rest Daen .rnd'.rwiae <br />. , - ! rt it as and Uollgdil0na ea era <br />- '_ •~ aMrgatrons grail ha <br />~,... ~. 1 ,t snarl raaulrp T ruetee to <br />: I.narvCral aDiige[ion 3n InB <br />u Sa_. rr 1 > OI any of Its right Or <br />+ r ng Ina! Ihp repayment of sucn funds or <br /> ~i ~ aoilrty .r r.ot r~aeonably assured to u: Ic) <br />.. +sin .+t .;al s^ lop and Ire aOvlCe of sucn <br />noel mall pa t. =l ana ..nweta amnnnurmr, and pmlecuan m me respoet or <br />.t"' - akn•~ a - I under -^ good faith and reliance IRereOn: tdj <br />~? px uaD+o tn; act on raker, py Aim in good faith arW <br />reJievpeCSbv n autnn'izxd p. -with+n the diagretlo^, ar rigors of powers <br />.on arras uponTi n, ~ s Tr,:. Doan <br />~' 60ditlonN security Inetramenta. Tn.stor. at Ifs axpgnse. will execute end deilvN <br />1U In ua19p. u•OmpIH u e tlamand, auto Security inahumepte as may be <br />required Dy Trasrna. in term and aubstanee satlslactory Io Trustee, eoverlnq any of <br />nE Property :orvayed ty rn uat Dead, wnlcn security Inelrumantn 9ha11 be <br />atldl(lonal 5eeur,Iy +or Trustor"5 fallnlul par}wmenea Of ell of me lermn, eovenanie <br />and coed:llor+s nl !his Trust Daad, Ire promissory nq{ea sxuretl hereby, and any <br />ether security ina•ru ante ax rul¢0 in connection wlln this nanaeetlon. Such <br />nstrumen!9 snail benrscordetl~ar (;lad, and re-recomed and retlled, et TNator'f <br />exvenge, <br />ie_Mbrwlanaoua. - <br />(a) in the event any one cr more of the provisloru containee In Ihla Trust Deed or <br />ins promta9ory note w any prosy seta Nty Instrument given In connecttpn wlin <br />tole irenaactlon shalt to any reason be Held to be Invslld, Illegal or <br />enforceable in any respect. sucn Invalidly, IIIe0allly, or unenlwCNblllty <br />shall. ai the option of Banetklery, not affect any piney proWelon OI this Trust <br />Deed, put tots T. rust Deed shah ba construed N If eucn Invalid, Illegal, at <br />unenforceable grovislon had never Dean contained heleln w lnareln. <br />tb} This Trust Dead nhaif bE contarued aocordlnp t0 the Iowa of the Sate of <br />Nebraska. <br />(c) TMs That Deed shall inure fn antl bind lea helm, IegBIeN, dertaeea; <br />adminlstrelors, executara, aucceaaors and eNlpne of the partlee herotp. <br />(d) Trustor anau pay an fazes reefed upon tMa That Deed or the debt secured <br />hereby, SOpelner with any Other taxes or aDSNSmenta WRICh may. b0 fevled <br />apeinei MB Trustee or eenehclary w the Iepei holder of Nb promissory mote <br />count of tnE lnOebiNnea3 evbenced tneroby. <br />le) Whenever uae0 ne+eln, the elnqular number anau include the piurol, tM <br />Slnpular, ine use Of any gendN anau be apPilCSOle to ell pNMaya, antl ine term <br />^[taneflclary" shall include any payN Ot the IMebtedneu.hereby secured w <br />any Ireneter thereof, W nptner by operotlon OI taw or atherwiN. <br />!s. Sracnasw TNSaa. Benellclary may from time to time eubstltute n aueCNax ar <br />ro io any Trg9ioe named narein Or acting hereuntlef b BxeCYte rota TNBI <br />DeoO. UDan Sato appointment antl wlihwt nAnveyanCe t0 the eacCNaw TNatN, <br />me latter shell be vested who flIl title, power, antl dutl8a conferred upon arty <br />TrmiN nerem. names o achnp hereunder. Each sucn appointment and <br />9ubetltution enell be made OY written Instument by BenetlClary, COntsinlrlp <br />reference to th19 That Deed antl its piece Ot record: whiCn when rocor0ed In the <br />office of me RCpta1N of DeeOS of the county Or wuntlea in wMCh eels property )a <br />sltueted shall be conciuaive proof nt propN eppplnlmant of the axc6eaN TNatN. <br />The torepOmp prover of auOatlNtlon orb the ptxetlure therefore shaft not be <br />xcluSlve o} the power arW procedure provide0 for by IoW tar me Dubatltutlpn Of <br />TruatN or Truateee in me place of ine TNStee. <br />20. Foresarartp by SaNllGlary m TN>W -Nei a Ws1wN. Any forobeeraxe by <br />BenetlCtary or TfYeLN in axaroieNg any rlgni Or remedy hBreuMN, or otherWlN <br />aftortled by appifcable law, snail not !te a waiver pt or prxlude the examine o} any <br />right w remedy hereunder. LlkewlN, the waiver by Beneflclary ar TfUaIN pf tiny <br />defavll of Trustor under foie That Deed shall not tin dNmed to Den Welver of any <br />other or stroller de/subs au Wequently occuminp, <br />21. TNatw Not ReiNtad. Extenalon of the Ilme tw payment Or mOdlliWtiOn o[ <br />emorthallon of tea sums secured 6y tM9 TNSI Deed prontetl by Berle/lelary to any <br />xceaaor in toreros[ of Trualor ehetl oat operate to releaN, In nny manner, the <br />ueblilty of tea oripina! TNalor or Truatai s auceeanor In InlerNl. Beneficirfry snail <br />:wt be required to commence proceetlingr against such axcNaw a retuN-to <br />extend time for peYmenl w otnarwiN modtry amonlzetlOn of ilia same secured by <br />tots TNSI Deed by reason of any demand made Dy the odpinei TNetor erM TrusloYa <br />aucceaaors In rmereal. <br />n_ tlNN11 If there !hall De a tlefeYb um1N tNe Deed Of That Or Under nny Driw <br />nwrtpepe, the Barrellclary may cure such delsult, end the amOYni6 advartesd by, <br />alW Diner costa orb expeneea of Ire barrshtlary In CuNnp. each tlefautt, wfm <br />imereat et the detauli rare contnlned to ton Nota eecurad hereby imm the rims Of <br />the advancer Or payments rhati be sdtletl to the IndebtadlHe! seCYrad DY this TNSI <br />Dead sib maY D0 COIIeCtad hereunder at arty Ilene aNaf fM limn Of eucn edW ndee <br />or paymenb and aM11 Da deemed to be secured hereby. <br />23. Opfbn to Foroeloaa. Upon tea oxursnce of arty delsult hsrwnOer, Benslielary <br />mall nave ine option Io IurK1oN inia iNSt OgeO in tM mantrer DrOVidad by law for <br />ine toreclonure df mortgagee an rNi woperty. <br />2a. Tnrata'a Rtptd., Atnsnt DahuN. Until any Wlsult In tM paYmenl of - <br />irMebtedneae hEreDY aecuretl w until tea Dream of anY coveMnt Hereto contained, <br />ine Truatw, its succeason Nb aaslpraa, shall poNNe and anJaY ine Property, sM <br />ewfre the rants aM Drotita Inerefrgm- DpOn Isayrtrsn! Of ail sums BacYrod by thh <br />Trust Dead, eanetmlary Sheri +equaat TNatN t0 recomay tM property and eMll <br />surrender this Trust Dead aM eg rrotea eviderictnp IndsbledMN eecurod by rota <br />Truai Dead to Truatea Trustee 9na11 rocxvey the property wltltout Warranty end <br />wiinour C a !O I'b Vnrapn9 ltpaily entitled meretp. Toe Grantee In 6ny <br />;acanveyantev,'nav os CeswibpC as 'lea patron or pereona entitled Thereto;' end <br />Ire nic11e18 t'!ernin al any matters or inCia shall OB cOnclYaive proof of the <br />.Nmfulnees t~ vac:, sucn ppraort Or persona shall pay ad coete of recordlnp, I: any. <br />:s. Aacetsr>Brm to ana Event of Tnrn}N. Irt the event the title to said real estate le <br />tronaterrNf, or coat+aCiad to tin L'ansferred, !rpm the undersigned ter any reason or <br />by anY memos wnatsaeanr; top entire Drirrctpel sum and axruN interest shalt at <br />Gnce Dacornn Hue ana Dayapie at tea election at the Beneftclery. Parlays to exerCle9 <br />!MS o01mc ba[euae at trangfa: o+ ells as strove !triad In one InatanGe anau not <br />[gnsihute a wawar of me r;gnt 10 axerGae ine name to rna event of any subeepuent <br />ae.Tniadewanmacle;un;annoned>md....__ NA <br />eseCUled hY 7rualo' t0 . .,. ____ TNetN, <br />netur!ngacrnUpar pole tu, .. <br />Dui'a sa._.. BC a... „w. 1^e Way~f-n~~ aa.,e snd ldentiited ae fpllOwe. <br />u, l,aa: yt en. a: <br />