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<br />S'1'A'fI; /tA' Nl,'tiRAShA, County ot ......................................................: <br />Filed for record aced catered in Numerical Index on <br />................................................................ at ................ o'clock ................ i1I., <br />and retarded in Mortgage Record ......................... Page ........................ <br />.............................................. Fty ............................................................ 82"'0Q4875 <br />County Clerk or Deputy County Clerk or <br />Register of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeds <br />-REAL PROPERTY MORTGAGE <br />Jack L. and Lee B. Franssen, husband & bcrein culled the nrortgngor whether one or more, <br />wife <br />in consideration of Twenty thousand nine hundred forty four and 50/100 Dollars ($20944.50). <br />received from mortgagee, does mortgage to the City o£ Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />a Municipal. Corooratien, the followint; descrit?ed real estate to-wit: <br />A certain part cf the Southeast Quarter (SE's) of~Section One (1), Township Eleven (11) North, <br />Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska,more particularly described as <br />follows: Commencing at a point on the East line of the Southeast Quarter {SEA) of -said <br />Section One (1), which point is 412,5 feet North of the Southeast corner of the Southeast <br />Quarter (SE's) of said Section One (1), running thence North along and upon Che East line of <br />the Southeast Qttarter {SE 4) of said Section One (1}, 82.5 feet; rtmning thence West and parallel <br />to the-South line of the Southeast quarter (SE's) of said Section One (1), 246.0 feet; running <br />hhence South and paral~ltel to the-East line of ththhe Southeast Quartehr~~SE~ of SDauiad Secti~SOn a (I) <br />~2-.5 feet; Arrtt~tt~egmoc~gagorE~~ets ~teael~y rcol enanttOVitHetl a°mortgegee a°nd wt'~Cx°mor'igagee's bells end-E~~of <br />assigns that mortgagor is lawfully seised of said premises, that they nre free from encumbrance, that ~ <br />mortgagor has good right -and lawful authority to convey the same, and that mortgagor warrants xnd a <br />will defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of al] persons whomsoever. ~ <br />This mortgage is given to secure the payment of the promissory note of this date made by ~ <br />mortgagor fur :~ 20,444.50 payable, in accordance faith =aid note. w <br />:liartgag+u shall }ray alt taxra and assessments leried upon said real property and all other taxes <br />L:vicd on this mortgage rir the note which this mortgage is given to secure before the same become delie- <br />-yuent nrl shalt maiutuin fire, •n~iudstorm and extended cuveraKc insurance with a mortgage clause on <br />tl:e buikliugx on said premises i^ the sum of r if rnortgagar fails fo pay ouch tuxes <br />and assessments r~r procure such insurance, nrortgager may pay such taxes and purchasa such insurance <br />a¢d the amount so advanced with interest :rt nirx• percent prr nnnrun shall be secured by this :mortgage. <br />In r.rse of default iu the payment of the principal mum ur any urstalburnt thereof or ~f an,y interest <br />thumou when the sawe shall become due ~~; in cave of the non-payment of any taxes or assessments or of <br />tl:e failure to maintain insurance as herein provided, mortgagee may at the option of mortgagee, with- <br />out°notiee, at any time dururg the continuance of such default or breach, declare the whole debt secured <br />by this mortgage to be immediately due aril payable and may foreclose this mortgage. <br />In the event of default in the performauec of any of the terms and conditions of this mortgage or <br />the cote secured by it, the mortgagee :haft Ire entitled to iaunedixtc possession of the property above de- <br />scribed and all the rents, revenue and incmne derived titendrmu during such time as the mortgage in- <br />debtedness remains unpaid shall be applied by the mortgagee to the payment of the note and all other <br />sums secured hereby after decbtctimr of any necessary costs of collection. <br />Dated September 22, 19 82 <br />-'l <br />~> <br />'`" f <br />~ .~~ ~ ~ ,~ <br />.....~ .........?~2:.a..P2..~..E".~Ir.S...c::......... <br />STATF. OF NL+'ftRASK:1, t'auuty of ...............HALL <br />I3o-Mira s,e, a notary pubSie analified_ for eai,l corurfy, personally rumr~ <br />Jack L. and Lee B. Franssen, husband and wife <br />known to me to be the identical person or persons ~~°ho signed the <br />foregoing insintrnent and- nrknowledged the execution thereof to be his, <br />her ar their volnntarv set and deed. <br />g~tgtAy rOtMl!r -i~na d MMrlrit <br />tDRENAE N-SHC ~i*ifnez~ my haecti and uotarinl seal on ...,.$~P.tpm}ler... '~ , s X82 <br />......................... <br />. - ety Gan+a-1gs tlo6 fti i9it1 <br />.,-.,~ > <br />~.,.r:..,aa.:, ... ...z~d;.,f ............. Notary F ulslrc <br />'may r:,;n~siseion asyirts . _ - - - -- .. __........._..._...~. 19 _.._._.._. <br />E"o€m `La _ ngt.rav-4~i tr,v ~i,•itra~i~a `mot+ai•~ 1la~r ~1>ew«,ca.rti+rn rr~, a sera ta,, ta.wm. a~w. <br />