<br />82--C~f14854
<br />THiSTRUST DEED, made this 28th day of OCTOBER ,19 82 ,
<br />be and between:
<br />AND HER OWN RIGHT ,whether one or more, herein-
<br />aftercalied "Trustor" whose mailing address is 1 Rn4 WEST BARBARA AVENLi~a G1ZANj~ ISI ANIl NE 6880I
<br />_ and
<br />(B) JOHN A WOLF
<br />PO BOX 428, GRAND ZSLAND NE 68802 as "Trustee" whose maHing
<br />address is _ _ and
<br />(G} ---
<br />_ ~ncT cAVrTg~c rnaaPeuv _ as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address is
<br />Pn Rr1Y l S(n(, G^ ~cRn ,
<br />WlTNESSETH: That Trustor, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) anal other valuable consideration receipt
<br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale; the
<br />following described property, situated in HAT.L County, Nebraska:
<br />The intention being to convey hereby in absolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and
<br />dower, together with all buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and ail of the
<br />foregoing, together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property."
<br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING pe~olrr~an~e.of e~t~h asgreedment and covenant of Trustor herein contained
<br />and the payment of the principal sum of. ~ r,rr~;,,,ire~~,oy~ a0.n0**°^.^ Dollars ($ 35.044.42*************** ),
<br />as evidenced by a promissory note bearing even date at ilia /rates of interest thereon which may hereafter be paid
<br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and interest thereon being payable according
<br />to terms set forth in said promissory note, reference to which is hereby made, at the office of the Beneficiary or at
<br />such other place as the holder may designate in writing, the final payment of principal and interest, if not sooner
<br />paid, shall be due and payable on the 28th day of OCTOBER , 19 84
<br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. Wartanty W T11N. Trustor Is iawluily seized of ins ProDertl: It Has glwtl right anp
<br />lawful authoRty to 5611 end <pnvpy the Property'; tnB Property is tree antl clear df alt
<br />Ilene arM encumbrances except liens Row of record; and Trustor wL1 warrant and
<br />Mland the tilts t0 IM Propetty unto the TNSiea serf :ts suckes5ora and assigns
<br />/orever, against the Cialma p18l1 perspn6. Tru516r. al rts B%pensn. will maintain and
<br />preserve ins lien of iota Tru51 Dead a5 a Ilan upon ins Trvsl PrUpnftY subject only to
<br />anDURlWences e%4hng a6 01 the dptp neteol, will Cause Ih,B'YUaI Dead, and path
<br />amendment or auppbmeni thereto, to be hied antl recorded as a mwlpAge of the
<br />TNSI Prdparty in sgcn nUnna+dnd in Such piac6, and wet take such Other action a5
<br />In ilia opln:on of Trusi9e may t>e repwred by any present or fuf ore taw :n ordee to
<br />perteCf, matniiin antl W O[8Ct the hen of this Trust Deed. an :he wimp may be Iran
<br />tim~to tlrrw amafitlBtl or suppipmanted. -
<br />2. PaymMtrN Pddplpaf arW Mtaraat Tlpatar snah punctually pay tits winclpai oi,
<br />and Inlereat On. nald prami6sory Horn inCtudinp any aavancps its@rato as Pror{ded
<br />tyrpln on Iha datoe arq at the Fiace an0 m the .mentor prodded [herein and wall
<br />punctually ptl(tOrtn &i apraementa, Cond:lipnn and pNdaiona at any steer :aCYnty
<br />IrLLlNmtllyl piyen in ConneCtbn W iih lhl5llaneacilpn.
<br />]. PrpNgMDn and MaM4nar,ca o! P,aparty. Trustor wd' not <cmrnil any waste
<br />upon itM WopBAy and wgl, at ail nmas. nulntafn me same ,n good order a
<br />+`grgitbr. end will mike, from Time iC rime. a!I :spans, renewals. replacamanntl
<br />adWliWla and tmRravemanta white era rea;.onahly raqu+red to Drerent «dsta,
<br />impplmtep4 M tlplubratlon at said property. NC ouiidmq v rr..Drorenrent Pow or
<br />tpreatlat, H6Ctld upon ins Property styli Ga artargd, remoreti ar aertwbstuitl
<br />wiliwut tM Dr7o[ wrlttBn consent p! 6enef+Ciary.
<br />a., De^t.-^63o PraFS:?y. an cps at any «,.ama. tor, or :;$=uuc;:m: c!.:rse but v:;+gn.
<br />rnyHavynanls:X paeans property Constituting pa.; of :n¢ Trust Prue rty, weather
<br />nLLDh t0g6 is payarad RY Irauranes ptne+w ibp, T unto+. G : ogle vost ar.d
<br />senates, will Rramptiy rpalwa, reRa!rq leplB..~e and reGcl.W the same as naarlY as
<br />practicable to Rn corMttinn trvfmpaoaimr prior ir, soil. damage +
<br />tWCR chanq®e a+W aHQrations as Trusto+ maY dapr" app: riGrialn! Uor,dpJ su
<br />chi!Igp6 dnd eJtaritiMB dq n -ally .ennpn the ra<up N :hry d.
<br />metnri ut + auto
<br />Wl_4frngn. ;mprq+ernGtla a.,d „-arstx~ahy Yarn that ex:anng :mrtmdiacaly pr,ol io
<br />aucfi ditnag? 4 .^.p¢{ruction. T =haj1 D@ eetiifht to relmhu!SBmBnt ee 'n the
<br />TplaIap ttl lire bxfe::i of t^.e r,pt insu: ~nr. xa6ES <ptefratl ny TNSiea. Dpt only fa
<br />9Raaxter't ar. !rip actual apnr BxacRdM] u nv p i+ns p+Or r!~Jrv
<br />3. CtePDFfA TrWtor, H Trustor rx a t-a:po:dhur t« l v
<br />eveaa+ro ka capsrr to er'r;a^ea. ~-gn:s a,.. , + to ... ..w, lop s.>a.n ..l
<br />s1a ingeapwaieP. -
<br />p. ins,ranea_ iNgrw, a r.ad t:y
<br />Bnr:p8Y4"ary, iMYYn'Ka w: AA+ J[ t snit + ~ u D pFeiry-
<br />.wa~.ufre-a , w a* pa+tr dvbc+rs ,. U ~ ~ -ire ;s
<br />cJ+4rar3 M xtyn4aru a •~ip3 ~ ,,,4„ e ~
<br />xaal . np nn- sled pa n w
<br />bga,..s :~lha er.t...-5.,:t,, -
<br />r,. fim
<br />respecNVe parties. Ah insurance policies malntemod Pursuant to Ih:s Trust Deed
<br />shalt name Trustee and Senellcriry as insureds, as (heir respeCtlve iota: Bn 15 may
<br />appear, antl provide that leers shall lye no canCB:lalion or mWitication Without
<br />I,ftean nays prior written notif icahon fo Trustee and 8enenciary, In ilia avant any
<br />po; icy nereuntlar is not rBnewBtl on or before Ilfleen days prior In its expiration
<br />darn, TNSiea or 88nallclary may procure ouch Inwrance and ins cost tnereaf aRdli
<br />DB added to lire loan secured ny leis Trust need and snan Dear intprast at me
<br />greater of ins lnlarest rate speGilletl tRerein or tnB highest inlereel rate aulhahZetl
<br />oy (ne taws of the State ai Nebraska. Trustor snail deliver to Sena/iciary the original
<br />policies of ,nsurance and renewals therBOi or memo cop:as of 9uCn policies and
<br />is merecf. far Nre to turNnn insurance by Trustor, or renewete an regWrpd
<br />hq sunder s of ins optwn o! Bn,etf<idry, c natitute a delaull. All unearned
<br />oalneeeCy ass,pned to T+unree as addmonal se ugly and a sale dnd
<br />veyancn Ct the Property by th¢ Truslatl snail operate io ccnvey to the purcRaser
<br />inn Tra Sipr's interest m and to ail poi:c~as pr inearancp uyon the Trust Property.
<br />1 Top and Aasaaaman4. TNalor snail pay ad taxes and npeciai assessments
<br />@riad or assessed agalRS[ ar tlue uFOn the Propatty Detore delmpuenCy, antl will
<br />dellr8r to Bene:IClefY cop:e3 of recelpt¢ snowing payment Uf such faxes antl
<br />_iai eases ante. it fienefic:aly snail so rHquesi. Tr r agrees chat (here snail
<br />penadUad to earn perlod:c payment required [c De made herBUnd Br an
<br />aspmated Cy Trustee to Gs sutiic:ent lp enablo Trustor to pay, al least 90 days
<br />:,acorn dB;.nquency, alt to othw Vubhc charges against inn
<br />Tru>: P+Op@rly, the NOIe baCUrBq by :his ?rust Deed, o: upon account Jf In8 debt or
<br />.. n GI leis Trusf Dana. topelhar wile prpm~ums for +n urance inquired to u@
<br />o.:ded under Iha 7:ust Deed a interest snan opsVayab;e iv Trustor ,n
<br />mat»ici hereof linen demdnd hY i:ust~ae. T ustor shalt Callver to Trustee sucn
<br />~..••:.~.ra: s~~,.: / -;..nee as a•e ne.pss:::y !-- make ::p any eprec:e^s; ;n ins
<br />umuuna nacrsss:V} W anaLla AustBe to par anY ~~! ton foregoing anms.
<br />h. Adtlilt8nnl Liang. TrustUr shall make au paynnpris of lnlprBal and prinp:pai and
<br />pay..^snia Ct any hthet crargps, lean, arW ezppr.?n5 cpntrapted to 6n paid to any
<br />%'sting Ilan h41tla8 ur prior DpnpticinriBS u:per any prior Trust Cae:i. MCripege or
<br />uEtMr SaCUiiyy agreemtlRi, Der:>re tea dble mtly era Ogiinquenl aRd lu pay any other
<br />;Ia,m welch IBUpsrd:'zes ilia sxurilY granlsd harem.
<br />``-r P+atpatl0n of BaM11C4ry~g $aaWi{y. S!!oul:! 7rusirir la!1 !o main any peYmUnl,
<br />ta:l iG d dcl a} hnra!n prpv+dad, OF ll any action c: pr0.:esilnp Is commenced
<br />wMCn metal ear a!IBC!s Benellciary s r eat i^ :ne P: c+perty.:nUugmp.. pat not
<br />,r;:t@d b. n nit dcmaln, ~n _ prUCpadinga rnvuldog a
<br />u; t .:BJa $ : - a P:pu, CR!:Gatlcn in Co bp.
<br />kui ~ut+cn So at Cmnand uppr+y7 r:.;:. .... out :slnaaing Truaipr irom
<br />vat:on h ..cedar. n° -rs!aAa ur and may key /cnwaa.
<br />„r.IB4. ..mgr n :Gh in Iha iudgampnl of
<br />a,faC. ,5.d r=G;~e,+,` i,.g a ac{t /ewb•a tM1@
<br />.a.y .u true}pg nvly - i~a4nttY %ar jsB[p@ruv «FUYt r emCUnla.
<br />.u , xtn. 5., ,.9 .:, iota
<br />_ i r ..
<br />l 3 _ t 3 ~.1,+,.~
<br />.. n f,n. -
<br />+_ ~-tln~1 t J
<br />F. -.. ... , .... wJ a .. v n. nerBl,y
<br />