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S' <br />fOtya~-REf.EASi: OF lIORTGAGE--Corporaion C)~~ . ~ ~ t~ ~ ~'~ Huffman and Felton 8 Wolt Walton. Ne. 6846( <br />` IN CONSIDERATION of the payment of the debt named therein, the FIVE FOINTS BANK <br />hereby releases the mortgage made to <br />i ~ FIVE POINTS BANK by Randall W. Stewart and Gerald E. Wortman ~ i <br />'! <br />I! ~ on tlsi folloxving described real estate, to-wit: <br />j Lot Six (6}, in Block Two (2), in Westerhoff's Second Subdivision, being a Resub- ;• <br />division of the South Half (S'~) of Blocks Three (3) and Four (4) and the North <br />Half (N~) of Blocks Five (5} and Six (6), Westerhoff's First Subdivision, in the <br />City of-Grand Island, Ball County, Nebraska <br />of Section in Township ,Range of the 82-(11569 P. M., Hall <br />Coanty, State of Nebraska whirh is recorded in 9sarbc of eall SEstate Mortgages, page <br />of the records of said County. <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said FIVE POINTS BANK has eastsed . ' <br />these presents to be executed by its president and its Corporate Seal to be affixed hereto this 8th <br />day of November ,79 82. FIVE POINTS BANK <br />~ :..Witness: _.... .................... <br />~- --~'=1SUa.L}...hk1LF'1.C'~.C.r.,:1...... .. Ey-_~~~.L.~yd~'T.Yr...f~[1~='-~~;fU.t4~J -F'~esident i <br />'! ~ _lttest ... .......... .... Cashier, Secretary <br />t _.. NEBRASKA <br />~ 6"i'A'I'E OF <. ..._-- --- ----- ---- ------ t)n this..... 8th ..-day of-.._.. Noyemher,---- ---•- .., 19.$~ r <br />i ss. - <br />` ~"Ha_ll .County before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for ' <br />l . <br />i # - - -Wi_}.2iam.W. .Marshall--III-_ -----.--..-, president of the <br />~ saruntY, persgnatty came ..-- -° - - .. ..... , <br />-u. ...FIVE, POINTS.-BANK. „ ---_ ..... ... _ ...... ...... .. . . ...... .----:--a Corporation <br />i 1;0 npe ,ge~son83ljr known to be the President and identical person whose name is amazed to the above release and <br />acknoQVT~$ed' the ezecution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer, and the voluntary act and <br />deed of said Corporation, and that its corporate seal was thereto affixed by its authority. <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at....-Grand Island, 27E , in said County the day and year t ~j <br />last above written <br />My commission esp -zs..- . ....... .........~ F:`I .-: ..-. t. .... -- -.., Notary Public <br />_,_1 <br />~_ <br />;,. <br />