SZ-tj(;147~3[} MORTGAGE
<br />TFII$ INDENTURE. ~mde Chia __ F3th day of __ NovftA})~=L' ty 82 h}" any between
<br />of __ Hall County. Nrbraeka, as mortgagor 5__ . _-._..__._. and Home FederaV Sasings and 1 i+an Assoetation of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organittd and existing under the laws n[ the UmtM States of America with i4 prirt.ipal office ;u:a place of husmess at Grand Island, Nebraska, as
<br />mortgagee:
<br />WITNFSS6TN: That said mortgagor @. .____, for and in consderanon of the wm of ________ . _
<br />QNESH4ItSiiHD_.THREE.. HIILIDRED_PQBTI-THREE.. IiND ..32/ 100.__.-_--_-_ --Dollars t3~ i~4? -32----'-- --- -).
<br />the rrseipt of which is h<reny ackrmwledgrtd. do -_ -__ _. _-._ _.___ _.. h}' thew presents mortgage and warrant unto card mnrt$igm, its succcssnrs and assigns.
<br />forever, alt the following descritxd real estate, situated to the t'ounty of _ (-jgjj.-_
<br />and Starr ul Nebraska, to-wn:
<br />Together with all heacmK= air condtnumnK. l,Khtmg, and plumbtnK r+augxnrnt anri Ilaures_ .nciuwnrt ~cnrna. awnmis, sUmn windows and
<br />tiswrc, and wvndow shpdes or bhnds, crneei on or :r, ronnav:uon wnh ,n;d pn crew y. ~.. net hert~e =amr are now L,rxtrd or.-.atd property ur nerea her
<br />placed thereon.
<br />T(} t1Ak F. ANU'I'O Htyi.ll 'ifip;SARf E, ioeretnrr +.-rth ail any the trnrmrn[s, nrredotanu~nt~ and nppurtenuncrs thrrrunto br-
<br />lungtng, nr in nnywtse appartatntng. torever, and wammt the t:tir r,i roe- ~an:«• axi murKagor y n<mhy ,. r.. errant wnh sa,d
<br />mortgagee that t t!e 5J rTTe ,-_ the ~.l::h•.rn tart.,.- the ;aw tut nw Hers of the prenusta above convey,xi uud eiesenbr[i,
<br />and 3Tfl- sxutd of n gurus and mdeleasrbfr t•. ~en• •:. mtrrntnn<e the=roen. f and rirar „i nli rncumhrances, and that the X. wdl
<br />wnrrpnt and deferni the Uttr themr~s fsvrs.rr agnrnxt K tin : arn.v and da:nwnd~ <.-1 shapsr_xnu wPnm.:?evr-r-
<br />PROVIUEi1 A4N'A'YS. and thrs utstnrmenc :. rxrr-uteri and deLs rn•d u, ~+~cun tt:r pacmrnt of the sum :,t
<br />i2NE. THOllSs~ND THREE. HL.NDREDrOR'TY-THREE AND 3'I1Q4 ---- i)s,fian~S 1,3K3.32
<br />with mtennt tlsermn, tagrther w:[h ±uch rnnrgr=, and „r.vnme~ a_ a +• due auu pay able w ..vd murtKaKaa• umier the t<stn.:md ruudn u,m:
<br />ni the promisaory twee of even date hen•w;th and =.• ,.i r:."erns---, +. :.utrd t; s~ ,xrd t; <>tt Kak:or S -- --ant.:nnt tKaKtx. puyulsk• a ~apre v,r~d
<br />in said note, end to snavre the perfurmancr of pli :he terns and rondit;nns ron[arnrdt than„m- The ta•rnu of surd Hoer are hrrtbc ineurpunurd
<br />herein by Cron refenncr.
<br />li rs the vrtbntwn atxi agrnernent of the party+s hereu, t':nt ci:rs murtgnKr =•,irnii aix, .5rcun~ an} iu[ure ndvnncrs rnndc cu said murtKngorS ~..
<br />by surd mor[gegex. and any end ail >rdrhtYdrtrss ut aJdt[.+u. t.. rnr arts+>mu a..o. stn t:.d whrch said n urtgagor any of them. may owe to
<br />.spiel mortgagee, frowrvrr ev xiencrei. whnthrF ',> n+ste ~.-+-rr~,..;et ~!r .!thy: w`tssr 'E'his nn,rtKaKr .xhafl rrrrwiu in full Surer antl rffcrt hrtwst•n
<br />the part s hereW and rhea barn, parwttat rr}ur-u;ntaUve,, -ur.-s,+vc and a.v.:K:u. until all xmuwus saK:urrd hen~under, including futun•
<br />pdvances, ate peed m tut: wrlh mtxrrrrt.
<br />7=he mortgagor g. hereby aantgn ..• snuff r.:crtgngsa~ xi! rents and : some net ing xt any and all times from .axt prulxrty and
<br />hereby authorux shed murtgpgp; or rtn agent. at r„ uptxr ulwn default. u, Coke ::hargasuf tiara property and collect ail mots and un-omc
<br />therefnan artd apply the name is the pxiy n:e .. .rf ~:ntnr.•+n, f•nrx:pn!. :..s..ranca ; mn;~um., tuxa-s, a-sa>>smen[.s. n•parr+ sr hn{utn~emrnts
<br />rtea»mry to keep nazi property m tstuwtable,xsndtcion, or w othra ctwrgrn or paymen[y provrdtxi fr.r hera•ix: ur in the note hereby securt[f.'fhr.
<br />rent asstgnnreat shall continue in [peer untri the unpasd bainncr ut sntd nvtr rm fui:y paid. 'fhe tvtkutg of ponsrs~zwn hereunder shall m nn manner
<br />prevent rsr retard said mortgagee in crrtia:twn u, soot gums i,} forrtkrure ur o[.herw tsr
<br />'She fadure ni the mortgagee to anarrt any of :ts c~gnts hereunder at any ume shnii nn[ hr construed xa a waiver of it4 rrKht [o assert the
<br />vpr>ir ut any later trine. acrd [o trutnt sspnn and e[dotcr --trct c:rupiiance -v.-tth atl tlm trrnn a<ai provntosts :rt =a;d no6c anJ of thts murtguKe.
<br />tt satd mortgagor S shall must tp :.r patd ter stud murtgngK the .-nlr:e amoum due a hrrrund+•c, and under t.,r terms anil pro na.
<br />L,i surd rwte herab}• arcured. taa_luding future adeartcto, and an}- exoetvrers ur nnewa4c thern:S m acarrdmrcc with Ctrs tenru vuu3 pray m,~ a.
<br />th¢reuf, at'td if said moriga{yror 8 shah comply with ail the prov~vmns ui .void Harr and ui t hts nwngugr.. r he.n ths,se prwecnts shxti ;c.• snrri;
<br />otirvvripa W ntaoaia la Fill force aril ef~gt, oral Waal mortgnga shall fur entrtkv3 w the lusnvr:,, u[ ail of -:s rd pr ,{.arty, and may, at r4~ opt vrn,
<br />d+,rlere tl,a >rrh:._1a of tsr~ aed tLi 51r ~htasYeNax +Ynrr_w=nt-.~ [harulry r rx: ~runuS ar_. ,. cloy :d }wyat,k- r nci may t rca=._~ thws rxirtgay;r
<br />rue trka any oi:har l~al ncfinn cu proWCl eta riKhe npprataeau.•nt wa.vrd
<br />ru rtimttgnge shat; i,e i;irdsng upcm and shah enure [;; t hr fsem!fit cf t."•r h.,., z. a:;,t!aturn. =uccra+•:,r. and pssr};nv v,l the
<br />teapeu:tivr partxn hrrrw
<br />~r~p"43"ST:1 },,,~S kF klk tiE.CFi^, sat.u~`t$rMgxg,x v;x fu .°e he.rruut+i se, thpi.,C ¢~nrxf ,y _ „~, r,,,r ,,,t firwt ~6r,,:
<br />;:/
<br />TO17D vf' *4L:RF[EA:1 MrSRY 1. F'fU,1RHEAF!
<br />__. _._
<br />