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g2- f1tJ4'7'i:i MORTGAGE <br />THLS [NDENTU KE, ,mde this 5th _ _ day o{ _- -NoVefnber 1y) 82 by :md lu~twre•n <br />:t._EPDIk_ YQ[JNG A1~rD ANNA LEE YOUNG., HUSBx113D 11ND WIFE - <br />of _.._ ~ldu-.._____ County, 4ebraska• as murztxagor S__._ . and Homr fWxra; havings and I,tan Assuc+aur>n ui Lirand Island, a corporation <br />organizW and existing under the laws of the United Slates of America with its prinnpa; :!+(re and place ci bus+nea= at Grand Island, Nebraska, as <br />mortgagee: <br />WITNFSSETH: That said mortgagor.._...5_____...far and in considtraunn nt+hc sum or ThTS.f_ee11__Thn+eaanA Fnnr <br />Hundred Nineteen dollars and 28/100 ---------------- 13,419.28 <br />the receipt of which is heret+y acknnwlWgW. do .. __ __ .___ _. _ _ hp theca presents mnri gaee and warran[ unto said mortgagee. its cueeesmrs and assigns. <br />4,rerer, a!i the following descnfurf real estate. ,mated in thel~unnte.?I - _ HaI1 <br />and Stale of Nebraska, to-wrt: <br />A CERTAIN PART OF THE NORTH IO ACRES OF THE WEST H.4LP OF THE "10RTHWEST QUARTER (W`~NW~) OF <br />SECT70N 10, IN 'COWNSHTP il, NORTH, RANC.F. 9 WEST OF 'PHE 6TH P.M. PtORE PP.RTICULARLY llESCRIB <br />AS: BEGINNING AT A POTNT ON THE NORTH LINE OF `L'HE NORTH t0 ACRES OF THE WEST HALF OF THE <br />WEST QUARTER (W'~NW1~) OF SAID SECTION i0, WHICH POINT IS 742.0 FEET WEST OF '1'HE NORTHEAST <br />CORNER OF THE NORTH 10 ACRES OF THE .JEST HALF OP THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (W~NWt-t) OF SAID <br />SECTION 10; RL'~iNING THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTH 10 ACRES OF THE <br />WEST HALF OP 'PRE NORTHWEST QUARTER (W~NWt-,) OF SATB SECTION i0, 331.0 FEET, KUNNING THENCE <br />WEST PARALLEL TO TIIE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTH 10 ACRES OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST <br />QUARTER (W~h'Wt-t) OF SATD SF.CTTON t0, 132.E FEET, RUNNItiG THENCE tiORTH PARALLEL TO THE FAST <br />LINE OF THE NORTH 10 ACRES OF THE WEST rALF OF THE NORTHWEST '.;DARTER (Wt~NtJ%~) OF SAID SECT <br />10, 331.0 FEET TO ~ POIP7T ON THE NORTH LINE OF 'IHE NORTH ]0 ACRES OF THE (.JEST HALF OF THE <br />NORTHWEST' QUARTER (W~IJW3L) OF SAID SECTION 10, RliNNING THENCE EAST'?`PON AND ALONG THE NORT <br />LINTE OF THE NORTH i0 ACRES OF "I'HE (JEST HALF OF THF, NORTHWEST iiUARTER (W'-sNtJ%) OF SAID SECT <br />20, 132.0 FEET TO THE ACTtiAL POTNT OF BEGINNING, ~UB.JF.CT, HOWEL'F.R TO ONE HALF OF THE COUN <br />ROAD TO T1iE NORTIi ()F SAID PREMISES. <br />l'nKM her wnh alt heattn%- a ncfit+uninK. itKht+nK. a d piumbtnK r,t-,+,pn;rnt ,uru f~<t urr~_ ~n, .u..+ , n, .. eunK., _,ru windows and <br />dotxs, and window .hades nr+bbrds_ used on ..r +rt + nanrrt+or. w+th Want prn;rert ~~ ~ nether the ,anu• arrrnow~ h«-and~or, -s+d prnlafttc or hr•rrnlt+~r <br />piacrd themm <br />-1Y5 }IAL'f; .4Ntl T(r HE);,ll TFI E: 4A31 t:, !a%ec h:^r w,ih .:ii anti ,~.nqukar the t,meuu•nt~.:.. r. <_+. a...,=et- :uw apirurtrunm"•s thereunW n,~. <br />tungm%. ur m anew eae npixnn+mn%, tinrever, and wn. Wort the tale :., -..e ,ana~. ., o+d ,~ w ,, r='% .en .+s , rvonan+ x+th ,aid <br />tun%aqe« that C hey are - at +hr ,Ivb. ere i„ n.u, 'he irstut ,.win r g -d +Pn• pn m,,., renos,• con _ ni sod tiesenlx•d. <br />and ~.rC' se+atsi of a Kuu+l and ,nciefKns;hEc r-.tata• .:f ,nm•ntann• tnerr+n- tree anti ,, ,•i :+II •~+, urni,rnnrr., ,+nd that L: heir ., +it <br />warrant ++nd defend the retie tnerew frre•ver nKaur~t +he •_Iaun+ and +iemard~ +,[ aif per:,uns »hnmti,rr.-,~r <br />PK04'lllEll ALti'RYS, and thrn+mtrurtrent n,-x:<u+c,i amt deiw.~nwi co .ecu,r the pacmem of the aum,•i Thlr teen- - <br />Thousagd Four Hundred tiin~.te~n d~Iiar~ and 281100 a„iie+r,=s 13,414,28 <br />wsth interest thert~rn, tagrther wuh -uch t harK -, and ,n. n., a., n ,tie Ana i;n. aide- u. - d :r ..n KaKr.• under the t. r.+. -and ~ .miiuon, <br />of the pmmrssun- :+ou.• of even eietc hrrew-nh amt .+•cun..! Hecate :- tcutn<f hi +n:d iuurtxmKor $_ .n •atd m.rrtKaKre- pa vsE+Ie .._ , : "~d <br />in said rwte, sad to secure the periormartc~ of nfi the o-rms ¢, ncf rond+trona u.xilarmd the-rem. The tcrnu .,( card m,u• see heneby mc+n ln•rate+r <br />herein by t}us reierrnce. <br />It is tha mt«ntiun and aqr K~n>ent of the part.ex hereto lost [hr+ r:+,rrtKaK~ ^~nnii aisrr vecun• nny tu[ure advances mode to .,•aid rmrrtKaKOrS <br />by sa+d mortgagee, and any and xd mdebuvia«es u; nddn:on :,, .,tr .um,ant a.>:,. >rtu:d whet!. -au1 ruortKagurs, .. anc of than, may owe to <br />said r~~ngagee, how«ver es eden ~i, -.r-hatber by note. i xm Wen punt •,r .,,.,. w+;+j~ ~fhrs nortgaKC shaii rrnuvn m fu0 lorcr and ef}c~t h.'iwe•rn <br />the parties hercw and thou been. lrnraunai rs•prr_,entalrv. n. ~,.c..a.ti,or± and a,.vtm=, antti a,• amounts ,~ vrtkl hen•w+der. +ncludmK !acute <br />advansxs. ale pain m fui: wnh :nter«.st- <br />'fhe mortgagor & . hereby as.,rpt ~, -a;d mo~gugtr alt rant. and m ,_ unsang at a and all urns Gam -ard property and <br />here-be authorira card nx::n%agea• ur eta nyrn,, at rt± .•puna. -npsrn ticfault_ !n take+enar%e nF seal propi ty and collect rtti n•nta and <br />iherefnm xnd apply [h« ware w th« ;car nxnt tit mirrrst, i,nnnpai. !.+=urance pmm+una, taxes, asses+mens. mpairs , ;rnpo,•nn <br />[n;txsanry w keep sai.t property in tamntable wndtWOrt. or to ether charKes ur Iwvments lirovtdud for herein ur m the note h:•n•in• >ecunvl. '1'hrs <br />rem aaatgru»tint +lu+li rnnttnue m (area until the anpard baianre rt said note s Euilc pa ~:'he taking of ;roer.rsstor. hereunder ,hail 6n nu mannoe <br />prevent nr reurrd sauf rnnngagee at the ttiifutarn ,u said +urn. by h,reduyun• ,x •ri heru+s+•. <br />"i`he fadure of th« mungagre w assert any r•f us r IKhts hereunder xt any time o-hnii n±.t t sons(rural as a waiver n! Its riKht. to :+s.r•rt ti+e <br />satrre at say tacit :one, and w u<s+at upon arxi enimu~ ,t .vt rompiiancc with ail the (eons and p ru. +o n.. +_, ,a,d nou: and of th+s rnortKape- <br />If sa%! mortgagor g start! cause w ba pa+d w said :+urtgayrt the .vrtue unwunt due a t:ercumler.:md under the (coos rand pro +. wu_ <br />al said swua hereby secured- u+riuding htturt advanr+s. sod nny ex i.ens.ores ur rrnewaL,~ thenvf m acuarinncr- with the tiers and pnr<t.,on. <br />i.lfere6l, sex! tt said rteartgagrrr S scull cnzpiy ati the provesurns tit as d ante. ar,„) of tt:u nrortgaK-•. t`.;.•n tt:rx prwsent., :.!tali ta• .u«I. <br />otharwtsa is rsroain to full (ortz Wad eflact. enrf eid ruprtgn%tv±aluul kw_ corer[ nl to tta.~ ;H ~.vs,-ss+un of nd of ,a+rf property. and awy. at +ts upt+un. <br />.iaE:Iare the srhvia of said ~rtc and sit trrdahtednese rep~sereed :nereby tr, ere +mrr,s.tauuiy da:• Arai rah ,hie, and rr ,=atluaz t h.s r.a,r,KaK. <br />,v ta'ae ary other Iwg~ a to protect ni rv%hi. AGprn++r-(Went wnivnl. <br />'I` rrrertgage .-halt fw bmdin8 spun scat shall enure t•+ the P.«rx,S+t nt the•x.~.vtnr.. nnmuuetrn[ur...u,:t'esn,n~ and •+s-s:Kn•+,.I th+• <br />tea;q:[3ive partaw herek, <br />IN riETN~S, t~Y}Yt;Kt US-. <br />mtttei+ <br />..~~ .~ f- -..+'h <br />sail 'slgnKag,: ~ f:a VN nrr.zu;e.a ..t t'iteit' 4nuJ ~ -n. ,.._• ..,.+ +•ar ,~r r .,.>. ~.: <br />_`:t <br /> <br />