8~~~~1U''3! 7fJ
<br />Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot
<br />Five (5), Block Two (2), Stewart Place Sub-
<br />division; thence, Easterly along the North
<br />line of said Lot Five (5), a distance of
<br />Ninety-Three and Six Tenths feet (93.6');
<br />thence, deflecting left 63° 20' and running
<br />Northeasterly, a distance of One Hundred
<br />and Twenty-One and Eight Tenths feet (121.8');
<br />thence, deflecting left 121° 31' and running
<br />Southwesterly, a distance of One Hundred Fifty
<br />and Two Hundredths feet (150.02'), to a point
<br />on the East line of Lot Four (4), Block Two
<br />{2), Stewart Place Subdivision; thence,
<br />Southerly along the easterly line of said Lot
<br />Four (4), a distance of Ninety-Six and Twenty-
<br />Seven Hundredths feet (96.27') to the-place
<br />of beginning and containing 12,297.16 square
<br />feet, or 0.282 acres, more or Less.
<br />12. A tract of land comprising a part of Lot Five
<br />{5), Block Two {2), Stewart Place Subdivision
<br />in the City of Parkview, tdebraska, more par--
<br />ticularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point on the-North line of said
<br />Lot Five (5), said point being One Hundred
<br />Sixteen and Forty-Nine Hundredths feet (116.49')
<br />West of the Northeast corner of said Lot Five
<br />(5); thence, Westerly along the North line of
<br />said Lot Five i5), a distance of One Hundred
<br />Five and Four Tenths feet (105.4'); thence,
<br />Southeasterly, a distance bf One Hundred Sixty-
<br />Nine and Seventy-Seven Hundredths feet (169.77')
<br />to a point Two Hundred Seven and Seventy-Seven
<br />Hundredths feet (207.7?') West of the Southeast
<br />corner of said Lot Five (5); thence, Easterly
<br />along the South line of said Lot Five (5), a
<br />distance of Seventy-Six and Ninety-Eight
<br />Hundredths feet (76.98'); thence, Northeasterly,
<br />a distance of One Hundred Sixty-Eight .and Eighty-
<br />Eight Hundredths feet {168.88') to the place of
<br />beginning.
<br />13. A tract of land comprising a part of the North-
<br />west Quarter of the Northeast Quarter {NW'~NE'~)
<br />of Section Twenty-Nine (29), Township Eleven
<br />(11} North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M.,
<br />more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point Thirty-Tliree feet {33.0')
<br />West and Thirty-Three feet (33.0'} South of the
<br />Northeast corner of said Northwest Quarter. of
<br />the Northeast Quarter (NW~tNE~); thence, Westerly
<br />parallel to the North line of said. Northwest
<br />Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW~4NE~), a
<br />distance of One Hundred Twenty-Four and Sixty-
<br />Seven Hundredths feet (124.67'); thence, deflect-
<br />ing left 890 50' and running Southerly, a distance
<br />of One Hundred Thirty-One and Twelve Hundredths
<br />feet {131.12'}; thence, deflecting left 110° 27'
<br />20" and running Northeasterly, a distance of One
<br />Hundred Thirty-Four and Five Tenths feet (134.5')
<br />to a point Thirty-Three feet {33:0') West of the
<br />East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Nort:
<br />east Quarter (NW~NE~}; thence, Northerly paraliw~
<br />to the East line of said Northwest Quarter of.,,
<br />the Northeast Quarter, (NW'~NE~t), a distance of
<br />Eighty-Four end Five Tenths feet (84.5') to the
<br />place of beginning, containing 13,528.02 square
<br />feet., or 0.3?1 acres, more ar leas.
<br />u~;_
<br />