<br />' SATWACTION W Q0.AL EfTATi M00.TGAGi-ay C_orporatini STATi O! WISCONlIN-FOix NO. S9 ',.'/G='- ~' ~'`-"1+.~~€+w~•r® -
<br />Know all Men by These Presents, 82--CJU47'72
<br />THAT...._....._ ._....Uzt~xe~~aJ....MQxtB:aBe..~orP.4.r.f.aa_Q.f...F/.iasons.i.n ....................._._..... _...-..-_...... ..................,
<br />a corporation duty arganiud and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, located at
<br />-------------_....... -- -744..N.._~tlt,...CitY--.Q.f...Ali.lr~*aukaa.._.._....-.._..._ ._..__....._............. ................._......- -..._..__...,
<br />Cottnry of..._..._.... kfflb?attkea._.._ ....._._..-_., State of Wisconsin, does hereby certify and acknowledge, that a certain
<br />mortgage, bearing date on the._......2Z.th__--..-.. _. _. ---- .............day of_.._J.uly.. _.... _.. _...---._...... --.-_.----_...__, A. D., 19--2--.-•
<br />made and executed by__-----Ralph.. V.-.-Palmei'...aztd.-.Eatt ici.a_ E,.- ~a-lmer,_..hu_Sband...3nd--t?i fe------....-----------------
<br />p~OtZOERSHEMQ~ ~~rsr=-~~" _: _ ......._.- _..-...
<br />now held and owned by the corporation above named and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in .and for
<br />Nebraska
<br />°-----°Hall--------------------------------. __.- - ---.-------County, in the State of &SI66~Ifil6, on the-..._-.b.th_...-.---------...------------.day of
<br />----- August...-... _ _.. A. D., t9_$2...., at.... 15.49_o'clock...P..M., in volume.. - .. ............ - - .-.-of Mortgages,
<br />~~ on page..__..._ .............___._....., Document No.......82-00333y„_ __ __, is fully paid, satisfied and discharged.
<br />And the Register of said County is hereby authorized to enter this satisfaction of record.
<br />In Witness Whereof, the said.._.....Uniyetisa],-.Mp;t(;age-.Cgrpo.t'a.ton.-of-Wisconsin--,-__-._
<br />has caused these presents to be signed by..._ --.Greg,.Wray-_..- .- .._._-..Assistant.- Vice-President
<br />ita Preaitfettt; and countersigned by._._ ......._...Chax.~,ent=.,E.,- Jace'ros~n-.-.Assistant-, Vice„-Pies,., its Si:Ct'etaiy,
<br />at---_-.,..._,---__--.Milwaukee- -__ .......... .. .....____ - --.- -- -, -.--.-.-, Wisconsin, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed,
<br />this--- - ---.ls t-.- _ - --day of -November... _- - . ...... , A. D., 19..8.2.. .
<br />Un_ iv_ ersa_2-.Mortgage_Co-rporation,-of; Wis-~onsin.
<br />Signed and Sealed in Presence of ~ ~ c°ra°TU"N'm`
<br />', ' /~ I ~~
<br />I -.._-. i .- -° .. .---
<br />r€e#erir
<br />Karen J. Ch' man ~ Creg'°W'ray _sistant Vice-Pres3;denh,
<br />_..-- -
<br />7 , UN-t$RS[G ED.
<br />[ ~ CO h
<br />+
<br />4 . ~
<br />Suzanne Rieman ` , ~_
<br />- --i`----~ j Charlene E. Jacobson Assz~~hnt
<br />} State of Wi nafa, ~ -~-Pres-ident`----
<br />Milwatkee ~'
<br />j ............._.......__.__....__..__.._-_ __._...._COUNrY.
<br />Personally came before me, this.......... 1st __....day of. ,November ---._._ ._, A. D., 19..82..,
<br />i _ __....._.... - _ _....._
<br />.. _.Greg--Wray,- ...._._.._..., .... Assistant Vice=President ________ _....._....---..President,
<br />and.........._.._..._..Charlaxte._E,....la~ohson._. _... 9saastant..Vi.ce-President.. Secretary
<br />4 ~- .............. .. ......... ............. .;
<br />i
<br />aE the above tianied Corporation, to me known to be the persons who executed the toregoing instrument, and to me
<br />Assistant Vice-Presidents
<br />known m be such.._...._....._.Preeident and.-_ ......._ -. ...- .. -becretsry of said .Corporation, anti acknow}edged that
<br />they executed the foregoing instrument as such afftcers as the deed of said Corporation, by its authority.
<br />'; 'ibis instrtaaettt was drafted by ~-. ... ... , ,,.,_-. "_,,....-.
<br />Leshin 5 Koch, Attorneys
<br />- Y.~I.11- rTv,_M..._.til+~vi nsbe ~,_ .~.. - _._..
<br />Notary Yut+ite, 39i.iwaukt:a ... .. _t2ouneg,~ Wis. ~.
<br />My Ccmrmisslr,ri expires ~-la - A. A..-ts $4 -
<br />ii€€'R1~3F M3# %1} ,€ t4 #iilt+enMt. Ah€tv€q ltaiWM rice W bw€iviastli, to M reav€dN ,dw}t Asvw p4R/nls lMnrw{ +u eTpq,erlteen ebtlrwn ,ham
<br />€I~MA+€ ~ €4e 0.ruu€r',. ~rMIM4 N€n€e,n !M4 wnwl,
<br />