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<br />Excerpts From Internal Revenue Code
<br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes.
<br />II any laersdn liable @ PaY arty fax neglects or reluses to pay
<br />ale same after demand, the amoum (intruding any interest.
<br />atldldonal amWnt, addition m tax, dr assessable penally.
<br />together with arty costs tltat may accrue in atldibon Wereto)
<br />shall be a Tien In~tavor of-the HtYted States upon ail propem~
<br />antl rigors b property. whether real a personal. berondmy to
<br />such person.
<br />Sec: 6322. Period Of Lien.
<br />UNeSS another date is sp~ificalty fiized by law. ine iren im-
<br />pased by section 6321 shah arise a! me turn the assessment
<br />is made orb shall continue until lire liability for the amount sd
<br />assessed (a a judgmem against the taxpayer arising zdt of
<br />sudl liabihtyl i5 satisfied W Oetane5 urienfaceab!e by reason
<br />of WPSe b time.
<br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority
<br />Against Certain Persons.
<br />(a) Purchasers, Naldors Of Security Ifder-
<br />ests, Machade's (.Moors, And Judgment
<br />(Jan Crediter3. -Tne hen miposetl by seclron 632' shad
<br />rm1 be valid as against arty purchaser, Holder df a security in-
<br />brest, mecnamt's gertor, a lodgment yen creditor anal
<br />Irotlce thereof whkh mesh We requirements ci suMachon (it
<br />fins been Ihetl by the Secretary.
<br />(b) ProMclMn For CertaM Interests Even
<br />Though NafMs FNad.-Even [hough notice of a,ren im-
<br />pose0 by SBChOn 53?1 has Lwe(1 FIIed, such lien shall not de
<br />valW-
<br />(q PMee Fa Filing NeOce: Fain. -
<br />(q PWce For Fhinp.-The rrobce relerred ro m suc-
<br />secnan (a) shalrbe likd-
<br />tAl UrbefStaMtaws.-
<br />(l) Real Properly.-id the ta58 d real properly. ~n
<br />ore office wihin We Sofa (pr dw county, a zNar
<br />gwarrmentai subdivision), as designated by me Taws o.
<br />such Sffi1e, in which the property subject td ine hen is
<br />shuated; aM
<br />(ki Persanl Property.-In the rasa tit personal
<br />property. wileater tangible a intangible, rn tine Deice
<br />wnthtn L'(B State for ine county, a other ydvxinmaittat
<br />suhdfvrslon), as denigrated by the Wws of such State, In
<br />wflldh the property subject to the Tien Is vtuated:
<br />a
<br />(9) MAW CNrk 01 Bisukt Coon.-In We office of the
<br />clerk of the United States diskict court tar bu judicial
<br />tlisUtct b which the Droperry subject to rien is situated.
<br />wiWrever the State Ins not by law desBplated ono onlcq
<br />wtkeh meets the regiwerrleeie m suopardgraph (A); e.
<br />r T
<br />G
<br />' ~y
<br />m
<br />I i1
<br />I ,~
<br />~ o
<br />;Ci Won Retarder 9t Deeas Gf Tne District of COlum
<br />bra.-m mz office o' the Reccrozr of :;zeds of 'he
<br />Drstnc[ ^f COIUm01a, d the pfOperry sddlzcl Iq Ine rien Is
<br />sr!uated .n me Dishict ut Caumbra.
<br />(?i Sdus DI Propeay Subiect To Len -For pdrnwes
<br />tit paragraphs IIj and (a;, propz~y shall ce ::eemee m pz
<br />sdwfed-
<br />-.. (A? Real Properly -:n me caseN reat~rooerty. ar ns
<br />dnysirai Ixaticn: cr
<br />161 Personal oroperry --:n tnz tse of :,ersdrwl
<br />pmperry. wneU~.ar targrble or mtane:blz. ar the mmdence
<br />al the laxea',;r nl me trine me nchce or ::::n :< :i!ed
<br />cpr pdfpdse5 U! Oarag2p0 12;;51, the ra5r'ued(ar a! a tdlpgra-
<br />hdn or pannersmp span be tleemed td de the p!zce at winch
<br />the pndcipai executive ofuce tit tnz dus,ress s ~ccateo..:nd
<br />ate residence pt a WzpaYer whose residence :_ ,vithout ine
<br />Untied Stares shall Ge deEmed ro ee ~r. me D+sinct of Ccinm~
<br />oa
<br />:3 ~ , osm i rte ,rin ant cenreni c+ tnF halite re2r-
<br />.ed tp+n sudsecuon raj snail pt prescribed by 'tie Szu etary.
<br />Such hence snzC be valor eorwdnstancinp any other dorm=_ion
<br />dr law' 'pgarCing the form df admen' :: + ndllte ~t :tan
<br />;yi Raffling Of NotiCa.-.cr curposz chins settwn-
<br />~! General Rule.-unless m;hce m azn s raffled
<br />.n ilia manner prescribed m paragraph (2) Owiny the regwree
<br />retihrvg penal. sgch nonce of lien sha!i be treated as- hietl do
<br />the tlate on w@cn it is (tied pn acterdande with suesecrion {!)!
<br />afar ice zxpnatton q! such reGnng cenod
<br />;zl PWce For Filing.-a nedce -t iron reared
<br />Curing Ine !egwrvd cabling pantie sh~'.I de etlecnve gniy-
<br />„!
<br />sutn nonce df hen ~; retried m Ine ett~ce r
<br />which Lee era nobce df hen was 1ned. and
<br />.,6? in zny c.>zz m wdich,-3p days a mare poor a me
<br />dare at > ;etihng of nulled tit liar under subparzyrapn :~I.
<br />!tie Srx:rtary retained wnttan mmrntetwn ±,o ae n>anrn:r
<br />prescndec an reguations rssuw by the Secretary; cdn-
<br />cerrdng a cnarrge iii the taxpayer's :asidence. •s a nonce
<br />of such rien is af5e h78d +n seeordance -wim sudsecndn .')
<br />:n ae Slate :n wh¢n s:.ch residence .a sealed
<br />e ~
<br />~yi
<br />..- .- r~r',--
<br />~~
<br />i31 Required-RefiRng.PerMd.-m the rase di
<br />any noise of lied, the term "required refiling peridtl"
<br />rneans-
<br />(A) the one~Year pericd entlitg 30 days otter the ex~
<br />puauon of 6 years after ttce date of the assessment of
<br />the lax, and
<br />16! the one-year ceriod eutling wAh [tie expiration pl
<br />5-years-after the close of the precedirp required reliling
<br />nenod for such notice of lian-
<br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or Dis-
<br />charge Of Property.
<br />:.ay Release Of lien.- sudject to sdcn regutatidm
<br />._ hz Secretary may prescribe, the Setretary may issue t
<br />certihcatz of release tit any lien imposed wiW respect U
<br />any :nternai revenue Ws it-
<br />(p Uability Satisfied or Urenlw.aeable.-ine Sea
<br />'elary !irbs that InR iiabliiCy :Of IM am0u0t dS5e55ed,
<br />:ogether wile ail interest in respect NeredS, has Veen fatty
<br />ialistied dr has octane Iegaily Unenforceable: Or
<br />t21 Bdnd Accepted. -~IDere is lumished ro the
<br />Secretary and accepted by him a Dana that is conditioned
<br />opdn mz payn;ent o' We amount assessed, together wiN
<br />an Interest in respec[ Ihereol, within the time Drescribed by
<br />'~.ae imdudmg any extension of such timer, and that is in
<br />:ctdrdance with such requirements reWUng to lem6, door
<br />diedns. anC form el the bond and sureges thereon, as
<br />:nay tie specdietl by such regdlations.
<br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and dis-
<br />closure of returns and
<br />return information.
<br />jk) aisclasure of Certain Rqurns and
<br />Return Information Far Tax AdmioMdation
<br />Purposes.-
<br />"?isclosure. o' airtUUni of eU4standirg rien.-It
<br />ncuce ~a: hen has b28n Illed pursuant to secaon 6323(Q,
<br />the anount o; the calslarwing cbligation secured by such
<br />rien may ce tlkclosed td any person whc turnistles sag5-
<br />ractury '.vntten dwdence inat tie ras a right in the oreperry
<br />sa0}ec! :d seen her, er intends to darain a rigor m such
<br />gape: ry
<br />
<br />
<br />Z %i.terec~ as boaxfrfertt t'mD.
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